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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/31/2017 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Common Council Chambers, 3rd Fl., City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Report of Matters Introduced (New Business)
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     Meeting convened: 9:26 A.M. The Pledge of Allegiance was said The question was put: Are there any corrections to the Common Council Journal of Proceedings for the regular meeting of May 9, 2017? There being none, the minutes of the meeting were approved without objection.    Roll call Video Video
170274 01.CommunicationCommunications from the City Clerk relating to various commendatory/condolatory resolutions to be acknowledged and affirmed by the Common Council.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Video Video
161735 02.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: Renewal, with a ten (10) day suspension, based on neighborhood and aldermanic testimony, of the Filling Station, Food Dealer, and Weights & Measures licenses of “Silver Spring Marathon” at 11006 W Silver Spring Dr. (written objections have been filed) Mr. Nitpreet Kohli, represented by council, Atty. Bobot on behalf of "Silver Spring Marathon" at 11006 W Silver Spring Dr. Deputy CA, Adam Stephens on behalf of the License Commitee. Ald. Bohl moved, notwithstanding the committee's recommendation, renewal with a warning letter. motion approved by following vote: 14 ayes 1 no Renewal, with a ten (10) day suspension, based on aldermanic testimony, of the Food Dealer license of “Family Dollar” at 6450 N 76th St. (no written objections have been filed) Renewal, with a ten (10) day suspension, based on aldermanic testimony, of the Food Dealer license of “Family Dollar” at 2214 N 35th St. (no written objections have been filed) Denial, based on non-appearance, of the Food Dealer license of “Walgreens” at 5115 W Capitol Dr. (written objections have been filed) Atty. Fielder, appearing on behalf of Walgreens asked the license be referred back to committee. Ald. Rainey moved this license be sent back to license committee. There were no objections. Renewal, with a warning letter, based on neighborhood, aldermanic, and applicant testimony, and the police report of the Class B Tavern, Food Dealer, and Public Entertainment Premises license(s) of “Good Life” at 731 N Water St. (written objections have been filed) Atty. Ovbiagele on behalf of "Good Life" Deputy CA, Adam Stephens Ald. Bauman moved, not withstanding the committee's recommendations, renewal with a 10-day suspension, based on the police report. Motion prevailed by following vote: 9 ayes 6 noes
APPROVEDPass14:1 Action details Video Video
     Ald. Zielinski moved to return to Committee the Transfer Application for Change of Age Restriction for the Class B Tavern license for Habib Manjee for the premises located at 622 N Water St. “Ladybug Club/618 Live On Water” Motion prevailed by following vote: 13 ayes 1 no 1 abstention     Not available
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170081 03.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Public Works Committee relative to licenses.APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Video Video
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170058 04.ResolutionResolution approving a Third Amendment to Lease Agreement with U.S. Venture, Inc.

Minutes note: Ald. Bohl offered motion reconsidered this file to be sent back to committee. Ald. Bohl withdrew motion. Ald. Bohl asked to change his vote. Vote was taken
ADOPTEDFail6:8 Action details Not available
170058 0 ResolutionResolution approving a Third Amendment to Lease Agreement with U.S. Venture, Inc.ADOPTEDPass12:2 Action details Not available
170097 05.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a Cost Sharing Agreement with the City of Greenfield for the planned improvement of South 60th Street from West Morgan Avenue to West Cold Spring Road.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170140 06.ResolutionResolution determining it necessary to make various assessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $2,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $7,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170141 17.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving levying of assessments and construction of assessable public improvement projects at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City cost of these projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $890,500 for a total estimated cost of $934,500.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170142 08.ResolutionResolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $45,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $416,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170143 19.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving construction of nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City construction cost estimated to be $1,471,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $2,046,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170144 110.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing city-wide sidewalk replacement at Scattered Sites, various areas and school sites and appropriating funds for these purposes with the city construction cost estimated to be $1,246,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $1,396,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170145 011.ResolutionResolution relating to acceptance and funding of a Green Solutions grant from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the installation of seven (7) green alleys to be constructed as part of the City’s 2017 alley reconstruction program at various locations in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th Aldermanic Districts.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170178 012.ResolutionResolution authorizing the issuance of a street occupancy permit to C.W. Purpero for installation of private utilities at North 17th Street, North 18th Street, and West Wells Street adjacent to the Marquette Dormitory at 721 North 17th Street in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170179 013.ResolutionResolution authorizing the issuance of a street occupancy permit to Miron Construction for construction activities at North Market Street, south of North Water Street and north or East Knapp Street, adjacent to the property at 210 East Knapp Street in the 3rd Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
130374 014.ResolutionResolution to vacate a portion of the alley in the block bounded by South Clement Avenue, South Herman Street, South Kinnickinnic Avenue and East Montana Street, in the 14th Aldermanic District.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170158 115.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2017 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170159 116.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2017 offices and positions in the City Service.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
160739 117.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds from the Keeping the Promise Special Purpose Account for use in Promise Zones.ADOPTEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
161496 118.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing attendance at conventions, seminars and other travel.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170126 119.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the Department of Employee Relations (DER) to extend the current contract with Froedtert Workforce Health (WFH) for the City of Milwaukee’s comprehensive wellness program and onsite clinic services.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170127 120.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a pilot Onsite Nurse Liaison Program through UnitedHealthcare and authorizing the Department of Employee Relations to amend the current contract with UnitedHealthcare to begin the program.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170146 121.ResolutionSubstitute resolution to authorize up to $2.3 million dollars of 2017 contingent borrowing to fund the settlement in the lawsuit entitled J.M. et al. v. City of Milwaukee et al.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170102 022.CommunicationCommunication from the Deferred Compensation Plan relating to a status update on the plan in the wake of recent program changes.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
170125 023.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations and Froedtert Workforce Health on the City's comprehensive health and wellness program.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
170130 024.CommunicationCommunication from the City Comptroller relating to the Report of Audit Recommendation Follow-Up 2017.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
170156 025.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to classification studies scheduled for City Service Commission action.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
170162 026.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Administration - Budget and Management Division relating to amending the Positions Ordinances relative to clerical or administrative corrections.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170136 027.ResolutionResolution authorizing settlement of the lawsuit entitled Ball Corporation and Ball Metal Beverage Container Corp v. Wisconsin Department of Revenue, to cancel real estate taxes levied against a certain parcel on the 2014 and 2015 tax rolls.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170148 028.ResolutionResolution reserving and appropriating up to $1,600,000 from the 2017 Common Council Contingent Fund to the 2017 Damages & Claims Fund and 2017 Insurance Fund Special Purpose Accounts.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170172 029.ResolutionResolution requesting the Wisconsin Secretary of Transportation to increase the frequency of highway litter abatement in counties containing cities of the 1st class.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170177 030.ResolutionResolution authorizing settlement of the claims of the estate and children of Barbara Killebrew for the total amount of $200,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170187 131.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing settlement of the claims in the lawsuit entitled J.M., et al. v. City of Milwaukee, et al. in the amount of 2.3 million dollars.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
170197 132.ResolutionSubstitute resolution expressing the City of Milwaukee’s support for the continuation of the Milwaukee Workforce Development Area.ADOPTEDPass13:2 Action details Not available
170198 033.ResolutionResolution expressing the City of Milwaukee’s support for a pilot program to place free menstrual products in University of Wisconsin-Madison campus buildings.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
161158 134.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4473-4473A N. 76th Street, in the 5th Aldermanic District to its former owner Willye Banks.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
161220 135.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 921-923 W. Clarke Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner Wacheyne Evans.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
161420 136.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5011 N. 67th Street, in the 2nd Aldermanic District to its former owner Melinda C. Durant.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
161666 137.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3252 N. 42nd Street, in the 7th Aldermanic District to its former owner Earl Murphy, Sr.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
170193 038.CommunicationCommunication related to the 2016 annual report and activities of the Ethics Board.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170039 039.OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to ambulance conveyance rates and ancillary charges.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170096 140.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to community garden permits.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170121 141.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170122 142.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170196 043.OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to community safety.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170151 044.CommunicationCommunication from the office of Violence Prevention relating to a status report on its public safety plan.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
170219 045.CommunicationCommunication from the Milwaukee Board of Fire and Police Commissioners relating to its vehicle pursuit report.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
161662 146.ResolutionSubstitute resolution affirming the Historic Preservation Commission's decision and denying an appeal relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for painting over a preexisting mural sign and installing multiple signs on the south elevation of 1003-1007 N. Old World 3rd Street in the Old World 3rd Street Historic District for owner Robert Wiltgen of Who’s Milwaukee, LLC in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
161712 147.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to a Minor Modification to the Detailed Planned Development known as Marquette University Valley Fields Complex to allow signage on the temporary dome structure at 1818 West Canal Street, located on the north side of West Canal Street, west of North 16th Street, in the 8th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
161716 148.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the transfer of funds from the Capital Improvements-Advance Planning Fund account to a subaccount for the preparation of a design charrette for the Harambee Five Points Exchange commercial district, in the 6th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170034 049.ResolutionResolution approving the South 27th Street Strategic Action Plan and amending the Southeast Side Area Comprehensive Plan and the Southwest Side Area Comprehensive Plan to include the Strategic Action Plan as part of Milwaukee’s Overall Comprehensive Plan, in the 11th and 13th Aldermanic Districts.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170095 150.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to a Minor Modification to a Detailed Planned Development to allow the site located at 700 East Kilbourn Avenue to continue to be utilized as a temporary parking lot, on land located on the north side of East Kilbourn Avenue and east of North Van Buren Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170147 051.ResolutionResolution approving a supplement to the Amended and Restated Ground Lease between the City of Milwaukee and the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee to facilitate the bonds for the renovation of various Milwaukee Public Schools.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170150 152.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the Department of City Development to issue a limited term site control letter to a potential developer of the City-owned property located at 2001 West Vliet Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170163 053.ResolutionResolution accepting an unsolicited offer to purchase from Edward Miller for the property located at 6302 West Richmond Avenue for rental purposes, in the 10th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170167 054.ResolutionResolution approving a Land Disposition Report and authorizing the sale of the City-owned tax deed property at 5424-30 West Lisbon Avenue, in the 10th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170168 055.ResolutionResolution approving a Land Disposition Report and authorizing the sale of the City-owned tax deed property at 5725 West Burleigh Street, in the 10th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170169 056.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Project Plan and authorizing expenditures for Tax Incremental District No. 82 (East Michigan Street), in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170170 057.ResolutionResolution accepting an unsolicited offer to purchase from Arthor Delaney for the property located at 5649 North 39th Street for rehabilitation and sale to an owner-occupant, in the 1st Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170195 058.ResolutionResolution approving the Land Disposition Report and authorizing the sale of the City-owned property at 3880 North 18th Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170201 159.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving City acquisition by property tax foreclosure of 1313 and 1329-1331 West National Avenue under Milwaukee Code of Ordinances Section 308-22, in the 12th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170202 160.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a Land Disposition Report and authorizing the sale of the City-owned tax deed property at 2510-18 West Capitol Drive, in the 1st Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170218 061.CommunicationCommunication from various departments regarding City housing programs.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     Ald. Bauman initiated a motion to take from committee file number 150789, A substitute ordinance relating to zoning regulations for adult establishments, and schedule it before the next meeting. However, Ald. Bohl, Chair of ZND agree to schedule file within the next cycle. Ald. Bauman withdrew his motion.     Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170135 162.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the use and allocation of HOME Investment Partnership 2017 reprogramming funds.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170173 163.ResolutionSubstitute resolution directing the Department of City Development to facilitate creation of a business cooperative providing basic goods and services to major Milwaukee employers and institutions.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170194 064.ResolutionResolution relative to acceptance and expenditure of a Wisconsin Arts Board 2017 Regranting Program Grant.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
161259 065.AppointmentReappointment of Carl Nilssen to the Business Improvement District #25 (Riverworks) by the Mayor. (6th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
161534 066.AppointmentReappointment of Dimity Grabowski to the Business Improvement District #4 (Mitchell Street Business Strip) by the Mayor. (12th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
161778 067.AppointmentAppointment of Pamela Sable to the Business Improvement District #11 (Brady Street) by the Mayor. CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
161780 068.AppointmentReappointment of Matthew O’Neill to the Business Improvement District #16 (West North Avenue) by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
161781 069.AppointmentReappointment of Gordon Steimle to the Business Improvement District #16 (West North Avenue) by the Mayor. (10th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170009 070.AppointmentAppointment of Leonardo Gomez to the Business Improvement District #38 (Cesar E. Chavez Drive) by the Mayor.CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170114 071.AppointmentReappointment of C. Edward Mordy to the Business Improvement District #15 (Downtown Riverwalk) by the Mayor. (6th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170115 072.AppointmentReappointment of Peter Moede to the Business Improvement District #49 (Reed Street Yards) by the Mayor. (12th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
170116 073.AppointmentReappointment of Michael Weiss to the Business Improvement District #49 (Reed Street Yards) by the Mayor. CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170119 074.CommunicationCommunication relating to the impact of citywide anti-litter campaigns on community development.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
170086 375.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to nutrition guidelines at City-authorized charter schools.

Minutes note: Ald. Zielinski moved to substitute This substitute resolution adds the goal of potentially improving students' academic and cognitive performance and overall health to the study that the Charter School Review Committee (CSRC) shall conduct in relation to metal nutrition and service guidelines for City-authorized charter schools. This substitute resolution also permits the CSRC to study participation in programs that are equivalent to the federal Afterschool Meals program, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program and Summer Food Service Program, and increase the CSRC reporting period from 90 days to 120 days. Co sponsors added: Ald. Lewis, Johnson and Rainey
SUBSTITUTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
170086 3 ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to nutrition guidelines at City-authorized charter schools.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
160829 176.MotionSubstitute motion relating to re-naming the Public Safety Committee.APPROVEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
161379 177.MotionSubstitute motion relating to the designation of an alternate site of City government during a state of emergency.APPROVEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
160676 078.CommunicationCommunication related to the activities of the Water Quality Task Force.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Not available
161362 079.CommunicationCommunication from the Milwaukee Bucks relating to a status update on their workforce development initiatives.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Not available
170252 080.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution relating to acceptance of up to $500,000 in contributions by the Office of the City Clerk from the State of Wisconsin for the Milwaukee Initiative Network Education (MINE) Task Force.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
170273 081.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution approving a final certified survey map for Hutton Team, LLC.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
     Meetign adjourned at 12:13 Joanna Polanco Staff Assistant     Not available