Resolution directing the Department of City Development to develop an update to the housing element of the Citywide Policy Plan to include proposed updates to the portions of the city’s zoning code that govern residential development and authorizing a transfer of funds from the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund to a subaccount for the Housing Zoning Code Update.
This resolution directs the Department of City Development to initiate a planning effort to update the Housing element of the Citywide Policy Plan and to propose updates to the portions of the City’s zoning code that regulate housing development and authorizes a transfer of funds from the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund to a subaccount to carry out the first phase of the Housing Zoning Code Update project.
Whereas, On March 2, 2010, the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Common Council”) adopted Common Council File No. 090882, approving the Citywide Policy Plan as an element of Milwaukee’s Overall Comprehensive Plan; and
Whereas, The Citywide Policy Plan includes a “Housing and Neighborhoods” chapter, that, along with the recommendations contained within the 14 Area Plans that make up the City of Milwaukee Comprehensive Plan, makes recommendations related to housing development and land use throughout the city; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee recently collaborated with the Community Development Alliance to develop a Collective Affordable Housing Plan in conjunction with the Community Development Alliance, the Environmental Collaboration Office is developing a Climate and Equity Plan to improve environmental sustainability and reduce greenhouse gases, and both of these planning efforts, as well as past City plans such as the Equitable Growth through Transit Oriented Development Plan have made recommendations to increase the supply of housing within the City of Milwaukee (“City”) and to facilitate new housing development that reinforces walkable urban neighborhoods, transit and job access, and provides a range of affordability and housing choices for all Milwaukeeans; and
Whereas, These recommendations are directly aligned with Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s Economic Prosperity Vision, which includes a commitment to update the City’s zoning code to support new development and growth; and
Whereas, The City’s zoning code was last updated in 2002 and currently supports mixed-use development, walkable commercial corridors with a variety of uses, low or no parking requirements in all zoning districts, and other policies promoting sound urban development; and
Whereas, There are elements of the code that may require updating to enable the development of styles of homes with lower costs of construction, align with recommendations included within the City’s more recent planning efforts, and to accommodate future population growth and evolving housing needs; and
Whereas, The Department of City Development (“DCD”) proposes a two-phase project to update the Housing element of the Citywide Policy Plan and use those updates to inform adjustments to the portions of the zoning code that regulate housing development; and
Whereas, The first phase of the project will involve significant community engagement exploring issues of housing diversity, housing opportunity, and community goals for housing growth; and
Whereas, DCD intends to issue a Request for Proposals to solicit a consultant team with the experience and skills required to assist with the community engagement and development of recommendations for this Housing Code Update project; and
Whereas, The current unencumbered balances in the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund cannot be expended unless they are transferred to a specific subaccount; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that DCD is hereby directed to initiate the Housing Zoning Code Update project; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is directed to transfer the amount of $100,000 from the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund Account No. UR01222000A to be allocated to the Housing Code Update Subaccount No. UR01280161 to be used by DCD to support the Housing Zoning Code Update project; and, be it
Further Resolved, That DCD is directed to enter into such contracts and agreements as necessary to carry out the Housing Zoning Code Update project; and, be it
Further Resolved, That DCD shall follow the guidelines for public participation for Comprehensive Planning that have been adopted by the Common Council while preparing the update to the Housing element of the Citywide Policy Plan.
Technical Correction
Chris Lee