Substitute resolution relative to acceptance and funding of a 2020
COPS Hiring Program
This resolution authorizes the Milwaukee Police Department to accept and fund a
COPS Hiring Program (CHP)
Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services in the amount of $9,712,096. This
grant is fully funded by the USDOJ with no City match. The purpose of this project is to hire 30 additional police officers.
This resolution acknowledges that the executive command staff of the Police Department has agreed to pursue certain measurable goals and strategies related to staffing, response times, traffic enforcement, crime reduction, technology integration and community oriented policing, as desired by the Common Council.
Whereas, Under the terms of CFDA #16.710, the City of Milwaukee appears to be eligible for
grant funds from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services; and
Whereas, The operation of this
grant from 07/01/20 to 06/30/23 would cost $9,712,096, of which 100% would be provided by the
grantor; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Police Department will hire 30 new officers; and
Whereas, Some members of the Common Council have expressed a desire for the Milwaukee Police Department to adopt a number of measurable goals and strategies as a condition of accepting the
COPS grant; and
Whereas, On January 12, 2021, the executive command staff of the Milwaukee Police Department issued a signed statement, included in the record of this file, acknowledging the Common Council’s priorities and indicating that the Police Department would work to achieve the following goals and strategies:
1. Incorporating a performance-based approach for producing measurements for police staffing and allocations guided by the framework and recommendations included in the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services -...
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