Substitute resolution granting the Wisconsin Department of Transportation two temporary limited easements on City of Milwaukee-owned property at the Port of Milwaukee.
This resolution grants the Wisconsin Department of Transportation temporary easements on two City-owned parcels at the Port of Milwaukee for access to the Hoan Bridge redecking project. The easements will be in effect approximately two years. The City (Port) will be compensated $58,000 for the easements.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee owns two parcels near the Port Administration Building, 2323 South Lincoln Memorial Drive, that the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (“WisDOT”) desires to use for temporary contractor access as part of the Hoan Bridge redecking project; and
Whereas, WisDOT has identified these parcels as Parcel #1 (located northwest of the intersection of Carferry Drive and Lincoln Memorial Drive) and Parcel #2 (a 25-foot-wide strip along the west side of the I-794 right-of-way, south of Bay Street); and
Whereas, Parcel #1 and Parcel #2 are shown and described in Exhibit A attached to this Common Council file; and
Whereas, WisDOT has requested that the City grant temporary limited easements for these parcels for approximately two years to provide for contractor movability and ground-level access to the project site; and
Wheras, Upon completion of the bridge redecking project, WisDOT will restore Parcel #1 and Parcel #2 to their original condition; and
Whereas, WisDOT has offered the to pay the City $3,000 for use of Parcel #1 and $55,000 for use of Parcel #2; and
Whereas, The City Real Estate Officer in the Department of City Development has reviewed the offering prices and determined that the amounts are reasonable; and
Whereas, Granting these temporary limited easements will not interfere with operations at the Port of Milwaukee and will contribute to improved highway...
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