9/12/2022 | 0 |
Minutes note: Mr. Askin said the house has a complicated history that is not well-documented. There is a wrap-around porch on two sides, which needs to be re-built. There was a rear porch originally in 1894. The front porch was enclosed at a time, the columns were in the garage. The plan is to extend the porch on Kenilworth with a bowed front. Staff's biggest concern is a proposed rectractable awning attached to the porch roof - he believes that will throw off the massing. Staff would like more details on the landscaping and he has serious concerns about the canopy (would prefer to see umbrellas). Staff recommends approval with conditions for the porch excepting the canopy which recommends holding or denying that aspect of it. Staff fully supports the reconstruction and leaves it up to the Board on extension of the porch and consider requiring a landscape plan if the extension is approved.
Therese Hanson - architect - they are struggling to find a brick match.
Eric Wagner - owner - the existing porch, due to its configuration, is un-usable.
Approve with matching the brick, denial of the awning and work with staff on the landscaping.
| Pass | 6:0 |
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