Substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Multi-Family Residential to Detailed Planned Development on land located at 1550 North Prospect Avenue for condominium development, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
This substitute ordinance will allow for the construction of up to 35 condominium units in a 26-story structure and the construction of a modest connection piece between the new tower and the existing Frederick T. and Eleanor Goll House. The Goll House will serve as the public entrance and lobby area for the condominium tower. This zoning change was requested by New Land Enterprises.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Common Council”), do ordain as follows:
Part 1. There is added to the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances (“Code”) a new section to read as follows:
Section 295-907(2)(c).0128.
(1) In accordance with the provisions of Section 295-907 of the Code relating to the establishment of planned development districts, the Common Council approves the subject Detailed Planned Development, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File as Exhibit A which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and made a part as though fully set forth herein.
(2) The zoning map is amended to change the zoning for the area described as that part of the Southwesterly 1/2 of Lot 12 in Block 199 in Rogers' Addition and the Northeasterly 38 feet and 9 inches of Lot 8 in Ronald's Subdivision of Lot 11 in Block 199 in Rogers' Addition, in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 22 East, in the City of Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lying between the southeasterly line of widened North Prospect Avenue and the northwesterly line of the right-of-way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, from Multi-Family Residential (RM7) to Detailed Planned Development (DPD).
(3) The requirements set forth in said detailed plan...
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