091066, 131035, 170337, 181742, 190445
Resolution relating to a lease and service agreement for the construction and operation of a solar photovoltaic system on a City-owned closed landfill at 1600 E College Ave.
The City of Milwaukee has established a 25 percent by 2025 renewable energy goal and supports the principles of the Paris Climate Accord. To help achieve those goals, this resolution authorizes the Department of City Development to execute an electric service agreement and lease with the Wisconsin Electric Power Company to construct and operate 2.25 megawatts of solar energy through the Solar Now pilot program offered by the Wisconsin Electric Power Company on a portion of the city-owned closed landfill located at 1600 E College Ave. The project coincidentally supports the energy resilience plan for the Wisconsin Air National Guard 128th Air Refueling Wing, since the most economic route to interconnect the system to Wisconsin Electric Power’s
Distribution System is through facilities on the base. Revenue from the lease is intended to be used to support additional climate action.
Whereas, On December 22, 2009, the Common Council adopted File Number 091066, supporting the “25 x 25” goal, which called for generating 25 percent of the City’s electricity from renewable resources by 2025; and
Whereas, On December 17, 2013, the Common Council adopted File Number 131035, approving and directing implementation of the City's sustainability plan, ReFresh
Milwaukee; and
Whereas, On June 20, 2017, the Common Council adopted File Number 170337, expressing the City’s support for the Paris Climate Accord; and
Whereas, On June 27, 2019, the Common Council adopted File Number 190445 creating a City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity; and
Whereas, The City asserts its interest in having a diversified portfolio of clean energy options and demonstrating immediat...
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