File #:
On agenda:
Final action:
Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
1. Agenda, 2. 09:00 AM, 3. 09:05 AM, 4. 09:10 AM, 5. 09:15 AM, 6. 09:25 AM, 7. 09:35 AM, 8. 09:45 AM, 9. 09:50 AM, 10. 09:55 AM, 11. 10:00 AM, 12. 10:05 AM, 13. 10:15 AM, 14. 10:25 AM, 15. 10:35 AM, 16. 10:50 AM, 17. 10:55 AM, 18. 11:05 AM, 19. 11:10 AM, 20. 11:15 AM, 21. 11:20 AM, 22. 11:25 AM, 23. 01:00 PM, 24. 01:05 PM, 25. 01:10 PM, 26. 01:15 PM, 27. 01:20 PM, 28. 01:25 PM, 29. 01:35 PM, 30. 01:50 PM, 31. 02:05 PM, 32. 02:20 PM, 33. LI Recommendations, 34. Post Committee Letters, 35. Agenda 11-23-21, 36. Post Council Letters, 37. 11-23-21 LC.pdf
11/23/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: Agenda Only
TAKERIAN, Daniel Z, Agent for "DZT Midwest Entertainment LLC", Amusement Machine or Jukebox Distributors Application for "DZT Midwest Entertainment" at 1207 Kingston Av.
01 COBBS, Daryl V, Agent for "NYC INC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "NYC Cars" at 6751 N TEUTONIA Av.
03 TRALONGO, Benedict Secondhand Dealer's License Transfer - Change of Location for "Say Werd" at 3474 N Oakland Av.
04 EKELMANN, Robert M, Agent for "CSM Milwaukee Downtown LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "Residence Inn - Milwaukee" at 101 W Wisconsin Av #3.
04 AMAYA, Carrie L, Agent for "International Exports LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Transfer Applications with Change of Agent for "The Safe House" at 779 N Front St.
04 KOVACH, Keren, Agent for "Integrated Plankinton Milwaukee LLC", Loading Zone Permit Renewal Application with Change of Agent for "Cambria Milwaukee Downtown" at 503 N Plankinton Av.
04 NEAD, Joshua L, Agent for "TUPELO HONEY HOSPITALITY CORPORATION", Class B Tavern, Sidewalk Dining and Food Dealer License Transfer Applications with Change of Agent for "Tupelo Honey Cafe" at 511 N BROADWAY #100.
06 HOLMES, II, Thomas J, Agent for "Lux2 LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Transfer Applications Adding 1 Pool table and Dart Board for "Lux" at 2712 N MARTIN L KING JR DR.
13 MCCLELLAND, Morgen M, Agent for "First Transit Inc", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License Application Dealing, Storing and/or Transporting, Removing and/or Recycling Waste Tires for "First Transit" at 4524 S 13TH St.
13 NANEZ PEREZ, Jesus E, Agent for "The FarmHouse Studio LLC", Request Unusual Circumstance Waiver to Reinstate Permanent Extension Food and Alcohol Applications with Change of Floor Plan for "The FarmHouse Paint and Sip" at 4507 S 6th St.
13 SMITH-JAMES, Patsy, Agent for "Barclay Place LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications Adding 5 Amusement Machines for "Pat's Niche Pub+Grill" at 3956 S Howell Av.
15 JONES, Gwendolyn L, Agent for "Midwest Autos & Services, LLC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "Midwest Autos & Services" at 1711 W Center St.
15 NARR, Amy E, Agent for "TRICICLO PERU LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Opening Sun and Tues at 3:00 PM, Closing Sun, Tue-Sat at 11:00 PM To Sun 1:00 PM-8:00 PM; Closed on Tues and Closing at 9:00 PM Wed-Sat for "TRICICLO PERU " at 3801&3805 W VLIET St.
15 WASHINGTON, Shamia, Agent for "AUTHENTIC GRAB LLC", Secondhand Dealer's License Application for "AUTHENTIC GRAB" at 2730 W FOND DU LAC Av #1.
Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/23/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: Warning Letter
PELIKAN, John A. Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application
WYNVEEN, Neil G, Home Improvement Salesperson's License Application.
OFFICE, Shawn M, Agent for "QUICK CLICK LLC", Home Improvement Contractor's License Application for "QUICK CLICK”
RODRIGUEZ BALTAZAR, Edgar, Agent for "E & Y Construction Inc", Home Improvement Contractor's License Application for "E & Y Construction Inc".
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/23/2021 | 0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/23/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: The question was put: Have the members of the Common Council read the report and recommendations of the Licenses Committee and the exceptions filed under this matter?
All members of the Common Council indicated reading the report and recommendations of the Licenses Committee and the exceptions filed under this matter.
The question was put: Are there any motions relative to this matter?
Ald. Rainey moved, notwithstanding the recommendation of the committee, to return the Class B and Public Entertainment Premises license renewal applications for Michael Ray Sr. agent for Gold Diggers Milw for the premises located at 4750 N Hopkins St. to committee. (Prevailed 15-0) | Pass | 15:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
11/23/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: Hearing no other motions made, a vote of those Council members present to approve the recommendations of the Licenses Committee as contained in File Number 211096 was called. | Pass | 15:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 HAYES, Tydus D, Agent for "Pat's Rib Place 2, LLC", Class B Fermented Malt Beverage License Application for "Pat's Rib Place 2" at 400 N WATER St.
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Bauman recommended to hold the application.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair.
The applicant was present at 12:00 pm
Ald. Perez moved for reconsideration.
Tammy Bockhorst on behalf of Ald. Bauman said that there are no objections.
Ald. Dodd moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
| | 5:0 |
Roll call
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 LUDWIG, John M, Agent for "RILEY'S SANDWICH COMPANY LLC", Class B Tavern License Application for "Riley's Social House" at 411 E MENOMONEE St.
Applicant present said that his plan is to have a dog friendly bar.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Bauman said that he has no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 POYTINGER, Marla R, Agent for "Amped MKE, Inc", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Premises Entertainment License Applications Requesting Disc Jockey, Bands, Karaoke, Comedy Acts, Patrons Dancing and 4 Concerts for "Amped" at 902 W Juneau Av.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Bauman said that he has no objections.
Als. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 YAFAI, Ahmed K, Agent for "Tourist Convenience LLC", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor and Food Dealer License Renewal Application for "Racks Full of Snacks" at 240 W Wells St. (Expires 11/29/2021)
Applicant present with Atty. David Bangert.
Atty. Bangert expressed that the employee involved in the police report incident was reprimanded and that Mr. Yafai would not tolerate such behavior ever again and have adopted a store policy of no firearms are allowed from customers and employees and have given instructions of not to resist a robbery. Added that on the second incident on the police report, the employee stood back as he was supposed to.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Bauman recommended renewal with a warning letter.
Ald. Dodd moved renewal with a warning letter. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 VAILLANCOURT, Erica E, Agent for "Interstate Parking Company LLC", Parking Lot and Weights & Measures License Renewal Applications for "Interstate Parking Company LLC" at 328 N Van Buren St. (Expires 12/16/2021)
Applicant stated that they have been in constant communication with District 1 and that they have a plan to address to mitigate the situation.
Individuals in opposition:
Alyssa Kaleta (525 E. Chicago St.) stated that since May 2021 illegal racing is taking place in the parking lot and has reported to Ald. Bauman and Police. Added that the company do not secure the property after hours causing noise and safety concerns for the neighbors.
Individuals also present:
Anthony Janowiec (stockholder) stated that he is also working with Milwaukee County as the property is owned by the county. Barriers have been broken and locks are routinely cut and armed security guards are ignored. Added that they will immediately implement their plan (barricades in the center of the lot, gates at both entrances) to prevent speeding and that they will also meet with the neighbors and work on other means to address the issues.
Ald. Bauman said that has received numerous complaints since spring and that the file convey rubbing engines, racing cars, noise, etc., resulting in the consumption of police resources. Said that he is concerned that until that plan is presented the problem will persist and that surveillance cameras will not stop the activity. He wants a plan that is accepted by the neighbors.
Ald. Borkowski stated that it is insulting hearing business owners not caring about residents since this problem is going on since May and no plan in place in November yet.
Ald. Dodd moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 02 DAVIS, Charlie E, III, Agent for "Syrs Restaurant and Lounge LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Premises Entertainment License Applications Requesting Instrumental Musicians, DJ, Jukebox, Bands, Karaoke, Poetry Readings, Comedy Acts and 1 Pool Table for "Syrs Restaurant and Lounge" at 9316 W Appleton Av.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Todd Miller on behalf of Ald. Johnson said that he is in support of the license.
Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 RICE, James, Agent for "625S6THBAR LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Instrumental Musicians, Disc Jockey and Bands for "Last Rites" at 625 S 6TH St.
The applicant stated that the incidents from the police report happened long ago.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said that he supports the application.
Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 EWAN, Shana Y, Your Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting Disc Jockey, Patrons Contests, Patrons Dancing, 1 Pool Table and Movie Projector Screen on Stage for Music Videos for "The Chi Lounge and Grill" at 2000 S 13th St.
The applicant stated that she has talked to the neighbors.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said there was a neighborhood complaint, which is not in the file. He asked that this application be held to engage the applicant with near-by residents. He is concerned that he has not heard from any neighbors saying they are in support.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 08 GUTIERREZ GARNICA, Angel, Agent for "El Jalapeno Restaurant, LLC", Class B Tavern, Extended Hours Establishments, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications for "El Jalapeno Restaurant" at 2106 W National Av. (Expires 12/3/2021)
Appeared with the applicant: Angel Gutierrez Sanchez- Interpreter
No comments from the applicant about the police report.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Zamarripa stated that the owner has been cooperative and has put safety plans for his business. She supports the renewal since there are no red flags.
Ald. Dodd moved renewal. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 08 MUSTAFA, Mazen T, Agent for "GOODSPOT, LLC", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "GOODSPOT FOODS" at 2201 W NATIONAL Av. (Expires 11/26/2021)
Atty. Vincent Bobot appeared with the applicant stated that the incident on the police report occurred at different location and at this time his client cannot discuss the details of the incident following the recommendation made by his criminal attorney. Added that the item on the police report is an individual issue not related to the business and does not t know when it is going to be resolved.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Zamarripa said that she understands that this matter on the police report is still being adjudicated and that she would also wants this item be held open.
Ald. Perez moved renewal with holding the item #2 on the police report open. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 15 GHAFFAR, Farhan S, Agent for "Alhamd Inc", Extended Hours Establishments, Filling Station, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Applications with Operation Hours Sun to Sat From 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM for "786 Petro Mart" at 2905 W Fond du Lac Av.
Atty. Vincent Bobot on behalf of the applicant stated that the incident on the police report occurred back in 2011 and asked not to consider this matter. Added that he has no objection waiting for a meeting with Ald. Stamper.
Individuals also present:
Dameon Ellzey spoke on behalf of Ald. Stamper said that the Alderman must meet with applicant before he makes his final decision
Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 15 PICKENS, Patricia A Your Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications for "Rose's Place" at 2878 N 20th St. (Expires 12/3/2021)
The applicant said that she has hired a manager after almost 50 years who made changes and has brought more people into the business. She added that she did not know that she needed a food license regarding the item on the police report. She stated that she can be contacted at any time for any concerns and that she is involved still in the operations of her business. Ms. Pickens said that she does not like what is happening outside her business; that it does not start in her business and that she is trying to control her crowd, which has become younger.
Individuals also present:
Dameon Ellzey on behalf of Ald. Stamper said that in the past there had not been issues with the police, but in the past year there have been, even one person being shot. Added that he has seen the number of cars and patrons increasing and want to make sure that there is a plan for this change of operations. Mr. Ellzey recognized that the applicant has been in the business for almost 50 years and wants to give her a chance to adapt to the new form of doing business. Added that Ald. Stamper recommends a 10 day suspension.
Ald. Perez moved renewal with a ten (10) day suspension based on the police report and aldermanic and applicant testimony. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 15 KAUR, Sandeep, Agent for "North Liquor LLC", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor and Food Dealer License Applications for "Superior Food and Liquor" at 1535 W NORTH Av.
Mr. Cooney said that the applicant contacted the license division to request to hold the application.
Ald. Dodd moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 15 COTTON, Shanita M, Agent for "T Jay's Lounge LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications for "T Jay's Lounge" at 2911 W North Av. (Expires 12/4/2021)
The applicant stated that she wasn’t there when the incident on the police report happened but the manager called her saying that he did not know how the weapon got in because they searched everyone.
Individuals also present:
Captain Glidewell said that there have been 40 incidents (shootings) and 36 around this bar and expressed that he is very concerned about this renewal.
Dameon Ellzey on behalf of Ald. Stamper said that this establishment has been a consistent issue since it opened and he is in agreement with the police department in supporting non-renewal, particularly based upon cleaning up following a shooting. Added that they had previously been suspended.
Ald. Coggs asked if the manager still works there. The applicant said "yes".
Ald. Perez moved nonrenewal based on the police report, captain’s testimony and aldermanic testimony. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 13 MCKINNEY, John P, Agent for "Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "Midwest Transit Equipment" at 2828 S 16th St.
Applicant stated that he is willing to communicate.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Spiker asked to hold the application until he meets with neighbors.
Applicant accepted the alderman's petition to hold the application.
Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 13 ALMOUSA, Mohammad N M, Agent for "KK 27 Enterprise LLC", Extended Hours Establishments License Application Requesting To Open Sun to Sat from 08:00 AM to 03:00 AM for "Krazy Kitchen" at 5266 S 27TH St.
Applicant had no comments on the police report and explained that closing at 3:00 AM would help the business because sales increases late at night.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski stated that he opposes to these hours of operations. Also said that the applicant is not forthcoming regarding his application.
Ald. Spiker talked to neighbors who are in opposition to closing at 3:00 AM and received complaints about not being a good neighbor. Added that he rode over there this morning and there are two refrigerators sitting outside. He said that he is not in support.
Ald. Borkowski moved to amend the application to close at 1:00 AM
Ald. Spiker asked the committee not to extend the hours.
Ald. Borkoswki moved denial. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 SHKOUKANI, Kamal M, Agent for "Halfbaked LLC", Extended Hours Establishments and Food Dealer License Applications Requesting To Open Sun-Sat From 08:00 AM To 04:00 AM for "Winners Cafe" at 2229 S Kinnickinnic Av.
Applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 MAHMOUD, Fahim N Class A Malt & Class A Liquor License Application for "FRANKS FOOD" at 2500 S 9TH St.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Dimitrijevic stated that she is in support.
Ald. Perez moved for approval. (Prevailed 5-0) | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 REHAN, Rakesh, Agent for "Rap Us Corp", Public Entertainment Premises License Application Requesting Instrumental Musicians and Karaoke for "Cafe India - Bar & Grill" at 2201 S Kinnickinnic Av.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Dimitrijevic stated that she is in support the application.
Ald. Dodd moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 PATEL, Rupen A, Agent for "Rajdip Inc", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor License Renewal Application With Change of Hours From Closing on Sundays at 05:00 PM To Close on Sundays at 07:00 PM for "Oklahoma Liquor" at 933 W Oklahoma Av. (Expires 11/6/2021)
The applicant was not present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Dimitrijevic said that she is not in support of changing the hours because neighbors want activity in the alley to be minimal.
Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
RECESS: 11:22 A.M.
Ald. Perez moved to reconsider the application since the applicant was waiting on the telephone.
The applicant stated that he received feedback from customers and decided to apply to extend the hours on Sunday.
Terry Williams appeared on behalf of Ald. Dimitrijevic and said that neighbors rejected the change of hours of operations.
Ald. Kovac moved renewal with current hours of operations. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 GRAVES, Christopher M, Agent for "Bad Moon Saloon LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Opening Mon-Thu at 03:00 PM and Closing at 12:30 AM To Opening Mon-Thu at 01:00 PM and Closing at 01:00 AM for "Bad Moon Saloon" at 4035 S CLEMENT Av. (Expires 12/3/2021)
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Dimitrijevic stated that there are no police reports incidents and that the business sends almost a weekly flyer to communicate with the neighbors and with her office as well. Added that she doesn’t have an objection and asked if there are nuisance issues must be reported to the police.
Individuals in Opposition:
Eileen C Wolf 1100 E Norwich St – Stated that she filed a complaint with the license division which she read. Added that patrons come out and continue their party outside. Also read a flyer sent to neighbors about events coming up which include bazaars, motorcycle parts swap to which she opposes to all and wants to see it close. She added that she has had problems since the bar changed hands.
Steven Kotecki- 4069 S Clement Av – Said that they applied as a neighborhood bar but they have extended their business to a motorcycle bar now causing parking problems, people drinking outside, rubbing engines late at night creating nuisances which are not permitted by the City. Added that owners aren’t living up to the original commitments to the neighborhood. Also said that their parking issues are creating a nuisance in the neighborhood; patrons encroach on driveways. Added that the noise from the bar and its patrons drowns out his TV and they are using the internet to put on massive events on weekends in a residential neighborhood.
Ald. Perez moved renewal. Objection by Ald. Borkowski. (Prevailed 4-1).
RECESS at 12:09 PM
Gary Messenger was left on the line without being heard.
| Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: FALLON, Olivia Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application.
The applicant stated that she made a mistake that she wishes didn’t happen. Added that she typically walks or takes uber service to work and that she did an assessment and still in the process with the lawyer. Added that she needs to work since it is her only job.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski stated that there were 2 previous OWI and that the 3rd one is alarming.
Ald. Coggs asked about the result of the assessment.
The applicant said that no addiction.
Ald. Kovac moved renewal with a warning letter. (Prevailed 4-1)
| Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: GREEN, Ivory Class D Operator’s License Application.
Ald. Dodd moved denial based on second nonappearance. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: MOORE, Eddie J, Mobile Seller's License Application.
Ald. Perez moved denial based on second nonappearance. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 07 MERCADO, Luis, Agent for "Mercado Auto Body INC.", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Transfer Application with Change of Hours From Closing Mon - Fri at 06:00 PM and Sat at 01:00 PM To Closing Mon - Fri at 08:00 PM and Sat at 03:00 PM for "24/7 Auto Sales" at 3801 N 35th St.
Atty. Michael Maistelman appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Rainey said that he supports the application.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 07 ROYAL, SR, Lamar L, Agent for "ELARE HOLDINGS L.L.C.", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "ELARE HOLDINGS L.L.C." at 4203 N 48th St.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 07 BARNES, Garfield W, Agent for "T&A Autobody, LLC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "T&A Autobody" at 5227 W Hampton Av.
Applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Rainey stated that he supports the application.
Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 07 EDWARDS, Sherine G, Agent for "UPPA YARD LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Applications with Change of Agent for "Uppa Yard" at 4947 W FOND DU LAC Av. (Expires 11/16/2021)
Atty. Aaron Dekosky appeared with the applicant.
Individuals in opposition:
Lee Beans - 3227 N Sherman Blvd. stated that he owns the building next door which has been a church for 30 years and it is located less than 15 feet which is an issue. Added that for the last year he hasn’t been able to use the rear parking lot of his own property because Uppa Yard is using his parking lot permanently so he has filed a lawsuit after he was threatened by Mr. Edwards and his father when he asked them to remove their trucks from his own parking lot. Said that the reason why there is not police report is because 7th district refused to take the report. Mr. Bean stated that he did not know what Uppa Yard was going to do until they move when Atty. Dekosky asked him if he raised any objections prior Uppa Yard getting the license. Mr. Bean said that Uppa Yard supplied Concoctions with liquor despite Concoctions not having a liquor license. He had complained to the police about Concoctions selling liquor without a license. The Wisconsin Alcohol, Tobacco and Beverage finally investigated and shut this down. Said that he has submitted a file to the license division with documents and photographs to support his objection and complaints.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs requested a clarification of the application for Concoctions / Hyacinth Nembhardt
Mr. Cooney stated that the application for Concoctions was heard in 2020 and then withdrawn and that Ms. Nembhardt resigned as an agent for Uppa Yard which is the reason why this application was delayed.
Atty. Dekosky explained that Ms. Nembhardt is no longer part of the business and that the business had a previous license with a different address and then bought the building where this license is based so 4943 and 4947 are combined addresses.
Mr. Cooney said that no change in floor plan was submitted.
Ald. Rainey stated that this is the first time he heard about this business and would like to meet before making a decision.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the Class B Tavern license renewal application to the call of the chair to get clarity on what is occurring. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 07 EDWARDS, Oliver, Agent for "UPPA YARD LLC", Food Dealer License Renewal Application for "Uppa Yard" at 4947 W FOND DU LAC Av. (Expires 11/16/2021)
Ald. Rainey said had no objections.
Ald. Perez moved renewal. (Prevailed 5-0) | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 07 RAY, SR, Michael, Agent for "Michael Ray Gents Plus LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications for "Gold Diggers Milw" at 4750 N HOPKINS St. (Expires 11/23/2021)
Atty. Michael Maistelman appeared with the applicant.
Individuals in Opposition:
Roshunda Cleveland – 3750 N. 37th St. – said that there are the same, repeated problems involving loitering, littering, using the bathroom, blasting music at 3 a.m., 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. Added that she has cameras all over her property and people deliberately pee on her lawn or shoot in front of her house as they know she objects to the bar and that Mr. Ray himself parks his truck on the sidewalk and blasts music because he wants her out of the neighborhood and that he has the same behavior as his customers mirror his behavior. Said that the problem has been persisting from 5-6 years ago and that she has provided video surveillance and photographs to support her complaints to the license division.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkoswki said that as he goes through the records seems to be a many complaints from neighbors and that he has a problem when business are not considered to their neighbors so he asked the applicant what is going on. Added that there is a disconnection between what Ms. Cleveland has reported and the police reports.
Sargent Velasquez explained the difference between service calls and items on the police reports.
The applicant said that he is communicating with the neighbors and getting along with all of them except for Ms. Cleveland because she doesn't want to talk to him. Added that the police has the password to access to the business surveillance system at any time and that he has complied with everything that has been suggested in order for him to keep his business going.
Atty. Maistelman stated that the complaints from the only one neighbor are not consistent with police reports.
Ald. Coggs suggested Ald. Rainey to have a neighborhood meeting.
Ald. Rainey shares Ald. Borkowski worries and added that he is aware of Ms. Cleveland problems because also receives the emails and videos sent to the license division and he wants to know what he can do in order to protect the quality of life of the residents. Added that It is not known why there is no police report if Ms. Cleveland is calling and reporting these activities and that he will check with the local police district regarding the lack of PA-33s.
Ald. Borkowski agrees with Atty. Maistelman about the lack of evidence but that the neighbor has the evidence. Also explained that the documents in the file are redacted so the reader cannot tell it is all complaints from the same person.
Ald. Borkowski recommends a warning letter with the hopes that Mr. Ray and Ms. Cleveland and the police go thru the items to understand what is and what is not allowed.
Ald. Perez objection
Ald. Borkowski moved renewal with a warning letter. (Prevailed 4-1)
| Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 06 MCCANN, Samona, Agent for "Elevate on Humboldt LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Jukebox, 3 Amusement Machines and 1 Pool Table for "Elevate on Humboldt" at 2221 N Humboldt Av.
The applicant said the patio speakers and back-part-of-the- bar speakers were all removed and that she will have 2 roaming security guards to keep patrons out of the residential neighborhood and that the jukebox will not be using the 4 speakers that she removed.
Individuals In opposition:
Rich Steenwyk 2203 N Weil St – said he lives 300 feet away and that he wanted to highlight that this applicant’s record is very similar to the former operator’s and that the applicant has detailed many changes to the sound system to contain noise. Also said that this tavern has no parking and the neighborhood cannot support a nightclub at this location. Said that the applicant did meet with neighbors, but he still has an uneasy feeling about this and that he would like the application denied or amended to reduce neighborhood effects.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs said that she has met with the applicant more than once and that she has the same concerns from the neighbors. She added that there have been other business at that location that have not disturbed the adjacent neighborhood, that it is possible to do it and that it is the way is managed. That the applicant listened to her suggestions and made modifications.
Ald. Kovac moved to amend the application to note that there will be two security staff on-site.
Ald. Coggs asked the applicant if she is willing to amend the hours of operation because she wants to give it a chance but needs to give it a try.
Ald. Dodd moves to amend the hours of operation on the application as follows: Sunday - Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 1:00 am and Friday - Saturday from 4:00 pm to 2:00 am
Ald. Coggs moves approval as amended. Thanked the neighbor for testifying and said to the applicant that if there are issues, she will not hesitate to not support this license in the future.
Ald. Kovac moved approval as amended. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 06 GRIFFIN, Tyseria N, Agent for "GIRL POWER LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Instrumental Musicians, Disc Jockey, Bands, Karaoke and Patrons Dancing for "The Luxury Lounge" at 807 E CAPITOL DR.
Atty. Michael Maistelman appeared with applicant.
The applicant said that her plan is to have a lounge where people from the neighborhood and work in the area come to relax. to have a drink and good food.
Individuals in opposition:
Daniel Pope – 2115 N. Humboldt St. said that he owns the building on the southeast corner and that he provided a packet of photos and diagrams that were added to the file explaining how the entrance is to close from the alley (only 7 feet) creating a safety issue. Added that there are eight apartment buildings that use the alley to get in/off Capitol Dr (only seven feet away from the proposed bar entrance) and that given the amount of building apartments existing on Humboldt and the strip mall there is more traffic on that alley than on many streets of Riverwest. Another item that he wanted to highlight is the disorder and current crime situation going on right now with car windows being smashed, catalytic converters stolen and even cars being stolen. Said that there is market saturation and that adding another bar in the area (sufficient with the existing 30 bars) would not help the current situation.
Adam Bieck – 4080 N. Port Washington Rd. said he manages 3921 and 3901 N. Humboldt, which are 2-3 parcels south from the proposed tavern. Stated that the apartment complex already has traffic from the side street (alley) all day and all night, which creates a hazard already for the tenants. Added that as for the crime scenario there were 7 cars broken into Sunday morning at their complex, so adding more intoxicated patrons won’t benefit the area. He said that over the past 5 years, the neighborhood has been improving and a new tavern would be a step back.
Individuals in support:
Lataya Smith -- 225 E. Capitol Dr. – said she wants a place to relax and unwind after a long day at work.
Qiana Milton – 5817 N. 77th St. – said she reached out to the applicant when she had Junior’s and that she assisted the applicant with questions on operating a bar business and offered suggestions. She stated that she feels that the applicant is ready to operate an establishment and that she is in support.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs said that the parking and cars been broken is an issue and asked the applicant what was her plan for parking and not add issues over there.
The applicant said that her goal is to have security at the door and patrolling around making sure that patrons don't park on the apartment complexes parking lots.
Atty. Maistelman said that they have permission to use the parking lot and that will have surveillance cameras and that he has submitted a mitigation plan which includes to reach out to MPD, to secure the area and even to hire off duty officer.
The applicant said that she was the sole owner of the business when Ald. Coggs asked her the question.
Ald. Coggs asked her about her experience in managing.
The applicant said that she never owned a bar before but managed scheduled, preparing cocktails and talking to customers.
Ald. Coggs asked the applicant if she ever held a manager's license.
The applicant said: "yes, I have" for Junior's Cocktail Lounge from January 2020 to November 2020.
Mr. Cooney confirmed that Junior's held a license until January 2021 and was not renewed after that. verified that the mailing addresses for Junior's on 3300 W National Av and this applications are the same.
Ald. Coggs talked to the committee about Junior's being on Ald. Zamarripa's district and suspended for 60 days based on the police report and that between the period from committee to council even shots were fired which Ald. Zamarripa witnessed herself so the application was sent back to committee.
The applicant said that she was gone when that incident happened.
Ald. Coggs asked the applicant if she had connection to Junior's.
The applicant said "No, I don't".
Ald.. Coggs asked Mr. Cooney to verify the mailing address for Junior's and this application which turned out to be the same.
Ald. Coggs asked the applicant again for her connection with Junior's.
The applicant said that she misunderstood the question and that she knows the owner.
Ald. Coggs said that Riverworks held a neighborhood meeting where the applicant said she had no connection with Junior’s except for bartending the three times that she was asked the question. Added that upon an evaluation from social media was how they found out that both mailing addresses were the same. Also explained that even the zoning allows to change the use of the premises she must agree with the neighbors and the Riverworks Improvement District that a lounge is not the use for this building whoever the applicant be. She remember when the big lots down on Capitol Dr. became a bar and the police had to shut down E Capitol Dr. because of the volume of people attracted to the place. Added that changing the use would also change the dynamics for the commercial corridor. About the application, Ald. Coggs said that she does not feel that what the applicant has shared to this point has not been transparent and it is extremely disturbing to her. She asked that members deny this application.
Ald. Kovac asked the applicant if she had any questions for Ald. Coggs.
The applicant said that she did not have any questions but wanted to apologize for coming off that way and that she did not mentioned Junior's connections because she did not want to hinder her. She said that bringing Junior's out would have been a detour.
Ald. Kovac asked the applicant to repeat her reason for not disclosing the connection with Junior's.
The applicant said that the connection with Junior's would have an effect on the decision making.
Ald. Kovac moved denial. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: 06 DOTY, Tra-don, Agent for "Nstantly Towing LLC", Recycling, Salvaging or Towing Vehicle License Application Requesting Non-Consensual Towing Operations for "Nstantly Towing" at 632 E CENTER St.
Applicant stated that he took care of the littering ticket but could not recall exactly what the situation for the driving issue was and that he has taken full responsibility regarding carrying the gun without permission. Added that he won't be storing vehicles on premises, only his tow truck.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Kovac asked him why he applied for this license.
The applicant said that he was told by the state he needs an RST number and he currently doesn’t have one.
Mr. Cooney verified that the applicant applied for non-consensual towing operations but will need to amend the plan of operations before approval.
Ald. Coggs move to hold the application to the call of the chair and that this matter could be added to the agenda for the special committee. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: Agenda Only
03 ALBRECHT, Neil V, Agent for "Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Museums, Inc.", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications with Change of Agent for "Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum" at 2220 N TERRACE Av.
03 ANDERSON, James W, Agent for "Door County Brewing Co, LLC", Class C Wine, Food Dealer and Sidewalk Dining License Renewal Applications with Change of Agent for "Hacienda Beer Co" at 2018 E North Av.
03 LETENDRE, Mia L, Agent for "Strange Town, LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Sidewalk Dining License Renewal Applications with Change of Agent, Removing Shareholder and Transfer of Stocks for "Strange Town" at 2101-2103 N Prospect Av.
03 LINNEMAN, James A, Agent for "LINNCO, INC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Opening Mon at 07:00 PM and Tue – Sun at 08:00 PM To Opening Sun – Mon at 11:00 AM for "LINNEMAN'S RIVERWEST INN" at 1001 E LOCUST St.
04 METZ, Allison, Agent for "207, LLC", Loading Zone Permit Renewal Application with Change of Agent for "Interlace Boutique Lofts" at 254 E CHICAGO St.
04 ZANGHI, Peter, Agent for "HIGHLAND BEACH SURFERS, INC", Loading Zone Permit Renewal Application with Change of Agent for "IRGENS DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS, LLC" at 205 W HIGHLAND Av.
06 HAMDAN, Ashraf R, Agent for "UNITED TOWING LLC", Recycling, Salvaging or Towing Vehicle License Application with Change of Location for "United Towing" at 2671 N Holton St. 08 FOULSTON, Robert F, Agent for "Wisconsin Muffler, Tire, & Auto LLC", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License Renewal Application Removing Shareholder and Transfer of Stocks for "Wisconsin Muffler, Tire, & Auto" at 3634 W LINCOLN Av.
08 KREGER, Doug, Agent for "TEC FOODS OF WISCONSIN, INC.", Loading Zone Permit Renewal Application with Change of Agent for "TEC FOODS OF WISCONSIN, INC." at 2033 W St Paul Av.
Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: Warning Letter
BROOKS, Andrea Jean, Class D Operator’s License Application
CALLAHAN, Danielle L, Class D Operator’s License Application
HEINEN, Phillip J, Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application
MEHRING, Steve, Class D Operator’s License Application
ORMSBY, Patrick, Class D Operator’s License Application
PETRIC, Catherine, Class D Operator’s License Application
SINGH, Gurdev, Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application
SINGH, Sukhdev, Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application
STREGE, John W, Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application
TOWNSEND, Raime A, Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application
ARRINGTON, Jeremy C, Agent for "Complete Restoration Services LLC", Home Improvement Contractor's License Application for "Complete Roofing and Exteriors".
MALONE, Isaac, Agent for "Best Choice Mechanical LLC", Home Improvement Contractor's License Application for "Best Choice Mechanical LLC".
01 KAUR, Charnjit, Agent for "4616 Stark INC.", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor, Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "Stark Foods II" at 4616 W Hampton Av.
01 VALDEZ, JR, Guadalupe Your Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License Renewal Application for "Budget Towing" at 2456 W Cornell St.
03 KOPP, David A, Agent for "ILLUMINATI, LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises, Food Dealer and Sidewalk Dining License Renewal Applications for "BREMEN CAFE" at 901 E CLARKE St.
08 ESCOBAR, Valdemar, Agent for "Forest Home Ave Chicken Palace LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "Chicken Palace National" at 3433 W National Av.
12 ESCOBAR, Valdemar, Agent for "MESA GARIBALDI, LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "FIESTA GARIBALDI" at 821-23 W LINCOLN Av.
Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/9/2021 | 0 |
Minutes note: Recommendation for Approval of the file #211096 | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
11/2/2021 | 0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Laurie Phillip