210894, 231182, 231925
Substitute resolution relating to the reallocation and expenditure of up to $847,900 of American Rescue Plan Act funds.
This resolution directs the Environmental Collaboration Office to terminate its contract with Habitat for Humanity to build zero-energy-ready homes. It reallocates the contract funds to the Office of the City Clerk and authorizes the expenditure of those funds for the following purposes:
1. Up to $350,000 for City participation in the Zilber Foundation’s The Bridge Project.
2. Up to $497,900 for the Concordia 27 development.
Whereas, The Zilber Family Foundation, a private grant-making institution based in Milwaukee, launched The Bridge Project, a program for low-income pregnant individuals, which will provide support for 100 eligible individuals for 3 years; and
Whereas, The Zilber Family Foundation has committed $1,575,000 to the program, while the Monarch Foundation, a private, grant-making foundation based in New York, has committed $250,000 per year over 3 years for all administrative expenses associated with program implementation; and
Whereas, The Zilber Family Foundation is seeking public and private partners to provide an additional $450,000, which is required to fully fund 100 participants for 3 years; and
Whereas, Concordia 27 is a development on the Near West Side that will provide affordable housing units, health and wellness services, and workforce training opportunities; and
Whereas, Concordia 27 is the culmination of a vision that residents, stakeholders and businesses have been working toward since 2015 <>; and
Whereas, Common Council File Number 210894 allocated $1,000,000 of American Rescue Plan Act funding to the Department of Administration - Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) for the construction of modular homes; and
Whereas, $847,900 of this ARPA funding has been subgranted to Habitat for Humanity for the development of affordable, zero-energy-ready homes on vacant lots in low-income and disadvantaged communities; and
Whereas, CCFN 231182, adopted on December 12, 2023, directs the use of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act to be placed in the control of the Common Council if any funds are unused or unencumbered by June 30, 2024; and
Whereas, Only minimal amounts of the funds allocated to Habitat for Humanity have been expended; and
Whereas, This resolution would utilize the “terminate for convenience” clause in ECO’s contract with Habitat for Humanity for building net-zero homes; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Environmental Collaboration Office is directed to terminate its contract with Habitat for Humanity to build zero-energy-ready housing; and, be it
Further Resolved, That, after paying all outstanding costs owing to Habitat for Humanity resulting from the zero energy housing contract described above, the remaining funds originally allocated to that program are reallocated to the Department of Administration - Community Development Grants Administration as described below:
1. Up to $350,000 for City participation in the Zilber Foundation’s The Bridge Project.
2. Up to $497,900 for the Concordia 27 development.
;and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to establish and adjust the necessary accounts and accounting procedures to carry out the intent of this resolution; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the appropriate City departments are authorized to enter into contracts, subcontracts, subawards and leases and to expend the allocated funds as required to effectuate these programs; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the organizations receiving American Rescue Plan Act funding as part of this resolution shall report quarterly to the Common Council for 3 years following the adoption of this resolution; and, be it
Further Resolved, That required reports shall include information regarding funding obligations and expenditures and an outcome-based assessment of the organization’s community impact.
Kathleen M. Brengosz