The Chair
Resolution approving the execution of various easements an agreements relative to Westlawn Gardens
WHEREAS, Westlawn Garden is generally situated to the south of West Silver Spring Drive between North 60th Street and North 68th Street and the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee (HACM) is currently proceeding with redevelopment of the western portion of Westlawn Gardens; and
WHEREAS, in conjunction with HACM’s activities at Westlawn Gardens, HACM and the City’s Department of Public Works (DPW), have negotiated and prepared various agreements pertaining to Westlawn Gardens, including: (1) a Storm Water Management Facility and Mews Maintenance and Easement Agreement; (2) an Out of Program Agreement; (3) an Interim Easement; (4) an Access Easement; and (5) a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants Regarding Westlawn Gardens (the “City Agreements”); and
WHEREAS, in addition to the City Agreements, HACM will need to approve and authorize the execution of a series of additional documents, instruments and agreements necessary to complete the redevelopment and ongoing maintenance and operation of the Westlawn Gardens development on a whole (the “HACM Documents”) at a future meeting pursuant to a separate resolution; and
WHEREAS, the HACM Documents include, without limitation due to enumeration, the easements, agreements and instruments listed on Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the City Agreements, HACM will undertake construction of various public improvements and private improvements within Westlawn Gardens and pursuant to the City Agreements and the HACM Documents, the Westlawn Gardens Property Owners’ Association will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of certain common areas and facilities as well as storm water management facilities for Westlawn Gardens; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Common Council Resolution File No: 171022 the City has author...
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