File #:
On agenda:
Final action:
Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.
5/25/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: The question was put: Have the members of the Common Council read the Report and Recommendations of the Licenses Committee?
All members present indicated they had done so.
| Pass | 13:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/25/2010 | 0 |
| RECONSIDERED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/25/2010 | 0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: MOORE, Michael L., Class “D” Bartender renewal application.
(Expired 12-31-08) Special Letter
Applicant not appearing.
Deny due to second non-appearance by Ald. Coggs. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 ANDERSON, Jason J., Agent for “Sons of Ander, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern application for “Lee’s Luxury Lounge” at 2988 S. Kinnickinnic Avenue. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 2855 S. Ellen St.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Grant by Ald. Zielinski despite the items contained in the notice. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 DHILLON, Inderjeet S., Agent for “Best Petro, LLC”, Extended Hours Establishment application for “Best Petro” at 575 W. Becher Street. Special Letter
Applicant not appearing.
Hold to the call of the chair by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)
Applicant now appearing, 575 W. Becher.
Ald. Zielinski moves to reconsider. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)
The current establishment has a 24-hour license.
Neighborhood supporters did appear.
Grant by Ald. Zielinski despite items contained in the notice. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)
| Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 HOLMES, Nancy J., Class “B” Tavern and Record Spin renewal applications for “Dan & Nancy’s Great Escape” at 2689 S. 13th Street. (Expires 6-18-10) Special Letter
Applicant at the table,1925 State Road 120, Lake Geneva. Atty. James Donohoo appearing as counsel. Ald. Jim Witkowiak, 12th District, also at the table.
Ald. Witkowiak says that he has no objections, but he has concerns about the management of the bar when the owner is not present.
Ald. Kovac at the table at 3:03 p.m.
Neighborhood supporters:
Dale Trostorff, 2685 S. 13th St., owner of the building
Michelle Christianson, 2462 S. 9th Place., manager of the establishment
Ald. Zielinski moves to grant with a warning letter. Prevailed 5-0.
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 KAUR, Rupinder, Agent for “Mitchell Beverage, LLC”, Class “A” Liquor & Malt renewal application with change of member for “Sam’s Liquor” at 732 W. Historic Mitchell Street. (Expires 6-14-10) Special Letter
Applicant not appearing.
Hold to the call of the chair by Ald. Coggs. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)
No neighbors present to testify.
Husband of the Gurmugh Singh, 9501 70th St., Kenosha, now appearing with Atty. Vincent Bobot as counsel. Ald. Jim Witkowiak, 12th District, also at the table.
Reconsidered by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 5-0.
No neighbors present to testify.
Ald. Witkowiak says that he has no objections.
Grant by Ald. Hamilton despite the items contained in the notice. Prevailed 5-0.
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 ABUAWWAD, Muwafaq M., Agent for “T & S Group, LLC”, Precious Metals & Gem Dealer renewal application for “Sam’s Discount” at 1577 W. Greenfield Avenue. (Expired 12-31-09)
Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 9950 S. Jennifer Lane, Oak Creek, with Atty. Othman Atta as counsel. Ald. Jim Witkowiak, 12th District, also at the table.
Asst. City Attorney Jarely Ruiz and Capt. Donald Gaglione appearing on behalf of the Milwaukee Police Department.
Atty. Atta says that the applicant is hoping the committee grants the license to allow him an opportunity to prove he can run a good business.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Officer Jeffrey Thiele, District 2, testifies about the incident on December 21, 2009.
Grant by Ald. Hamilton with a 90-day suspension based on the police report and police department testimony. Prevailed 3-2. (Ald. Bohl and Ald. Coggs voting "no')
| Pass | 3:2 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 ASAD, Samer L., Agent for “Lounging Around, Inc.”, Tavern Amusement (Cabaret/Nightclub) renewal application for “Envy Lounge and Nightclub” at 715-17 S. 5th Street. (Expired 4-8-10)
Special Letter
Atty. Frankly Gimbel at the table as counsel. Ald. Jim Witkowiak, 12th District, also at the table.
Atty. Gimbel is asking the committee to adjourn the matter to another date. He also says that he does not, procedurally, have a problem with the committee hearing testimony from neighbors at the meeting today. However, he objects to the committee hearing being started from scratch.
The item was taken up at 7:44 p.m.
The item is being held, but neighborhood objectors are being given an opportunity to testify for the record.
No neighbors were present to testify when called.
Ald. Witkowiak says that neighbors are prepared to come back at another date and testify.
Hold to the call of the chair by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused)
| Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 PLISS, Sean A., Agent for “20 Below, LLC”, Public Dance Hall renewal application with change of agent for “Sugar” at 126 E. Mineral Street. (Expires 6-30-10) Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 1606 N. Humboldt Ave.,with Atty. David Halbrooks and Atty. Michael Maistelman as counsel. Ald. Jim Witkowiak, 12th District, also at the table.
The chair is calling the matter a contested hearing.
Atty. Perry Friesler, 320 E. Buffalo St., Ste. 611. He is inquiring as to how the committee accepts electronic evidence.
Ald. Zielinski moved to make the motion submitted by Atty. Halbrooks a part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)(Exhibit 1)
The meeting recessed to give the License Committee staff the opportunity to determine which of the complaint e-mails received are valid objections under the ordinance.
Meeting recessed at 4:54 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 5:04 p.m.
Meeting recessed at 5:08 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 5:13 p.m.
The License Division and counsel agreed to consider complaints about disturbance of the peace, public urination,public drunkenness and drinking in public, loud noise and disorderly patrons at times when the licensed operation is open for business and after hours and cruising, traffic and parking problems and impeding the flow of traffic.
Witness subpoenaed by counsel for the applicant:
Sergeant Lynn Champion, District 2. She says that she was doing a tavern check on the club, but not due to aldermanic complaints.
Neighborhood objectors:
Victor Ray, 1137 S. 3rd St., neighborhood liaison for the Walker's Point Neighborhood Association.
Atty. Halbrooks objects to Ald. Witkowiak interjecting that one of the clubs in the area that was mentioned by Mr. Ray has been closed for several months. The objection was duly noted.
Jose Zarate, owns a parking lot at 924 S. 1st St.
The applicant's counsel submits video taken by the applicant of activity filmed from 6th and National on the night of April 17, 2010 after midnight. Atty. Halbrooks says that the video shows that the cars involved in cruising are from El Babalu, not Club Sugar.
Juli Kaufmann, 602 S. 3rd St., license committee chair for the Walker's Point Neighborhood Association. Ms. Kaufmann says that an e-mail was sent by Atty. Halbrooks to neighborhood association members telling them that their testimony at a neighborhood meeting would be recorded and could be used in court.
Ald. Coggs requests that Atty. Halbrooks send her the e-mail that was sent to neighborhood association members. Atty. Halbrooks agrees to do so.
Ald. Witkowiak gives personal testimony on seeing patrons leaving Club Sugar and disrupting the neighborhood on the weekend of Easter Sunday.
Ald. Zielinski away from the table at 6:00 p.m.
Ald. Hamilton moves to make the two videos submitted by Atty. Halbrooks part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused)(Exhibit 2)
Ald. Hamilton moves to make documents submitted by Atty. Halbrooks part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused)(Exhibit 3)
Ald. Kovac moves to make the packet of documents sent to Atty. Halbrooks and Capt. Donald Gaglione by Sean Pliss part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused)(Exhibit 4)
Ald. Kovac moves to make the packet of documents titled "414 Traffic" part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused)(Exhibit 5)
Ald. Kovac moves to make the third video submitted by Atty. Halbrooks part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused)(Exhbit 6)
Atty. Halbrooks says that documents show that the disturbances at Sugar are caused by someone organizing cruising events.
Neighborhood supporters:
Michael Grosse, 2003 S. Westgrand Lane, manager at the establishment.
Chivas McVicker, 4276 N. 68th St.
Brian Smith, 1233 N. 21st St.
Ald. Witkowiak requests the committee not renew the license.
Deny by Ald. Kovac based on neighborhood objections and aldermanic testimony. Failed 1-3. (Ald. Zielinski excused and Ald. Coggs, Ald. Hamilton and Ald. Bohl voting "no")
Grant with a 90-day suspension based on neighborhood testimony. Failed 2-2. (Ald. Zielinski excused and Ald. Coggs and Ald. Bohl voting "no")
Grant with a 60-day suspension based on neighborhood testimony. Failed 2-2. (Ald. Zielinski excused and Ald. Coggs and Ald. Bohl voting "no")
Grant with a 45-day suspension based on neighborhood testimony. Failed 2-2. (Ald. Zielinski excused and Ald. Coggs and Ald. Bohl voting "no")
Grant by Ald. Hamilton with a 30-day suspension based on neighborhood testimony. The motion was not voted on.
If the item is held, Ald. Zielinski must review the transcript or watch the video of the proceedings.
Hold to the call of the chair by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 12 LOPEZ, Jesus, Request to change hours of operation for the Class “B” Tavern license for “El Gallo de Oro” at 1500 W. Mitchell Street. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 1500 W. Mitchell St. Emilio Rubio, 1526 S. 15th St., at the table as translator.
Mr. Rubio says that the applicant no longer wants to change his hours of operation.
Ald. Coggs moves to accept the withdrawal of the application. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 13 PATEL, Urmila R., Agent for “Milwaukee Metro Motors, Inc.”, Class “A” Liquor & Malt renewal application for “Discount Cigarettes & Beer” at 5320 S. 27th Street. (Expires 5-29-10)
Special Letter
Husband of the applicant, Rajesh Patel, 5320 S. 27th St., at the table with Atty. Vincent Bobot as counsel. Ald. Terry Witkowski, 13th District, and Lt. Amy Obregon also at the table.
Ald. Hamilton moves to make the pictures and letter from Wisconsin Wins submitted by counsel part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused)
No neighborhood objectors present when called.
Ald. Zielinski at the table at 8:31 a.m.
Lt. Obregon says that she has CAD reports that show seven out of 14 calls for service at the location deal with sale to underage patrons.
Ald. Witkowski says that he has received calls from constitutents about the business selling alcohol to underage patrons.
Ald. Coggs moves to make copies of police department CAD reports part of the official record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 2)
Meeting recessed at 8:37 a.m.
Meeting reconvened at 8:51 a.m.
Deputy City Attorney Vince Moschella at the table. Atty. Moschella says that the CAD reports should be excluded unless there are witnesses present to testify on the incidents in the record.
Atty. Bobot says that only three of the CAD reports are relating to alcohol, and that he has no objections to the reports being entered into the record because he believes they have no relevance.
Ald. Hamilton moves to grant with a 30-day suspension based on the police report, the submitted CAD reports and police department testimony. Prevailed 3-2. (Ald. Kovac and Ald. Bohl voting "no")
| Pass | 3:2 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 13 PETERSON, Carol J., Agent for “Three Blondes, Inc.”, Class “B” Tavern, Tavern Dance and Video Game Center renewal applications for “Mavericks” at 2030 W. Howard Avenue. (Expires 6-6-10) Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 2030 W. Howard Ave. Todd Peterson, husband of the applicant, and Ald. Terry Witkowski, 13th District, also at the table.
No neighborhood objectors present when called.
Ald. Witkowski says that he has received complaints about loud music and noise at closing time. The applicant says that there is now a security guard standing outside at closing time.
Ald. Zielinski moves to make a letter to Ald. Witkowski's office from the applicant part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 1)
Ald. Coggs moves to make photos of the neighborhood around the bar submitted by the applicant part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 2)
Ald. Hamilton moves to grant with a warning letter based on the police report. Prevailed 5-0.
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 13 COOK, Brian E., Agent for “111 West Howard Avenue Tavern, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern application for “Cloud Bar” at 111 W. Howard Avenue. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 1153 Brown Deer Ave., Arkdale, WI. Ald. Terry Witkowski, 13th District, also at the table.
No neighborhood objectors present when called.
Ald. Witkowski says that he has no objections.
Grant by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 5-0. | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 13 STEVANOVICH, Katrina, Agent for “Midwest Gold Buyers, Inc.”, Precious Metals & Gem Dealer application for “Midwest Gold Buyers” at 4350 S. 27th Street. New Location
Special Letter
Applicant at the table with Atty. Brian Randall at the table as counsel. Ald. Terry Witkowski, 13th District, also at the table. Jake Sadoff, 304 Pebble Beach Lane, Bartlett, IL, corporate officer, also at the table.
Ald. Kovac moves to make a plan of operation submitted by counsel part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 1)
Atty. Randall says that the business is not a pawn shop or accepting cash for gold. He also says that payment is made by check only and that gold is not stored on-site.
Ald. Kovac moves to make a packet submitted by the applicant part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 2)
Ald. Hamilton moves to make a Better Business Bureau reliability report for Midwest Goldbuyers, Inc. part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 3)
Ald. Kovac moves to make a map of business and neighborhood associations in the 13th district part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 4)
Ald. Hamilton moves to make a list of businesses in the South 27th Street area provided by Ald. Witkowski part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 5)
Ald. Bohl says that the matter is a contested hearing.
Ald. Coggs moves to make an article from WITI dated December 3, 2009 submitted by Ald. Witkowski part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 6)
Ald. Zielinski moves to make a City of Milwaukee Police Department News Release dated April 29, 2010 submitted by Ald. Witkowski part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 7)
Neighborhood objectors present:
Det. Chuck Fletcher, City of Greenfield.
Doris Jelinek, 3121 S. 23rd St., Concerned Citizens for Better Living
Christopher Kuester, 5304 S. 8th St., President, Garden District Neighborhood Association
Chester Kuzminski, 1814 W. Salem, President, College Heights Neighborhood Association
Luis Vasquez, 4420 S. 20th St., Holt Ave. Neighborhood Association
Samer Abulughod, 5859 S. 15th St.
Julia O'Conner, 154 W. Tripoli Ave., Town of Lake Neighborhood Association
Steve Djuric, 4207 S. Austin
Tom Rave, 861 W. Layton Ave., Gateway to Milwaukee
Dave Lorbeski, 4459 S. Louisiana Ave.
Lt. Clinton Harrison, Neighborhood Investigations Division/Recovered Property Unit. He says that the police department has no official position on the license application.
Ald. Kovac moves to make the newsletter from the Town of Lake Association submitted by Ms. O'Conner part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused) (Exhibit 8)
Ald. Coggs moves to make an advertisement postcard for Midwest Gold Buyers submitted by Ms. O'Conner part of the record. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused) (Exhibit 9)
Neighborhood supporters:
Jose Jiminez, 1559 W. Leroy Ave.
Tim Dunn, 1557 S. Augustine Rd., Hartford, owner of the business location
Paul Pignotti, 8039 Christie Circle Dr., Franksville, WI
Ald. Witkowski does believe that there is a relationship between cash-for-gold and burglaries.
Deny, based on police, neigbhorhood association, aldermanic and neighborhood resident testimony, by Ald. Kovac. Concentration is not part of the motion. Prevailed 5-0.
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 11 STEVANOVICH, Katrina, Agent for “Midwest Gold Buyers, Inc.”, Precious Metals & Gem Dealer application for “MGB Jeweler” at 3171 S. 76th Street. New Location
Special Letter
Atty. Brian Randall present for the applicant.
Also present: Jake Sadoff, 304 Pebble Beach Lane, Bartlett, IL, corporate officer.
Ald. Dudzik also present.
Ald. Hamilton moves to make plan of operation part of the record. Prevailed 5-0. (Exhibit 1)
The jewelry for sale will be new jewelry displayed in new cases, per Mr. Sadoff.
Atty. Randall requests that testimony taken for the previous item be made part of the record for this application.
Ald. Dudzik asks that the committee accept the testimony of the police officers from Milwaukee and Greenfield. Atty. Randall does not object as he saw the testimony as vague and generalized.
There are no members of the public present to testify.
Ald. Dudzik does not support this application as the building is for sale and he feels the landlord just wants to have a business operating at this location without discriminating as to the type of business.
Ald. Kovac moves to make part of the record the entirety of the exhibit from the prior hearing. Prevailed 5-0.
Neighborhood supporter:
Paul Pignotti, 8039 Christie Circle Dr., Franksville, WI, owner of the property
Grant by Ald. Zielinski despite the items contained in the notice. Prevailed 4-1. (Ald. Kovac voting "no")
| Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 07 EALY, Annabelle R., Class “B” Tavern, Tavern Dance and Billiard Hall renewal applications for “Ealy’s 00 Lounge” at 4747 N. Hopkins Street. (Expires 6-3-10) Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 4077 N. Montreal St.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Grant by Ald. Hamilton despite items contained in the notice. Prevailed 5-0. | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 11 SINGH, Jatinder P., Agent for “A-1 Liquor, Inc.”, Class “A” Liquor & Malt application for “A-1 Liquor & Beer” at 3107 S. 92nd Street. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 3944 N. 77th St. Ald. Joe Dudzik, 11th District, Inderjit Singh, 3944 N. 77th St., corporation president and Manjit Sherginn, 3733 W. Center St., current owner of the property, also at the table.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Ald. Dudzik says that there is neighborhood support for the application.
Grant by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 5-0.
| Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 10 KUTCH, Wallace M., Agent for “Caradaro Club Restaurant Group, LLC”, Class “B” Beer and Class “C” Wine-Service Bar Only applications for “Caradaro Club” at 5010 W. Vliet Street.
Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 552 E. Linus St. Ald. Michael Murphy, 10th District, also at the table.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Ald. Murphy has no objections.
Grant by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 5-0. | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 10 NUGENT, Kevin M., Agent for “Brewski’s, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern application for “Brewski’s Steak House” at 6024 W. Bluemound Road. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 2465 S. 84th St. Ald. Michael Murphy also at the table.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Grant by Ald. Hamilton despite the items contained in the notice. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Coggs excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 15 SINGH, Gurpiar, Agent for “North Avenue Liquor, Inc.”, Class “A” Liquor & Malt application for “North Avenue Liquor & Food Mart” at 3013 W. North Avenue. Special Letter
Applicnat not appearing.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Hold to the call of the chair by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Coggs excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 11 BABBER, Petty, Agent for “Lincoln Pantry, LLC”, Class “A” Malt application for “Quik Pick Food Mart” at 3332 W. Lincoln Avenue. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 2655 E. Fieldstone CI, Oak Creek. Ald. Joe Dudzik, 11th District, and Rupinder Arora, LLC member, 6963 S. Carmel Dr., Franklin, WI, also at the table.
No neighborhood objectors present when called.
Grant by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Zielinski excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 06 AZZAM, Tamer M., Agent for “Azzam Co., LLC”, Class “A” Malt renewal application for “Penny Saver Foods” at 510 W. Vine Street. (Expires 6-15-10) Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 2408 W. Layton Ave. Akuwa Dantzler, Legislative Aide to District 6 Alderwoman Coggs, also at the table.
Neighborhood supporters:
Josie Brown, 1525 N. 7th St.
Lendell Harris, 703 W. Galena St., #431.
Ms. Dantzler says that the alderwoman has no objections.
Grant by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Coggs excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 06 ZARLETTI, Brian C., Agent for “Zarletti 333, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern and Instrumental Music applications for “Stubby’s” at 2060 N. Humboldt Avenue #200. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 2129 W. Green Tree Rd., Glendale. Akuwa Dantzler, Legislative Aide to District 6 Alderwoman Coggs, also at the table.
No neighbors present when called.
Ms. Dantzler says that the alderwoman has no objections.
Ald. Hamilton moves to grant. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Coggs excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 CALLIES, Stacie J., Agent for “Westown Association of Milwaukee, Inc.”, Class “B” Tavern and Instrumental Music applications for “Westown Association” at 950 N. Old World Third Street (Pere Marquette Park).
Ald. Bauman has no objections.
Grant, by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Coggs excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 AITALI, Taha, Agent for “SOA, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern, Instrumental Music and Record Spin applications for “Blackthorn” at 750 N. Jefferson Street. New Location
Special Letter
Atty. Timothy Baldwin, 924 E. Juneau, Apt. 303, present for the applicant.
The applicant will be opening an Irish-American restaurant.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Ald. Bauman thinks the plan is a solid one and he supports the application.
Grant, by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 3-0. (Ald. Coggs and Ald. Zielinski excused)
| Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 SUBLETT, Denita L., Agent for “D & R Group, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern and Instrumental Music renewal applications for “Chic Lounge” at 131 N. Jackson Street. (Expires 6-15-10)
Special Letter
Hold to the call of the chair to be scheduled at the Special Licenses Committee meeting, by Ald. Hamilton. Prevailed. 4-0 (Ald. Coggs excused)
This matter was taken up again at 1:30 P.M. as Ms. Sublett now present.
Grant, by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 3-0. (Ald. Coggs and Ald. Zielinski excused) | Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 03 SAFINA, Giuseppe A., Agent for “Comedy Café, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern and Tavern Amusement (Cabaret/Nightclub) applications for “Milwaukee’s Comedy Café” at 615 E. Brady Street.
Salvator Safina, Kansasville, WI
Grant, by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 3-0. (Ald. Coggs and Ald. Zielinski excused) | Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 SPENCER, Jerry J., Agent for “Kwik Stop of Milwaukee, Inc.”, Class “A” Liquor & Malt renewal application with change of officer and shareholder for “Westown Market” at 700 W. Wisconsin Avenue #300. (Expires 6-2-10)
Special Letter
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Ald. Bauman has no objections to renewal.
Grant, with a warning letter, by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 3-0. (Ald. Coggs and Ald. Zielinski excused) | Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: EGGERS, Alexander G., Class “B” Manager renewal application.
(Expires 6-30-10) Special Letter
Applicant not present.
Hold to the call of the chair, by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)
| Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 03 OSCHMANN, Laurie K., Agent for “Empowered Investments, LLC”, Class “B” Tavern application for “The Eatery on Farwell” at 2012-14 N Farwell Avenue. Special Letter
Applicant at the table. Ryan Oschmann, licensed agent who was involved with his mother's previous establishments, also at the table.
The applicant has met with the neighbors and the Brady Street Association and there were no objections.
Grant, by Ald. Kovac. Prevailed 3-0. (Ald. Coggs and Ald. Zielinski excused)
| Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: GRIFFITH, Dennis L., Class “D” Bartender application.
Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 2200 S. Aldrich St.
Grant by Ald. Zielinski despite the items in the notice. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)
| Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 04 WISE, John M., Agent for “Specialty Restaurants of WI, Inc.”, Class “B” Tavern application for “Harbor House” at 550 N. Harbor Drive.
Applicant at the table, 7329 N. Iriquois Rd. Ald. Robert Bauman, 4th District, Joe Bartolotta, 6005 W. Martin Dr., Wauwatosa, and Keith Traft, N24 W24370 Saddlebrook Dr., Pewaukee.
Grant, by Ald. Zielinski. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Coggs excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 06 GLADNEY, Jamie N., Agent for “Catfish Lounge, Inc.”, Class “B” Tavern and Tavern Dance renewal applications for “Catfish Lounge” at 3646 N. Teutonia Avenue. (Expires 6-13-10)
Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 3646 N. Teutonia Ave. Akuwa Dantzler, Legislative Aide to District 6 Alderwoman Coggs, also at the table.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Ms. Dantzler says that the alderwoman would request the issuance of a warning letter.
Grant by Ald. Kovac with a warning letter based on the police report. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Coggs excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
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Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: PERLEBERG, Timothy L., Class “D” Bartender application.
Special Letter
Applicant not appearing.
Deny by Ald. Hamilton due to non-appearance. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
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Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: RAFEL, Desiree R., Class “D” Bartender renewal application.
(Expired 12-31-08) Special Letter
Applicant not appearing.
Deny by Ald. Zielinski based on non-appearance. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: VIZCARRA, Juan P., Class “D” Bartender application.
Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 829 E. Knapp St. #6, 53212.
Deny based on the police report by Ald. Hamilton. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 WENDT, B Evan, Class “B” Tavern application for “Beethoven’s on 5th” at 2567 S. 5th Street.
Applicant at the table, 3436 S. 14th St.
Ald. Zielinski says that he has no objections.
Ald. Zielinski moves to grant. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 LANGE, Marisa D., Agent for “Classic Slice, Inc.”, Class “B” Beer application for “Classic Slice Pizza” at 2797A S. Kinnickinnic Avenue.
Applicant at the table, 3215 S. Illinois Ave.
Ald. Zielinski has no objections.
Grant by Ald. Zielinski despite items contained in the notice. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 14 LUCAS, Terry D., Agent for “Value Management Corporation”, Class “B” Tavern renewal and NEW Record Spin applications for “Backdraught” at 3631 S. Clement Avenue. (Expires 5-30-10). Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 3631 S. Clement Ave.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
The applicant says that the REcord Spin is for Monday night Karaoke
Grant by Ald. Zielinski despite items contained in the notice. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused) | Pass | 4:0 |
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Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: GENGLER, Jason L., Class “D” Bartender application.
Special Letter
Applicant at the table.
Ald. Hamilton moves to grant. Failed 2-2. (Ald. Kovac excused and Ald. Zielinski and Ald. Coggs voting "no")
The matter will be reconsidered when all five members are present.
Ald. Hamilton moves to hold to the call of the chair. Prevailed 4-0. (Ald. Kovac excused)
Ald. Zielinski moves to reconsider. Prevailed 5-0.
Grant by Ald. Kovac despite items in the police report. Prevailed 3-2. (Ald. Coggs and Ald. Zielinski voting "no") | Pass | 3:2 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
5/10/2010 | 0 |
Minutes note: 10 ZARATE, Jose G., Agent for “Zaratecorp, Ltd.”, Class “B” Tavern and Tavern Dance applications for “La Fuente Restaurant” at 9155 W. Bluemound Road. Special Letter
Applicant at the table, 625 S. 5th St. Ald. Michael Murphy, 10th District, and Ald. Jim Witkowiak, 12th District, also at the table.
The police report sent to the applicant ends at item #3, so the additional items read by the police department liaison will not be considered since the applicant was not sent the report in his notice.
Mr. Zarate says that he does not have experience running a nightclub, so he does not plan on operating the night club that is currently at the location. He also says that there will only be pre-recorded music, no DJs or bands. Ald. Murphy says that Special Party Permits are on option to establish a track record.
Ald. Murphy says that his constituents had concerns about parking issues if the applicant had live music. Ald. Murphy says the neighbors have no other objections and that he himself has no objections.
Ald. Witkowiak appears in support of the applicant.
No neighbors present to testify when called.
Ald. Kovac moves to grant the Class "B" Tavern license and moves to hold to the call of the chair the Tavern Dance license. Prevailed 3-0-1. (Ald. Coggs exc used and Ald. Zielinski abstaining) | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
3/2/2010 | 0 |
Action details
Meeting details
Not available
The Chair
Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.
The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee hereby accepts the recommendations of the Licenses Committee as contained in the listings attached to this file.