Resolution relative to the application, acceptance and expenditure of a Federal Transportation Alternatives Program grant and authorizing the appropriate City officials to execute all appropriate agreements.
This resolution authorizes the Department of City Development and the City of Milwaukee, to apply, accept and expend the Transportation Alternatives Program grants from WisDOT in the total amount of up to $14,744,547.40. The purpose of the program is to assist in the construction of the Harbor District Riverwalk located along the Kinnickinnic River between East Greenfield Avenue and Kinnickinnic Avenue.
Whereas, The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is soliciting project applications for the 2024 redistribution of funding under the Federal Transportation Alternatives Program (“TAP”); and
Whereas, In order to secure the TAP grants, it is necessary to provide for City of Milwaukee (“City”) execution of the documentation required by the TAP Program; and
Whereas, Projects approved for the Federal Transportation Alternatives Program will be funded with an 80 percent grantor share and 20 percent local share; and
Whereas, The project agreements have been requested from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to be executed by the City of Milwaukee for the construction of the following Riverwalk projects with Federal and State aid under the Transportation Alternatives Program (“TAP”):
State I.D.: 2984-37-02/72
City of Milwaukee, Harbor Riverwalk South
Along Kinnickinnic River, Kinnickinnic Avenue north .47 mile
State I.D.: 2984-37-01/71
City of Milwaukee, Harbor Riverwalk North
Along Kinnickinnic River, East Greenfield Avenue south .14 mile; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee recognizes that the City may be 100 percent liable for project cost overruns and changes in scope as approved by the Department of City Development; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee recognizes that the City may be liable for any cost incurred by the State should the City decide to withdraw from the project; and
Whereas, Construction on these projects is currently scheduled to start in 2024-2025; and
Whereas, The Total estimated cost of these projects is $18,435,685 with a grantor share of $14,744,547.40 and a local share of $3,691,137; and
Whereas, The City will receive from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, two State/Municipal Agreements for Infrastructure Transportation Alternatives Program Projects for the construction of the Riverwalk improvements; and
Whereas, Copies of the State/Municipal Agreements for an Infrastructure Transportation Alternatives Program Project are attached to this Common Council File; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, The proper City officials are authorized and directed to execute the State/Municipal Agreements for an Infrastructure Transportation Alternatives Program Project, with such minor non-substantive revisions which may be necessary in the standard form of these documents required to address issues encountered during the finalization of these documents as approved by the proper City officials and the Office of the City Attorney; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized to:
Create within the Capital Improvement Fund, Grant and Aid Projects, the necessary Project Grant Chartfield Values for the projects and transfer to any of these accounts the amount required under these grant agreements and City Accounting policy, but not to exceed a ten percent increase in the total amounts reserve for the grantor’s share and the local share or $5,000, whichever is greater as follows:
Harbor Riverwalk South
Grantor Reimbursable Cash
Project/Grant: SP032240100
Fund: 0306
Amount: $9,374,998.40
Harbor Riverwalk North
Grantor Reimbursable Cash
Project/Grant: SP032240100
Fund: 0306
Amount: $5,369,549.60; and, be it
Further Resolved, That these funds are appropriated to the Department of City Development, which is authorized to expend the amount appropriated, sums for specified purposes, as indicated in the grant budget and incur costs consistent with the award date.