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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/17/2018 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Common Council Chambers
Amended 1/16/18 CCFN 171437 Added
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Report of Matters Introduced (New Business)
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
171489 01.CommunicationCommunications from the City Clerk relating to various commendatory/condolatory resolutions to be acknowledged and affirmed by the Common Council.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Video Video
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171121 02.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: The Licenses Committee recommends approval of File Number 171121, motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses. Included in the file is the following recommendation: Nonrenewal, based upon the second nonappearance of the Class D Operator’s license for Jessica Skenandore. (no written objections have been filed) Nonrenewal, based upon the second nonappearance of the Class D Operator’s license for Karen Williams. (no written objections have been filed) Nonrenewal, based on the police report and applicant, police, and aldermanic testimony of the Class B Tavern, Food Dealer, and Sidewalk Dining licenses for Man Zhang for the premises located at 200 W Wisconsin Ave (“Kiku”) in the 4th aldermanic district. (no written objections have been filed) Renewal, with a ten (10) day suspension, based upon applicant and aldermanic testimony of the Filling Station and Weights & Measures licenses for Rita Trimmel for the premises located at 9200 W Burleigh St (“Speedway #4220”) in the 5th aldermanic district. (no written objections have been filed) All members indicated they had read the report and recommendations of the committee. Ald. Bohl met with Speedway #4220 representatives and received an updated operations plan and he moves renewal with a warning letter. There were no objections.
APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171251 03.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Public Works Committee relative to licenses.APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171438 24.MotionSubstitute motion relating to an investigation into conduct of American Sewer Services, Inc. employees while under contract with and working in the City of Milwaukee.APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171405 05.OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the abatement period for trimming trees, shrubs, flowers or other vegetation that hang over sidewalks, streets or alleys.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
140808 16.ResolutionResolution relating to identification of, and objection to, municipal public works projects in the We Energies service area that will involve absorption of utility relocation costs by We Energies.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171298 07.ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance of Sewer Easement SE-2877 and Release of Sewer Easement SER-2149 Parcel-2 located in vacated West Medford Avenue between West Maxwell Place and a point approximately 300 feet northwest, in the 2nd Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171303 08.ResolutionResolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a document titled “State/Municipal Agreement for a State-Let Highway Project” with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the programming, design, and construction of North Lake Drive (STH 32) from East Newberry Boulevard to East Edgewood Avenue, and to set up funds for design engineering at an estimated total cost of $701,500 with an estimated City share of $175,375 and a grantor share of $526,125.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171372 09.ResolutionResolution determining it necessary to make various assessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $50,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $400,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171373 110.ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $1,512,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $4,380,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171374 111.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving construction of nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City construction cost estimated to be $5,114,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $5,548,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171437 114.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to an agreement between American Sewer Services, Inc. and the City of Milwaukee.

Minutes note: Ald. Hamilton, Ald. Coggs, Ald. Lewis, Ald. Bauman, Ald. Kovac, Ald. Rainey, Ald. Johnson and Ald.Bohl asked to be added as sponsors. There were no objections.
ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171379 112.ResolutionSubstitute resolution accepting the donation of the mixed-use building at 3801-3803 West North Avenue, in the 15th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171387 013.ResolutionResolution approving a lease agreement with Kompost Kids, Inc.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171443 015.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute Sewer Easement Amendment SEA-2681 an easement amendment of various widths from East National Avenue to a point 1000 ft North-east of South Barclay Street.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171333 016.AppointmentReappointment of Clayborn Benson, III to the Citizen Advisory Committee on the Naming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets by the Mayor. (9th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171334 017.AppointmentReappointment of Carrie Fix to the Citizen Advisory Committee on the Naming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets by the Mayor. (5th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171335 018.AppointmentReappointment of John Gurda to the Citizen Advisory Committee on the Naming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets by the Mayor. (14th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171336 019.AppointmentReappointment of Reuben Harpole to the Citizen Advisory Committee on the Naming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171337 020.AppointmentReappointment of John McGivern to the Citizen Advisory Committee on the Naming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170934 221.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to establishment of a citywide worker safety telecommunication policy.

Minutes note: Not signed by the City Attorney.
NOT APPROVED BY CITY ATTORNEY   Action details Video Video
171283 122.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to prohibition of discriminatory hiring practices by city contractors.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171401 223.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2018 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.PASSEDPass14:1 Action details Video Video
171402 224.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2018 offices and positions in the City Service.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171055 025.ResolutionResolution approving the form of the Preliminary Official Statement used in connection with the sale of City of Milwaukee debt.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171341 026.ResolutionResolution directing the Department of Employee Relations to provide recommendations for implementing an anti-sexual harassment training policy for City employees.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171342 027.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $6,425,000 for bridges.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171343 028.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $5,000,000 for street lighting.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171344 029.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $26,003,000 for street improvements.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171345 030.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $700,000 for harbor improvements.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171346 031.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $32,500,000 for sewerage.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171347 032.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $250,000 for parks and public grounds.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171348 033.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $7,001,000 for the construction of police facilities and combined fire and police safety buildings.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171349 034.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $349,000 for fire engines and other equipment of the fire department.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171350 035.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $1,206,000 for construction of engine houses, and for pumps, water mains, reservoirs and all other reasonable facilities for fire protection apparatus or equipment for fire protection.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171351 036.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $3,424,500 for parking lots or other parking facilities.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171352 037.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $2,000,000 for school purposes.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171353 038.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $4,695,000 for libraries.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171354 039.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $14,105,000 for buildings for the housing of machinery and equipment.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171355 040.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $5,390,000 for providing financial assistance to blight elimination, slum clearance, community development, redevelopment and urban renewal programs and projects.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171356 041.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $44,000,000 for Tax Incremental Districts for providing financial assistance to blight elimination, slum clearance, community development, redevelopment and urban renewal programs and projects.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171357 042.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $28,407,000 for water systems.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171358 043.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $6,300,000 for any combination of sewage, garbage or refuse or rubbish disposal.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171359 044.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $37,000,000 for grants and financing receivables.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171360 045.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds in the aggregate amount of $1,785,000 for street improvement funding.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171361 046.ResolutionResolution authorizing the issuance of $25,000,000 general obligation notes, to pay a general and current municipal expense associated with the Community Development Block Grant and other grant programs.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171362 047.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale and issuance of General Obligation Refunding Notes and Bonds.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171364 048.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioners of the Public Debt to market up to $150,000,000 of general obligation revenue anticipation promissory notes.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171420 049.AppointmentAppointment of Thomas Bell to the Deferred Compensation Plan Board by the Mayor. (10th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171421 050.AppointmentReappointment of Sandra Rotar to the Deferred Compensation Plan Board by the Mayor. (10th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171426 051.AppointmentAppointment of David Misky to the Public Debt Commission by the Mayor. (5th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171427 052.AppointmentReappointment of Bernard Allen to the Public Debt Commission by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171191 053.CommunicationCommunication from the City Comptroller relating to the Audit of Department of Public Works License Plate Recognition System.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171300 054.CommunicationCommunication from the City Comptroller relating to the Audit of Dependent Insurance Coverage Eligibility.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171399 055.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to classification studies scheduled for City Service Commission action.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171400 056.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to amending the Salary and Positions Ordinances relative to clerical or administrative corrections.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171435 057.CommunicationCommunication from the City Comptroller relating to the Semi Annual Report of Audit Activities.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171451 058.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations amending the Salary Ordinance relative to adding recruitment flexibility to the position of Safety and Risk Manager.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171452 059.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations regarding changes to Part II, Section 9.E, Reporting Pay, of the Salary OrdinancePLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171079 160.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2377 N. Hubbard Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District to its former owner Alexandria Church of God in Christ, Inc., C/o Clifford Taylor.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171274 061.ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Shirley Ploor in the amount of $14,449.34 and the claim of Erie Insurance in the amount of $5,250.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171275 062.ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the settlement of claims raised by Verlishia S. Ellis in the amount of $150,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171297 163.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1931-A W. Burnham Street, in the 8th Aldermanic District to its former owner Kelly Popp.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171338 064.ResolutionResolution urging the United States government to permit Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to purchase prepared juice products.

Minutes note: Ald. Stamper, Ald. Hamilton, Ald. Lewis, Ald. Bauman, Ald. Johnson and Ald. Perez asked to be added as co-sponsors. The entire committee signed on as co-sponsors at the committee meeting. There were no objections.
ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171339 165.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4647 N. 39th Street, in the 7th Aldermanic District to its former owner BDWJ Investments LLC.

Minutes note: Didn't pay city fines timely.
NOT ACTED ON   Action details Video Video
171340 166.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2455-2457 N. 45th Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner Jerome T. Rogge.

Minutes note: Didn't pay city fines timely.
NOT ACTED ON   Action details Not available
171377 067.ResolutionResolution providing for continuance of deferred payment of assessments for worthy indigent resident property owners and appropriating funds for this purpose with the City cost to be $677.21 with a six-year total of the deferred properties being $8,876.14.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171434 168.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4933 N. 49th Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District to its former owner Cornelia Brown (Application made by Novad Management Consulting).ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171440 169.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to legislative bills.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171186 170.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1330-1332 W. Washington Street, in the 12th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Roberto Romo Gallegos.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171187 171.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 924-926 N. 16th Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Brook Management LLC.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171378 072.ResolutionResolution deferring payments of the special assessments and appropriating funds for this purpose.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171258 073.ResolutionResolution relating to the appeal of Markeith Lewis for property damage. (9th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171311 174.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171312 175.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171286 076.ResolutionResolution relative to acceptance and funding of a 2017-18 Homeland Security Southeast Wisconsin Threat Analysis Center Server Project Grant.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171301 177.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to a memorandum of understanding between the City of Milwaukee and Waukesha County for back-up public safety answering point services.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171305 078.ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance and funding of a 2017/18 Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Task Force grant.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171306 079.ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance and funding of a Drug Enforcement Administration Task Force grant.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171395 080.ResolutionA resolution expressing the City of Milwaukee’s support for a Green Alert system to provide information about missing at-risk veterans.

Minutes note: Ald. Rainey is asking for every member to be added as co-sponsors. Ther were no objections.
ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171223 081.CommunicationCommunication from the Police Department transmitting the following traffic reports: City of Milwaukee Crash Trends, City of Milwaukee Annual Traffic Analysis and the City of Milwaukee Fatal Traffic Accident Summary.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171325 082.CommunicationCommunication from the Health Department relating to the 2016 Annual Report of Sexually Transmitted Disease and Human Immunodeficiency Disease cases reported in the City of Milwaukee.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171110 083.ResolutionResolution approving the North 27th Street Corridor Strategy and amending the Near West Side Area Comprehensive Plan to include the North 27th Street Corridor Strategy as part of Milwaukee’s Overall Comprehensive Plan, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171380 184.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a Land Disposition Report and authorizing the sale of the City-owned tax deed vacant lot at 3326 West Capitol Drive, in the 1st Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171413 085.AppointmentReappointment of Jewel Currie to the Board of Zoning Appeals by the Mayor. (6th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171414 086.AppointmentReappointment of Karen Dardy to the Board of Zoning Appeals by the Mayor. (10th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171415 087.AppointmentReappointment of Henry Szymanski to the Board of Zoning Appeals by the Mayor. (14th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171416 088.AppointmentReappointment of Joaquin Altoro to the City Plan Commission by the Mayor. (10th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171417 089.AppointmentReappointment of Stephanie Bloomingdale to the City Plan Commission by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171419 090.AppointmentReappointment of Patricia Najera to the City Plan Commission by the Mayor. (13th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171422 091.AppointmentReappointment of Marion Clendensen-Acosta to the Historic Preservation Commission by the Mayor. (12th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171423 092.AppointmentReappointment of Matthew Jarosz to the Historic Preservation Commission by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171424 093.AppointmentReappointment of Patricia Keating-Kahn to the Historic Preservation Commission by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171425 094.AppointmentReappointment of Ann Pieper-Eisenbrown to the Historic Preservation Commission by the Mayor. (12th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171428 095.AppointmentAppointment of Monique Charlier to the Redevelopment Authority by the Mayor. (14th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170926 196.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to solar panel array installation.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171128 097.CommunicationCommunication from various City agencies relating to the sale of tax-foreclosed properties to non-profit corporations.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171130 098.ResolutionResolution approving an amended and restated cooperation agreement between the City of Milwaukee, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee, and the Milwaukee Public Schools for the issuance of bonds facilitating the renovation of various Milwaukee Public Schools and approving a blight designation for these schools and an amended and restated ground lease between the City of Milwaukee and the Redevelopment Authority.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
171432 099.CommunicationCommunication from the Office of Small Business Development relating to the Final Report regarding Small Business Enterprise and Residence Preference Program participation for the Northwestern Mutual Tower & Commons Project.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
171410 0100.ResolutionResolution relating to the change of funded name from Impact Seven, Inc. to Impact Milwaukee, LLC.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171411 0101.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the appropriation of $100,000 from the funds available to the Milwaukee Promise initiative for community development activities.

Minutes note: Not signed by the Comptroller's Office.
NOT ACTED ON   Action details Video Video
171329 0102.AppointmentAppointment of Jennifer Gannon to the Business Improvement District #4 by the Mayor. (12th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171330 0103.AppointmentAppointment of Caprice Hill to the Business Improvement District #19 by the Mayor. (5th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171331 0104.AppointmentAppointment of Jonathan Jackson to the Business Improvement District #20 by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171332 0105.AppointmentReappointment of Michael Vitucci to the Business Improvement District #20 by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
171506 0108.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution terminating rights to repurchase and restrictions in the warranty deed from the City of Milwaukee to John H. Kashou and George Kashou by instrument recorded with the Register of Deeds for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin on September 25, 1985 on Reel 1798, Image 70, as document number 05848179.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171507 0109.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution expressing the City of Milwaukee’s support for the Butch Lewis Act protecting pension benefits for retirees in multi-employer pension plans.

Minutes note: Ald. Johnson asked to be added as a co-sponsor. There were no objections.
ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171508 0110.Motion-Immediate AdoptionMotion relating to an investigation into the Milwaukee Health Department and the management of the City of Milwaukee's lead abatement efforts.

Minutes note: Ald. Rainey, Coggs, Lewis, Perez, Johnson, Bauman, and Murphy asked to be added as. Ald. Murphy moves for unanimous sponsorship. There were no objections.
APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171473 0106.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution approving a final certified survey map for the Wisconsin Center District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
171495 0107.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution designating January 27, 2018, as MKE Business Now Entrepreneurship Summit Day in the City of Milwaukee.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video