Resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of a Civic Best Practices Grant.
This resolution authorizes the Department of City Development to apply for, accept and fund a Civic Best Practices Grant from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation in the amount of $10,000.00 with a City Share of $0.00 and a Grantor Share of $10,000.00. The purpose of the grant is to send a team of City employees and community representatives to Baltimore, MD and Cleveland, OH for the purpose of studying successful vacant lot reuse programs in those cities. The grant also will be used to undertake research to identify existing local resources that can be tapped by neighborhood stakeholders who wish to develop a vision for reuse of vacant City-owned lots in their neighborhoods.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee (“City”) appears to be eligible for grant funds from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation for the purpose of sending a team of City employees and community representatives to Baltimore, MD and Cleveland, OH for the purpose of studying successful vacant lot reuse programs in those cities; and
Whereas, The grant also will be used to undertake research to identify existing local resources that can be tapped by neighborhood stakeholders who wish to develop a vision for reuse of vacant City-owned lots in their neighborhoods; and
Whereas, The operation of this Civic Best Practices Grant from July 10, 2011 through December 10, 2011 will cost $10,000.00 of which, $0.00 (0 percent) will be provided by the City and $10,000.00 (100 percent) will be provided by the Grantor; and
Whereas, The Civic Best Practices fund provides resources to allow government agencies to explore best practices for solving local problems; and
Whereas, The Department of City Development (“DCD”) is the Lead Agency to manage and market vacant City-owned property; and
Whereas, DCD wishes to seek funds from the Civic Best Practices fund to evaluate successful vacant lot reuse strategies in Cleveland, OH and Baltimore, MD, to determine whether those strategies might be implemented in Milwaukee to reduce the negative impact of vacant lots within Milwaukee neighborhoods; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that application to the Greater Milwaukee Foundation is authorized and the Department of City Development shall accept and expend this grant without further approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in Section 304.81, Milwaukee Code of Ordinance; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is authorized to:
1. Commit funds within the project/grant parent of the 2011 Special Revenue Grant and Aid Projects Fund the following amounts for the project titled, “Vacant Lot Reuse Strategies:”
Project Grant: GR0001100000
Fund: 0150
Org: 9990
Program: 0001
By: 0000
Sub/Class: R999
Acct: 000600
Project: Grantor Share
Amount: $10,000.00
2. Create the necessary grant and aid project/grant and project/grant levels, budget against these project grant values the amount required under the grant agreement.
3. Establish the necessary City Share project values; and, be it
Further Resolved, That these funds are appropriated to DCD, which is authorized to:
1. Expend from the amount appropriated, sums for specified purposes as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award date.
2. Expend from the 2011 grant budget funds for training and out-of-town travel by DCD staff.
3. Enter into subcontracts and leases as detailed in the grant budget or as needed.