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File #: 200227    Version:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 6/16/2020 In control: COMMON COUNCIL
On agenda: Final action: 7/7/2020
Effective date:    
Title: Substitute resolution approving levying of assessments and construction of assessable public improvement projects at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City cost of these projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $359,600 for a total estimated cost of $372,600.
Sponsors: THE CHAIR
Attachments: 1. Official Notice Cycle 13, 2. Alley reconstruction, 3. Signed Letter.pdf, 4. File 200227 Motion.pdf, 5. Proof of publication
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultTallyAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
7/17/20202 MAYOR SIGNED   Action details Meeting details Not available

Minutes note: Ald. Bauman moved to send the N. 87th St. - W. Thurston Ave. to W. Carmen Ave. (ST211200118) Install traffic calming speed hump(s) project back to committee. There were no objections.
Pass15:0 Action details Meeting details Not available
7/7/20202 COMMON COUNCIL ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Meeting details Not available

Minutes note: Mary Dziewiontkoski - DPW 1st Aldermanic District N. Hopkins St. - W. Sheridan Ave. to W. Silver Spring Dr. (ST211180291) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) W. Purdue St. - N. 19th Pl. to N. 20th St. (ST211190186) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Zamarripa moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) W. Thurston Ave. - N. 32nd St. to N. 33rd St. (ST211190188) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Stamper moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) N. 13th St. - W. Capitol Dr. to W. Fiebrantz Ave. (ST211190190) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) N. 19th Pl. - W. Courtland Ave. to W. Hampton Ave. (ST211190175) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Zamarripa moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) 2nd Aldermanic District N. 72nd St. - W. Courtland Ave. to W. Hampton Ave. (ST211200106) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Zamarripa moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) N. 72nd St. - W. Hampton Ave. to W. Stark St. (ST211180245) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Stamper moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) N. 73rd St. - W. Marion St. to W. Congress St. (ST211180244) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) N. 87th St. - W. Thurston Ave. to W. Carmen Ave. (ST211200118) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Dan McLachen 5730-32 N 87th St and 5722-24 N 87th St stated the average speed in 27 mph and speed humps. Joe Franco stated people strongly oppose the project. Ald. Zamarripa moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) 3rd Aldermanic District Alley between N. Bremen St., E. Center St., N. Fratney St., E. Hadley St. (ST212080107) Concrete alley pavement reconstruction, replace some abutting walk or driveway approaches, grading, and storm drainage facilities where necessary. Ald. Kovac stated he is in support. Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) 7th Aldermanic District W. Leon Tr. - W. Hoyt Pl. to N. 48th St. (ST211190185) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Rainey stated his is in support. Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) N. 45th St. - W. Congress St. to W. Glendale Ave. (ST211190180) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Louis O’Neal Jr 4521 N 45th St stated there is speeding every day. Ald. Zamarripa moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) N. 49th St. - W. Marion St. to W. Congress St. (ST211200115) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) 10th Aldermanic District Alley between W. Garfield Ave., W. North Ave., N. 51st St., N. 52nd St. (ST212170104) Concrete alley pavement reconstruction, replace some abutting walk or driveway approaches, grading, and storm drainage facilities where necessary. Ald. Murphy stated he is in support. Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) 15th Aldermanic District N. 9th St. - W. Hadley St. to W. Locust St. (ST211190202) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Stamper moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0) N. 15th St. - W. Lloyd St. to W. North Ave.(ST211110153) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). Ald. Stamper moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
Pass5:0 Action details Meeting details Video Video
6/16/20200 COMMON COUNCIL ASSIGNED TO   Action details Meeting details Not available

Substitute resolution approving levying of assessments and construction of assessable public improvement projects at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City cost of these projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $359,600 for a total estimated cost of $372,600.
This resolution confirms the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, as modified by the Common Council Committee, on projects for which Public Hearings have been held. The resolution authorizes the levying of special assessments and directs the installation and construction of said public improvements. The City cost of these projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $359,600. The total estimated cost of these projects is $372,600.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee adopted preliminary resolutions, determining it necessary and in the public interest to construct and levy special assessments for the following improvements:

1st Aldermanic District

N. Hopkins St. - W. Sheridan Ave. to W. Silver Spring Dr. (ST211180291) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). (Assessable Reconstruction Paving Fund -- $5,100; Nonassessable Reconstruction Paving Fund -- $2,000). The total estimated cost of this project including the requested amount is $7,100. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2020 construction season.

W. Purdue St. - N. 19th Pl. to N. 20th St. (ST211190186) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). (Assessable Reconstruction Paving Fund -- $2,800; Nonassessable Reconstruction Paving Fund -- $4,500). The total estimated cost of this project including the requested amount is $7,300. This project is anticipated to be completed during the 2020 construction season.

W. Thurston Ave. - N. 32nd St. to N. 33rd St. (ST211190188) Install traffic calming speed hump(s). (Assessable Reconstruction Paving Fund --...

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