2/10/2020 | 0 |
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said that the proposal is to erect two large, vertical marque blade signs, 7 feet deep and 27 feet tall. There was a large blade sign in the late 1920s and was removed in 1975 or 1976. The signs are large box, an homage to the original sign, but staff doesn't support the signs. There will be scrolling lights and details. Mr. Askin said the opera house signage was minimal, which this is not. Ald. Bauman noted that the Chicago opera has a huge sign on its wall announcing forthcoming attractions.
Mike Kinsella - Elevated Identity, contractor - it would have open face channel letters as Turner Hall and Riverside have. The P-A-B-S-T lights would scroll through the letters. The scrolling and chasing lights can be turned off or slowed down if it becomes an issue.
Ald. Bauman has no objection to the two proposed signs. Staff doesn't feel a sign of this type is appropriate to a building of this type.
Mr. Jarosz sees that this type of lighting is restricted to artistic venues.
Ald. Bauman moved for approval with no conditions.
Jason Gerrill - Pabst Theater Group - they didn't want a garish sign.
Ald. Bauman thought that theatres had garish signs.
Mr. Jarosz seconded without amending. | Pass | 5:0 |
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