200932, 220969
Substitute resolution declaring the Milwaukee Public Library at 310 West Locust Street surplus to municipal needs and approving the Land Disposition Report authorizing the sale of City-owned properties at 310 West Locust Street, 2971-75 and 2977-79 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, in the 6th Aldermanic District.
This substitute resolution authorizes the sale of the City-owned Development Properties according to the conditions in a Land Disposition Report pursuant to Sections 304-49-5 and 304-49-8, Milwaukee Code of Ordinances.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee (“City”) acquired 2971-75 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in 1997 and 2977-79 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in 2015 and collectively (the “City King Parcels”) through property-tax foreclosure; and
Whereas, The Martin Luther King Library branch of the Milwaukee Public Library (“MPL”) currently occupies the City-owned property at 310 West Locust Street (the “MPL Parcel”); and
Whereas, On January 23, 2023, the City Plan Commission declared 310 West Locust Street surplus to municipal needs and authorized the Department of City Development (“DCD”) to facilitate the sale of the MPL Parcel; and
Whereas, On January 24, 2023, the MPL Board declared 310 West Locust Street surplus to municipal needs and authorized DCD to facilitate the sale of the MPL Parcel; and
Whereas, In 2016, MPL issued a Request For Proposal for its MPL Parcel to develop a new Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. library branch; and
Whereas, MPL selected the General Capital Group, LLP and the Emem Group, LLC, operating through GENCAP EMEM MLK, LLC (collectively the “Developer”) or assigns, to design and construct the library branch along with residential units above the library; and
Whereas, The Developer is also working with DCD to acquire and develop the City King Parcels for new residential construction; and
Whereas, ...
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