220651, 220622, 220623, 220782, 220975, 221005, 201017, 221074
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2023 offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the offices and positions in the following departments:
Common Council - City Clerk, Department of Emergency Communications, Employes’ Retirement System, Fire Department, Health Department (Clinical Services Division, Community Health Division), Police Department
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 220651 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Health Department, Clinical Services Division”, amend footnotes “(A)” and “(P)” to read:
“(A) To expire 6/30/2023 unless the CDC Public Health Preparedness grant is extended.”
“(P) To expire 6/30/2023 unless the Cities Readiness Initiative grant is extended.”
Under “Community Health Division, Empowering Families of Milwaukee (EFM)”, delete one position of “Office Assistant II (E)”, add one position of “Community Health Administrative Assistant (E)”, and amend footnote “(E)” to read:
“(E) To expire 09/30/23 unless the Family Foundations Comprehensive Home Visiting Grant is extended.”
Under “Police Department”, add new footnote “(AB)” to read as follows:
“(BB) COPS Hiring Program Grant: Position authority for 50 grant funded police officer positions to expire on 9/30/2027 unless the COPS Hiring Program grant is extended and maintained for a period of not less than 12 months following the end of the grant, unless the COPS Hiring Grant is extended.”
Under “Assigned As Needed Within Decision Unit”, add fifty positions of “Police Officer (BB)”.
Part 2. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 220651 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective...
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