Resolution authorizing a Grant Agreement with Midwest Bikeshare, Inc., in the 12th Aldermanic District.
This resolution directs the City of Milwaukee to enter into a Grant Agreement with Midwest Bikeshare, Inc. to fund a portion of the bikeshare system with funds provided from Tax Incremental District Nos. 68 and 75.
Whereas, Midwest Bikeshare, Inc. (“MBS”) is a Milwaukee-based nonprofit organization established by local bicycling advocates to promote, implement and maintain a bike-sharing program in the City of Milwaukee (“City”); and
Whereas, On July 24, 2012, the Common Council approved File No. 120428 directing the Commissioners of the Department of City Development and the Department of Public Works to work with MBS to establish a bikeshare system in the City, including financial support and system planning; and
Whereas, The Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (“TID”) No. 68 (Fifth Ward-First Place) was approved by Common Council File No. 060895 on December 12, 2006, with objectives such as increase public access to the Milwaukee River, enhance pedestrian access and circulation and provide public improvements that are not feasible without public/private cooperation; and
Whereas, Amendment No. 1 to the Project Plan for TID No. 75 (Reed Street Yards) was approved by Common Council File No. 090688 on November 30, 2011, with objectives such as increase public access to the Menomonee Canal, provide pedestrian amenities and provide public improvements that are not feasible without public/private cooperation; and
Whereas, The City is willing to provide MBS with certain funds from TID Nos. 68 and 75, not to exceed $50,000 from each TID, to finance a portion of the bikeshare system, which will help implement the objectives of those TID’s; and
Whereas, In consideration of City funding for a portion of the bikeshare system, MBS will operate a b...
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