| | | | This is also a virtual meeting. Those wishing to view the proceedings are able to do so via the City Channel - Channel 25 on Spectrum Cable - or on the Internet at https://city.milwaukee.gov/cityclerk/CityChannel. | | | |
Not available
| | | | Meeting convened at 9:09 a.m. | | | |
Roll call
Not available
| | | | Also present:
Minutes note: Aycha Sawa, Comptroller
Dennis Yaccarino, Budget & Management Director
Tea Norfolk, LRB Fiscal Plannin Specialist
Joshua Benson, Deputy Comptroller | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 1. | Communication to Finance | Communication from the Department of Administration - Budget and Management Analysis Division regarding vacancy requests, fund transfers and equipment requests.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Veronica Rudychev, MPD
Chuck Schumacher, DPW Operations Division | APPROVED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 2. | Communication to Finance | Communication from the Department of Administration relating to approval of changes to certain single or sole source contracts or contract amendments.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Rhonda Kelsey, Purchasing Director
Veronica Rudychev, MPD | APPROVED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 3. | Communication to Finance | Communication from the Department of Administration informing the Finance and Personnel Committee of waivers granted for certain single or sole source contracts or contract amendments.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Rhonda Kelsey, Purchasing Director
Aaron Lipski, Fire Chief | PLACED ON FILE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 4. | Communication | Communication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to classification studies scheduled for City Service Commission action.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Andrea Knickerbocker, DER
Makda Fessahaye, DER Director
Action details
| 0 | 5. | Communication | Communication from the Department of Employee Relations amending the Salary Ordinance to provide an additional 1% biweekly for FLSA non-exempt employees assigned to drive during a general ice control and snow plow operation.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Andrea Knickerbocker, DER
Makda Fessahaye, DER Director | RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 6. | Communication | Communication from the Department of Employee Relations amending the Salary Ordinance to increase the daily rates and provide bilingual compensation for Election Inspectors and Chief Inspectors in the Election Commission.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Andrea Knickerbocker, DER
Makda Fessahaye, DER Director | RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 7. | Communication | Communication from the Department of Employee Relations amending the Salary and Positions Ordinances relative to clerical or administrative corrections.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Andrea Knickerbocker, DER
Makda Fessahaye, DER Director | RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 8. | Resolution | Resolution relative to approval of funding for the 2022 Department of Administration - Information and Technology Management Division, Public Facility Communications Capital Improvement Program.
Minutes note: Appearing:
David Henke, ITMD | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 9. | Resolution | Resolution establishing a City Data Governance Plan.
Minutes note: Appearing:
David Henke, ITMD | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 10. | Resolution | Substitute resolution accepting a gift of services from Yolobe, Inc. for upgrading and developing the DirectConnectMKE platform.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Bernadette Karanja, Workforce Development Section
Jason Thompson, Workforce Development Section
David Douglas, Yolobe
Sydney Gear, Yolobe
Kashif Khan, Yolobe
Ms. Karanja and Mr. Thompson gave a presentation. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 11. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2022 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service. | RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 12. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2022 offices and positions in the City Service. | RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 13. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $3,430,000 for bridges. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 14. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $10,500,000 for street lighting. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 15. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $32,986,000 for street improvements. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 16. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $2,812,000 for harbor improvements. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 17. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $29,000,000 for sewerage. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 18. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $850,000 for parks and public grounds. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 19. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $7,220,000 for the construction of police facilities and combined fire and police safety buildings. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 20. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $450,000 for construction of engine houses, and for pumps, water mains, reservoirs and all other reasonable facilities for fire protection apparatus or equipment for fire protection. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 21. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $1,380,000 for fire engines and other equipment of the fire department. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 22. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $1,300,000 for parking lots or other parking facilities. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 23. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $2,000,000 for school purposes. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 24. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $664,000 for libraries. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 25. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $16,714,000 for buildings for the housing of machinery and equipment. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 26. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $1,250,000 for providing financial assistance to blight elimination, slum clearance, community development, redevelopment and urban renewal programs and projects under ss. 66.1105, 66.1301 to 66.1329 and 66.1331 to 66.1337. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 27. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $25,000,000 for Tax Incremental Districts for providing financial assistance to blight elimination, slum clearance, community development, redevelopment and urban renewal programs and projects under ss. 66.1105, 66.1301 to 66.1329 and 66.1331 to 66.1337. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 28. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $43,050,000 for water systems. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 29. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $6,700,000 for any combination of sewage, garbage or refuse or rubbish disposal. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 30. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $37,000,000 for grants and financing receivables. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 31. | Resolution | Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Notes and Bonds. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 32. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of $25,000,000 general obligation notes, to pay a general and current municipal expense associated with the Community Development Block Grant and other grant programs. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 33. | Resolution | Substitute resolution relating to the carryover of 2021 authorization for general obligation and revenue based borrowing. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 34. | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Commissioners of the Public Debt to market up to $150,000,000 of general obligation revenue anticipation promissory notes. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 35. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the Commissioners of the Public Debt to market general obligation promissory notes. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 36. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the Commissioners of the Public Debt to market general obligation corporate purpose bonds. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 37. | Resolution | Resolution directing the Department of Employee Relations to update the City’s anti-harassment policy and workplace violence policy to include elected officials and appointees.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Makda Fessahaye, DER Director
Ald. Spiker and Kovac added as cosponsors. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 38. | Communication | Communication from the Office of the Assessor relating to the failure to properly equalize 2021 personal property assessments.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Steve Miner, City Assessor
Toni Biscobing, Comptroller's Office
Mr. Miner gave a presentation. | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 39. | Resolution | Substitute resolution directing the Health Department to distribute free COVID-19 at-home tests and gift cards for individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccination booster shots.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Ald. Marina Dimitrijevic, 14th Ald. Dist.
Kirsten Johnson, MHD Commissioner
Jennifer Meyer-Stearns, MPL Deputy Director
Rhonda Kelsey, Purchasing Director
Chris Hillard, LRB
This matter was held until a later part of the meeting. | | | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Substitute resolution directing the Health Department to distribute free COVID-19 at-home tests and gift cards for individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccination booster shots.
Minutes note: This matter was taken up again prior to the end of the meeting at 1:40 p.m.
Ald. Marina Dimitrijevic, 14th Ald. Dist.
Ald. Spiker moved substitution of the file with Proposed Substitute A. (Prevailed 5-0)
Please note that reference to Proposed Substitute C instead of Proposed Substitute A was an error and that the version before the committee was Proposed Substitute A. | SUBSTITUTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Substitute resolution directing the Health Department to distribute free COVID-19 at-home tests and gift cards for individuals who have received COVID-19 vaccination booster shots. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 40. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance relating to paid parental leave for city employees.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Ald. Marina Dimitrijevic, 14th Ald. Dist.
Ald. Zamarripa and Coggs added as cosponsors.
Ald. Coggs moved substitution of the file with Proposed Substitute B. (Prevailed 5-0)
| SUBSTITUTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance relating to paid parental leave for city employees.
Minutes note: Providing public testimony in support:
Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
Ellen Bravo, Family Values That Work
Diana Valencia, 9to5 member
Truth Freemyn, Keep Families First Coalition
Ald. Spiker moved to enter written testimony and presentation from Ms. Bravo into the record. There was no objection.
Also appearing:
Makda Fessahaye, DER Director
Chris Hillard, LRB
Ald. Perez and Kovac added as cosponsors. | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 3:2 |
Action details
Not available
| | | | Meeting adjourned at 1:46 p.m.
Chris Lee, Staff Assistant
Council Records Section
City Clerk's Office | | | |
Not available
| | | | This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar. | | | |
Not available