Ald. Murphy
Resolution authorizing City execution of an Agreement between the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District regarding the District’s Western Milwaukee Phase 2B Flood Management Project along the Menomonee River located in the City of Milwaukee.
This resolution authorizes City execution of an Agreement between the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District regarding the District’s Western Milwaukee Phase 2B Flood Management Project, in the 10th and 15th Aldermanic Districts, this Agreement includes, among other things, modifications to City-owned sewers modifications to City-owned underground communications, and modification to City-owned water mains.
Whereas, the purpose of the Western Milwaukee corridor projects (WMCP), is to protect an estimated
62 structures from the one percent annual probability floodplain along the Menomonee River; and
Whereas, the WMCP comprise part of the Menomonee River Watercourse Management Plan adopted by the District Commission, which identified overbank flooding near West State Street on the west side of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, the WMCP will complete the levee system in the corridor that starts in the City of Wauwatosa just west of Hart Park at West State Street at the upstream end and extends into the City of Milwaukee eastward to U.S. Highway 175; and
Whereas, the purpose of this Project is to design and construct a continuation of the floodplain levee and floodwall system started in Hart Park in Wauwatosa to just west of the U.S. Highway 175 overpass, including completion of the remaining gap in the levee and floodwall system from east of the North 59th Street and West State Street Pump Station to approximately North 50th Place; and
Whereas, as part of this Project, approximately 1,700 feet of earthen levee, 1,200 feet of floodwall, and 200 feet of combined floodwall and earthen levee will be d...
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