Substitute resolution relating to monitoring living conditions, code compliance, code enforcement and neighborhood impact of certain rental properties by various City departments.
This resolution directs the Department of Neighborhood Services to convene a working group of representatives from the:
1. Department of Public Works.
2. Department of City Development.
3. City Attorney’s Office.
4. Police Department.
5. Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee.
This working group shall:
1. Monitor residential rental properties owned or managed by Berrada Properties Management, Inc. within the city of Milwaukee.
2. Develop and implement strategies to remediate any substandard conditions observed in living conditions, code compliance, code enforcement and negative impacts of these properties on their neighborhoods.
The resolution designates the Department of Neighborhood Services to chair this working group and to coordinate efforts of working group members to address and remediate substandard conditions in residential rental properties owned or managed by Berrada Properties Management, Inc., and its affiliates, within the city of Milwaukee and to serve as a clearing house for aldermanic and citizen complaints regarding these properties.
The resolution also directs the Department of Neighborhood Services to report the activities of this working group to the Common Council quarterly.
Whereas, Berrada Properties Management, Inc. is reported to own or manage approximately 8,000 residential rental units in Milwaukee located primarily in multi-family buildings; and
Whereas, These rental units are primarily located in areas of the City characterized by low median household incomes and concentrations of people of color; and
Whereas, Berrada Property Management has been the subject of several recent news reports describing substandard living conditions in rental properties they own or manage; and
Whereas, Berrada Property Management has been the subject of news reports documenting the volume of eviction actions they have filed in Milwaukee County Circuit Court; and
Whereas, Members of the Common Council who represent districts where Berrada Property Management owns or manages rental units have received complaints from tenants regarding substandard living conditions and unfair landlord-tenant practices, and from neighbors of properties owned or managed by Berrada Property Management regarding the adverse impact of these properties on neighborhood quality of life and property values; and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Justice filed a 14-count lawsuit in November, 2021, charging Berrada Properties with a wide range of violations of the state's landlord-tenant law, including fraudulent representation, unfair billing practices and requiring tenants to pay the legal costs for eviction actions, and even pest control; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Department of Neighborhood Services is directed to convene a working group of representatives from the:
1. Department of Public Works.
2. Department of City Development.
3. City Attorney’s Office.
4. Police Department.
5. Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That this working group shall:
1. Monitor residential rental properties owned or managed by Berrada Properties Management, Inc. within the city of Milwaukee.
2. Develop and implement strategies to remediate any substandard conditions observed in living conditions, code compliance, code enforcement and negative impacts of these properties on their neighborhoods. ; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Department of Neighborhood Services shall chair this working group and coordinate efforts of working group members to address and remediate substandard conditions in residential rental properties owned or managed by Berrada Properties Management, Inc. within the city of Milwaukee and to serve as a clearing house for aldermanic and citizen complaints regarding these properties.
Further Resolved, That the Department of Neighborhood Services shall report the activities of the working group to the Common Council by the end of the third month of each calendar quarter.
LRB 177856-2
Aaron Cadle
January 20, 2023