Resolution relative to acceptance and expenditure of the Center for Tech and Civic Life grant for the additional cost to be used exclusively for the public purpose of planning and operationalizing safe and secure election administration in the City of Milwaukee in accordance with the Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan 2020.
This resolution authorizes the Election Commission to accept and expend additional grant funds in the amount of $1,255,000 to ensure that all voters in the City of Milwaukee have access to safe and secure voting this fall, and to implement a safe and secure election administration in accordance with the Wisconsin Safe Voting Plan 2020. The grant will provide funding for additional election apparatus, tabulators, drive-up voting sites, and additional Personal Protective Equipment to ensure safe, fair, inclusive, secure, and professional elections in our communities for the remaining 2020 election.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee is eligible for the Center for Tech and Civic Life grant, which funds a safe and secure election administration in 2020; and
Whereas, The operation of this grant project from 06.15.2020 to 12.31.2020 would cost $1,255,000 with no city match; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Election Commission is authorized to accept and expend the Center for Tech and Civic Life grant without further approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in Milwaukee Code of Ordinances Section 304-81; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to:
1. Commit funds within the Project/Grant parent of the 2020 Special Revenue-Grant and Aid Projects Fund, the following amounts for the program titled CTCL - Planning and Operationalizing safe and secure Election Administration Grant Program Grant:
Project/Grant GR0002000000
Fund 0150
Org 9990
Program ...
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