100318, 111013, 180922
Resolution approving the Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan for the City of Milwaukee.
This resolution approves the Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan in accordance with the City’s Complete Streets Policy, which strives for facilities that are safe, comfortable and convenient for users of all travel modes, including walking.
Whereas, In Common Council File 180922 the City of Milwaukee adopted a Complete Streets Policy that supports facilities that are safe, comfortable and convenient for users of all travel modes, including walking, use of mobility aids, bicycling, riding public transportation, and driving motor vehicles; and
Whereas, The Complete Streets Policy also identifies pedestrian safety as having the highest priority when considering various elements of street design; and
Whereas, Walking is an essential means of transportation, and for many people, it is the most convenient and most reliable form of travel, especially for short trips; and
Whereas, People in Milwaukee should have travel and recreational choices, including walking; and
Whereas, Walking provides substantial health benefits; and
Whereas, Pedestrians are the most vulnerable users of the street and are at the highest risk of injury in a crash involving a motor vehicle; and
Whereas, Investment in a connected and comprehensive pedestrian network can improve safety for those walking; and
Whereas, Pedestrian safety improvements can have a positive impact on the local economy by reducing household transportation costs, providing access to jobs, increasing property values, and reducing healthcare costs; and
Whereas, Common Council File Number 100318 authorized the City Engineer to apply for a federal grant to develop a citywide Pedestrian Plan; and
Whereas, Common Council File Number 111013 directed the Commissioner of Public Works to execute an agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to develop the Pedestrian Plan; and
Whereas, The Department of Public Works consulted with numerous community and agency partners to develop the Pedestrian Plan; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan includes 20 recommendations with over 100 actions that serve as a blueprint for improving safety, connectivity, accessibility, and comfort for people walking in Milwaukee in the months and years to come; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan, in substantially the same form as attached to this file, is approved; and, be it
Further Resolved, That all City departments, the Complete Streets Committee, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force, and Common Council committees shall consult the Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan when conceptualizing, prioritizing, designing, and implementing projects.
Kathleen Brengosz
LRB 174538-1