Substitute resolution approving the City of Milwaukee acquisition of the property at 1314 East Conway Street from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, in the 14th Aldermanic District.
This substitute resolution approves the acquisition of the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-owned property at 1314 East Conway Street by the City of Milwaukee for $425.
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (“WDNR”) owns the property at 1314 East Conway Street (“Property”), has determined the Property does not fit its needs and has offered to convey the Property to the City of Milwaukee (“City”); and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (“WisDOT”) deemed the Property surplus and transferred it to the WDNR in 2006; and
Whereas, The WDNR listed the Property as a Statewide Wildlife Habitat parcel and has used the Property as open space, with potential for providing lakeshore access and/or trail use; and
Whereas, The WDNR has determined that potential lakeshore access and/or trail use is no longer feasible, due to the isolated nature of the Property; and
Whereas, On behalf of the Port of Milwaukee, the City’s Department of City Development (“DCD”) has negotiated acquisition of the Property for $425; and
Whereas, DCD prepared a Land Acquisition Report, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File, describing the terms and conditions of the proposed acquisition, including various deed restrictions; and
Whereas, The City and the WDNR have scheduled a closing to take place on or before April 28, 2017; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of DCD, on behalf of the City, is authorized to acquire the property at 1314 East Conway Street (Tax Key No. 500-9998-201); and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Port of Milwaukee will expend $425 for acquisition of t...
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