Resolution authorizing the proper City Officers to execute Sewer Easement Releases SER-1541A and B, SER-2063, SER-2590, SER-2666A and B, Water Easement Releases WER-867 and 891 and Quit Claim Deeds QCD-1541A and B, QCD-2063, QCD-2590, QCD-2864, QCD-2666A and B and QCD-2863 of sewer facilities in the area bounded by West Harrison Avenue, vacated South 4th Street, vacated West Cleveland Avenue and South 6th Street, in the 14th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes the proper City Officers to execute Sewer Easement Releases SER-1541A and B, SER-2063, SER-2590, SER-2666A and B, Water Easement Releases WER-867 and 891and Quit Claim Deeds QCD-1541A and B, QCD-2063, QCD-2590, QCD-2864, QCD-2666A and B and QCD-2863 of sewer facilities. The sewer easement releases and the quit clam deeds are necessary because the existing public right of ways are vacated as part of the proposed development of the St. Augustine Prep School located within the area bounded by West Harrison Avenue, vacated South 4th Street, vacated West Cleveland Ave and South 6th Street. All existing sewers within said lands will be conveyed to the owner and the easements released because the sewers and water mains no longer serve the interest of the City.
Whereas, On September 22, 1961, September 14, 1961, October 29, 1973, December 28, 1993, December 6, 2001 and January 2, 2002, the City of Milwaukee was granted Sewer and Water Easements SE-1541A, SE-1541B, SE-2063, SE-2590, SE-2666A/WE867 and SE-2666B/WE-891, respectively, hereinafter referred to as “Easements”, for access and maintenance of various sizes of storm, sanitary and combined sewers and a 6-inch water main within the lands bounded by West Harrison Avenue, vacated South 4th Street, vacated West Cleveland Ave and South 6th Street lands, hereinafter referred to as the “Development Area”, in the 14th Aldermanic District; and
Whereas, AEE, LLC (Owner) d...
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