A substitute ordinance relating to the operation of all-terrain vehicles on city streets.
101-1-2 am
This ordinance adopts Wisconsin state laws regulating the operation of all-terrain vehicles.
Whereas, The operation of all-terrain vehicles is regulated under the Wisconsin State conservation code at s. 23.33, Wis. Stats.; and
Whereas, Under s. 23.33(4)(b), Wis. Stats., no person may operate an all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle on a highway (any public road) except as authorized under certain exceptions; and
Whereas, Under State law, one such exception is that a person may operate an all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle with a snow removal device attached on a roadway or adjacent to a roadway or on a public sidewalk during the period beginning on October 1 and ending on April 30 of each year for the purpose of removing snow if such operation is necessary to travel to or from a site where the snow removal device will be used; and
Whereas, The travel necessary to or from the site may not exceed 2 miles, and operation of such an all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle on a roadway or adjacent to a roadway is authorized only if the applicable roadway speed limit is 45 mph or less; and
Whereas, Under State law, another such exception is that a person may operate an all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle on roadways which are designated as all-terrain vehicle routes; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee has not designated any all-terrain vehicle routes on highways within the city limits; and
Whereas, Under State law, another such exception is that a person may operate an all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle on a roadway if the all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle is an implement of husbandry, is being used exclusively for agricultural purposes and is registered for private use; and
Whereas, Under State...
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