Substitute 1
Substitute resolution authorizing the execution of a Partial Release of Restrictions (Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation Project) and a PILOT Agreement for the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation Project located at 2977 South 20th Street in the 13th aldermanic district.
This resolution authorizes the execution of a Partial Release of Restrictions releasing restrictions applicable to former MPS property restricting real estate tax exemptions applicable to the property and the execution of a PILOT Agreement by and among the City, MPS and the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc.
Whereas, The Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc., acquired certain real property located at 2977 South 20th Street (the “Property”) from the City of Milwaukee acting on behalf of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors (“MPS”) pursuant to a special warranty deed dated July 22, 2009; and
Whereas, In conjunction with the acquisition of the Property a deed restriction dated as of July 22, 2009 was recorded restricting uses which would compete with MPS and tax exemptions for the Property; and
Whereas, Paragraph 3 of the deed restriction allows the restriction against tax exemption to be released by a resolution passed by the Common Council, subject to a requirement for a PILOT Agreement; and
Whereas, The Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Fund proposes to enter into a PILOT Agreement, in substantially the form attached, which will provide for A payment in lieu of taxes based on an assessed value equivalent to the assessed value of a former facility occupied by the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation prior to its acquisition of the Property; and
Whereas, The Common Council desires to authorize execution of the Partial Release of Restrictions and PILOT Agreement, subject to approval by the Milwaukee Board of School Directors; ...
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