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Meeting Name: JUDICIARY & LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/29/2019 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 301-B, City Hall
4/25/19 AMENDED LRB-1976 & AB-132 were added to File Number 181894
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     Meeting convened at 1:32 PM    Roll call Video Video
190007 01.ResolutionResolution relating to the appeal of Mary McKay for property damage. (11th Aldermanic District.)

Minutes note: Appearing: Katryna Rhodes - ACA Sgt. Christopher Marshall - MPD Ms. Mary McKay - appellant Ald. Borkowski moved to pay appeal in the amount of Ms. McKay deductible, $1000.00 Based on Milwaukee Police Department's testimony and City Attorney's recommendation, Ald. Johnson moved denial of this appeal.
AMENDEDFail1:3 Action details Video Video
190007 0 ResolutionResolution relating to the appeal of Mary McKay for property damage. (11th Aldermanic District.)RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass3:1 Action details Not available
190008 02.ResolutionResolution relating to the appeal of Steven Turner for property damage. (11th Aldermanic District.)

Minutes note: Appearing: Katryna Rhodes - ACA No one Show when called
190006 03.ResolutionResolution relating to the claim of Hupy & Abraham, S.C. on behalf of DuWayne D. Criter

Minutes note: Appearing: Katryna Rhodes - ACA Hupy & Abraham, S.C. on behalf of DuWayne D Criter - Atty. David Landgraf
181680 04.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the appeal of Andrew Nichols and Dinna Kleeman for property damages.

Minutes note: Appearing: Katryna Rhodes - ACA Andrew Nichols & Dinna Kleeman were not present when called (second time item is scheduled). Ald. Borkowski moved to paid this appeal in the amount of 770 dollars, offered amount by the City Attorney's Office to seatled this appeal. There were no objections.
SUBSTITUTEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
181680 1 ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the appeal of Andrew Nichols and Dinna Kleeman for property damages.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Not available
181549 05.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing payment of the claim of Bartlett Oakland LLC in the amount of $27,170.18;

Minutes note: Appearing: Patricia Fricker - ACA This resolution is to be paid in the amount of $27,170.18.
SUBSTITUTEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
181549 1 ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing payment of the claim of Bartlett Oakland LLC in the amount of $27,170.18;RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Not available
181932 06.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4947 N. 20th Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District to its former owner Shondell Zanders.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum-Gathing - DNS Emily McKeown - DCD Erika Martinez - Treasurer Office Mr. Shondell Zanders
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190076 07.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5649 N. 34th Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District to its former owner Before and After Rehab, LLC (Application made by Before and After Rehab, LLC c/o Atty. Joseph Sherwenka).

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum-Gathing - DNS Emily McKeown - DCD Erika Martinez - Treasurer Office Atty. Joseph Sherwenka DNS $203.20 by 5/6/19 (this information was provided after committee) There is an outstanding judgment for building code violations at the property (Milwaukee County case number 2019TJ000191/Milwaukee Municipal court case number 18067268). the outstanding payoff amount for the debt is $1,051.67 if pay by May 6, 2019, or $1,057.41 if paid by June 6, 2019.
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190013 08.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5101 N. 66th Street, in the 2nd Aldermanic District to its former owner Ernest V. Williams & Joan HW.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum-Gathing - DNS Emily McKeown - DCD Erika Martinez - Treasurer Office Mr. Ernest V. Williams Atty. Andrew Arena
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190077 09.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2925 N. 11th street, in the 6th Aldermanic District to its former owner Eddie Williams.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum-Gathing - DNS Emily McKeown - DCD Erika Martinez - Treasurer Office Mr. Eddie Williams
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190078 010.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1328 S. 8th Street, in the 12th Aldermanic District to its former owner JMR Rental Properties, LLC c/o Jaime Rosado.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum-Gathing - DNS Emily McKeown - DCD Erika Martinez - Treasurer Office Nicole Larsen - ACA Atty. from Gimble Law Office DNS due 5/6/19 and correct code violations in a timely manner. Municipal court outstanding amount $1,248.60 Outstanding judgments for building and zoning code violations, payoff amount for the debt is $1,347.69 if paid bt May 6, 2019 or $1,354.37 if paid by June 6, 2019. Third outstanding forteiture totaling $670.00
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass4:0 Action details Not available
181710 111.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1311 N. 40th Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner Baltic2Boardwalk LLC (Application made by Raymond Cowan, manager).

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum-Gathing - DNS Emily McKeown - DCD Erika Martinez - Treasurer Office Mr. Raymond Cowan - Manager DNS due on other property 4357 N 14 $729.07 due by 5/6/19
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190075 012.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2854 N. 28th Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner Ingersol Financial, LLC c/o BCHH inc..

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum-Gathing - DNS Emily McKeown - DCD Erika Martinez - Treasurer Office Nicole Larsen - ACA no one show when called
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass4:0 Action details Video Video
170937 013.CommunicationCommunication from the Fire and Police Commission relating to updates and current activities.

Minutes note: Appearing: Lakeisha Butler - Director F&PC Mr. Paul Mozina - City Resident
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190043 014.ResolutionResolution cancelling real estate taxes levied against certain parcels bearing tax key numbers on the 2018 tax roll, plus interest applicable to date of repayment, if appropriate.

Minutes note: Appearing: Peter Bronex - Deputy Assessor
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Video Video
181894 015.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to legislative bills.

Minutes note: Appearing: Brenda Wood - IRD CC Danielle Decker - IRD Mike Amsden - SB-170 Relating to: allowing minors to operate temporary stands without a permit or license. Ald. Dodd moved SUPPORT 3-0 LRB-1976 Relating to: displaying gas taxes on gas pumps. Ald. Johnson moved SUPPORT 3-0 LRB - 2612 Relating to: regulating hemp, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule making authority, and making an appropriation. Ms. Wood asked committee to hold this item until more research is done. There were no objections. AB-168 Relating to: the requirement for stating name and address prior to voting. Ald. Johnson moved SUPPORT 4-0 AB-132 Relating to: electric bicycles and providing a penalty. Ald. Dodd moved SUPPORT 3-0
AMENDEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
181894 1 ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to legislative bills.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Not available
181900 016.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Administration relating to the 2020 Census.

Minutes note: Appearing: Sharon Robinson - DOA Director Patricia Ruiz - Canty - DOA
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Video Video
190065 017.ResolutionResolution directing the Department of Administration - Intergovernmental Relations Division to seek introduction and passage of State legislation to remove the State statute which prohibits municipalities from enacting or enforcing ordinances regulating the use, disposition, or sale of auxiliary containers.

Minutes note: Appearing: Brenda Wood - CC CC
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Video Video
190112 018.ResolutionResolution authorizing up to $2,300,000 of 2019 contingent borrowing for damages and claims.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190079 019.ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the settlement of claims raised by the Estate of James Franklin Perry by Representatives Nathaniel Cade and Anglia Garner.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Not available
     The Judiciary and Legislation Committee may convene into closed session on Monday, April 29, 2019 in Room 301-B, City Hall, 200 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pursuant to s. 19.85(1)(g), Wis. Stats., for the purpose of conferring with the City Attorney who will render oral or written advice with respect to litigation in which the city is or is likely to become involved and then will go into open session for the regular agenda.    Not available
     Meeting adjourned at 3:53 PM Joanna Polanco Staff Assistant     Not available
     This meeting will be webcast live at www.milwaukee.gov/channel25.    Not available
     In the event that Common Council members who are not members of this committee attend this meeting, this meeting may also simultaneously constitute a meeting of the Common Council or any of the following committees: Community and Economic Development, Finance and Personnel, Judiciary and Legislation, Licenses, Public Safety and Health, Public Works, Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development, and/or Steering and Rules. Whether a simultaneous meeting is occurring depends on whether the presence of one or more of the Common Council member results in a quorum of the Common Council or any of the above committees, and, if there is a quorum of another committee, whether any agenda items listed above involve matters within that committee’s realm of authority. In the event that a simultaneous meeting is occurring, no action other than information gathering will be taken at the simultaneous meeting. Times for specific agenda items are estimations. If items cannot be heard at their specified times, they will be heard as soon as practicable thereafter.     Not available
     Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For assistance contact the Legislative Services ADA Coordinator at 286-2998, (FAX)286-3456, (TDD)286-2025 or by writing to Room 205, City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202.    Not available
     Parking for persons attending City Hall meetings is available at reduced rates (5 hour limit) at the Milwaukee Center (southwest corner of E. Kilbourn Ave. and N. Water St.) Parking tickets must be validated in the first floor Information Booth in City Hall.    Not available
     Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code are required to register with the City Clerk's License Division. Lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at http://city.milwaukee.gov/Lobbying.    Not available