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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2014 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Common Council Chambers, 3rd Fl., City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Matters Introduced (New Business) Report
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     Meeting called to order at 9:29 AM.    Roll call Video Video
     The Pledge of Allegiance was said and followed by an invocation to be offered by Father Mark Payne of St Veronica Parish. The question was put: Are there any corrections to the Common Council Journal of Proceedings for the regular meeting of February 11, 2014? There being none, the minutes of the meeting were approved without objection.

Minutes note: Ms. Vel Phillips was recognized and congratulated on her 90th birthday. She was escorted by Ald. Coggs, Ald. Perez, Ald. Hamilton, and Ald. Kovac. The former Common Council President Willie L Hines, Jr was recognized and thanked. He was escorted by President Murphy, Ald. Coggs, Ald. Witkowski, and Ald. Bauman.
    Not available

Minutes note: Roll call updated to reflect Ald. Witkowski's arrival.
    Roll call Video Video
131413 11.ResolutionSubstitute resolution appropriating up to $5,000 from the Economic Development Committee Fund to the Retail Christian Network for participation in the 2014 RCN Breakfast Gathering at the International Council of Shopping Centers annual convention.VETO OVERRIDDENFail1:13 Action details Video Video
131603 02.CommunicationCommunications from the City Clerk relating to various commendatory/condolatory resolutions to be acknowledged and affirmed by the Common Council.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131079 03.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: The question was put: Have the members of the Common Council read the report and recommendations of the Licenses Committee and the exceptions filed under this matter? All members of the Common Council indicated reading the report and recommendations of the Licenses Committee and the exceptions filed under this matter. The recommendations included: Renewal with a ten (10) day suspension, based on applicant and aldermanic testimony, of the Class “A” Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer’s License for the premises located at 1239 S 12th St. (“Eddy’s Foods”) in the 12th aldermanic district. (No written objections have been filed.) Nonrenewal, based on nonappearance, of the Class “D” Operator’s licenses of: • Latara Brown • Adam C Podkomorski • Devin M Hagler (No written objections have been filed.)
APPROVEDPass12:0 Action details Video Video
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131354 04.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Public Works Committee relative to licenses.APPROVEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131408 25.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the possession and consumption of alcohol beverages in public places including parking lots and parking structures and upon commercial quadricycles.PASSEDPass11:3 Action details Video Video
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
130549 16.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending a special privilege for change of ownership to JMH 61 LLC and addition of a covered walk for the premises at 1028-1134 North Jackson Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
130810 07.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending a special privilege to Milwaukee Plating Company for removal of two sets of concrete steps and for addition of set of metal steps and a single concrete step for the premises at 1434 North 4th Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131445 08.ResolutionResolution relative to the cost participation and installation of traffic control devices in conjunction with the Federal Aid paving of West Hampton Avenue from North Teutonia Avenue to North Green Bay Avenue in the 1st Aldermanic District at a total estimated cost of $182,572.18 with an estimated grantor share of $146,057.74, and an estimated City share of $36,514.44.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131446 09.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to shut down and cover an unwarranted traffic control signal and to install a temporary two-way stop control at the intersection of the eastbound IH 94 exit ramp and North 13th Street north of West Saint Paul Avenue in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131449 010.ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance of Flood Easement, in the area near the intersection of South 1st Street and Lincoln Avenue, in the 14th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131450 011.ResolutionResolution relative to the cost participation and installation of temporary and permanent traffic control signals in conjunction with the reconstruction of the West Wisconsin Avenue bridge over USH 45 under Federal and State Aid construction of the Zoo Interchange Project in the 10th Aldermanic District at a total estimated cost of $59,639.79, with one hundred percent of the total cost funded by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131458 012.ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Comptroller to transfer additional funds to the previously established subaccounts for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee for cost participation and installation of various capital improvements in conjunction with various projects in various Aldermanic Districts with a total estimated cost increase of $52,800, with an estimated grantor share increase of $32,800 and an estimated City share increase of $20,000.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131460 113.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving levying of assessments and construction of assessable public improvement projects at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City cost of these projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $1,061,400 for a total estimated cost of $1,160,000.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131464 114.ResolutionResolution approving an amendment to lease agreement with U.S. Cellular for the placement of personal communications services antennas and ancillary equipment at the Hawley Road Water Tower at 5701 W. McKinley Ave.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131474 115.ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various assessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $352,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $4,399,000.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131475 116.ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $2,276,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $23,486,000.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131476 117.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving construction of nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City construction cost estimated to be $12,234,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $17,082,000.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131513 018.ResolutionResolution dedicating certain City-owned land for public street purposes to widen a portion of South Chase Avenue (west side) between West Rosedale Avenue and the Kinnickinnic River, in the 14th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131524 019.ResolutionResolution authorizing Purchase and Sale Agreements for the properties at 5664 and 5710 South 20th Street for storm water management purposes, in the 13th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131379 120.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to recall allowance and special CPR pay in the fire department.PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131468 221.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2014 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.

Minutes note: Ald. Dudzik voted in opposition to the Housing Outreach Director portion.
PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131469 222.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2014 offices and positions in the City Service.

Minutes note: Ald. Dudzik voted in opposition to the Housing Outreach Director portion.
PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131442 023.ResolutionResolution authorizing $1,029,105 of contingent borrowing for police department capital purposes.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131456 124.ResolutionSubstitute resolution for supplemental capital grantor share appropriation authority for 2014.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131458 025.ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Comptroller to transfer additional funds to the previously established subaccounts for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee for cost participation and installation of various capital improvements in conjunction with various projects in various Aldermanic Districts with a total estimated cost increase of $52,800, with an estimated grantor share increase of $32,800 and an estimated City share increase of $20,000.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131461 126.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to the acceptance and funding of the Healthcare-Associated Infection Awareness (HAI) Grant from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131462 127.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to the acceptance and funding of the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131463 128.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to the acceptance and funding of the Preserving Infant and Child Health Grant from the University of Wisconsin-School of Medicine and Public Health.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131470 129.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing attendance at conventions, seminars and other travel.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131523 130.ResolutionSubstitute resolution effectuating a provision of the 2014 Adopted Budget relating to a $40,000 Special Purpose Account for a compliance audit of the Small Business Enterprise Program.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131394 031.AppointmentAppointment of Gerald Pace by Mayor Tom Barrett to the Employes’ Retirement System - Annuity and Pension Board.CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131269 032.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to classification studies scheduled for Fire and Police Commission action.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131466 033.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to classification studies scheduled for City Service Commission action.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131517 034.CommunicationCommunication from the City Comptroller relating to the audit of cell phone device management and utilization controls.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131206 135.ResolutionResolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3607 N. 21st Street in the 6th Aldermanic District to former owner Devon A. Matthews.ADOPTEDPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131339 036.ResolutionResolution cancelling various City invoices.ADOPTEDPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131404 137.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to legislative bills.ADOPTEDPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131454 038.ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Curtis Ward, in the amount of $5,000.ADOPTEDPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131457 139.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2565-2567 S. 13th Street in the 12th Aldermanic District to former owner, Lisalee M Pasdera.ADOPTEDPass13:0 Action details Video Video
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
130440 040.CommunicationCommunication related to the 2013 annual report and activities of the Ethics Board.PLACED ON FILEPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131437 141.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5152 N. 60th Street in the 7th Aldermanic District to former owner, Raymond Fenceroy (Application made by US Bank, Gae Aufforth, mortgagee).REFERRED TOPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131477 142.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 374 E. Bay Street in the 14th Aldermanic District to former owner, Jamie A Litza (Application made by Prime Financial Credit Union C/O Atty. Michael A Sosnay, mortgagee).PLACED ON FILEPass11:2 Action details Video Video
131520 143.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to in-rem foreclosure action on property at 3005 W. Kilbourn Avenue.PLACED ON FILEPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131528 044.CommunicationCommunication from the City Comptroller relating to the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline Report For the Year Ended December 31, 2013.PLACED ON FILEPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131346 045.ResolutionResolution relating to the appeal of Marseline Mann for property damage.DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass13:0 Action details Video Video
131441 046.ResolutionResolution relating to the claim of Veronica Tinnon for personal injuries. (3rd Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass13:0 Action details Video Video
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131439 147.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking controls.PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131440 148.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls.PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131514 149.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to charges for patient services provided by the fire department.PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131432 050.AppointmentReappointment of Claude Krawczyk to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
100774 051.ResolutionResolution relating to the further expenditure of funds for the ‘Open Sky’ project.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Not available
131364 052.CommunicationCommunication from the Milwaukee Health Department relating to its 2013 Fetal Infant Mortality Review Report.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131519 053.CommunicationCommunication from the Milwaukee Health Department relating to its Lead Program.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131535 054.CommunicationCommunication from the Police Department and Department of Public Works Traffic Section relating to the 2013 traffic crash report including fatalities, injuries, and crash trends.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131384 155.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Two-Family Residential to Local Business, for parking, on land located on the west side of South 6th Street, south of West Historic Mitchell Street, in the 12th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131505 156.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to vacant building registration regulations.PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
120271 157.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District No. 40 (West North Avenue/Sherman Boulevard) and authorizing expenditures, in the 15th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131335 158.ResolutionSubstitute resolution granting historic designation to the Germania Building at 135 W. Wells Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131478 059.ResolutionResolution dissolving Tax Incremental District No. 44 (Lindsay Heights) and authorizing the City Comptroller to distribute excess incremental revenue to overlying taxing districts.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131479 060.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Department of City Development to expend funds allocated in the 2014 City Budget for the In Rem Property Program capital improvement project account.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131480 061.ResolutionResolution authorizing the sale of the City-owned vacant lots at 3319-23 West Lisbon Avenue to Stephanie Shipley, owner of the adjacent property at 3327 West Lisbon Avenue, for garden use and business expansion, in the 15th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131494 062.ResolutionResolution authorizing the transfer of funds from the Capital Account-Housing Infrastructure Preservation Fund to a subaccount to fund repairs to City-owned properties to preserve the structures, improve marketability and stabilize neighborhoods.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131495 163.ResolutionSubstitute resolution accepting an unsolicited Offer to Purchase from Mitchell Street Group, LLC to purchase 1721-23 South 6th Street for combination with its adjoining properties to construct a parking lot, in the 12th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131498 264.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a Term Sheet providing for disbursement of a portion of the City Investment to fund Public Infrastructure costs for the North End Phase III Project and authorizing expenditures for Tax Incremental District No. 48 (Park East), in the 3rd, 4th and 6th Aldermanic Districts.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131326 065.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of City Development regarding 2013 Accomplishments and 2014 Objectives of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
131429 166.ResolutionSubstitute resolution renewing the sister city relationship between Milwaukee and Carora, Venezuela.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131481 067.ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance and expenditure of up to $100,000 in contributions for the Girls’ Day program held at City Hall annually.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131496 068.ResolutionResolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds by the Public Finance Authority for the benefit of Crown Court Prairie Haven, LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company, to finance the acquisition, rehabilitation and equipping of a 222-unit residential rental facility for seniors of low and moderate income located at 8949 North 97th Street, in the 9th Aldermanic District, City of Milwaukee.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131522 069.ResolutionResolution appropriating up to $10,000 from the Economic Development Committee fund to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Wisconsin Advanced Manufacturing Partnership for the Hispanic Training Initiative.

Minutes note: Ald. Murphy requested to be added as a sponsor. There were no objections.
ADOPTEDPass13:1 Action details Video Video
131527 170.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving the final program design, program report and program budget for the North End Business Capacity Building Program.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
130885 071.AppointmentReappointment of Douglas Weas to the Business Improvement District #2 (Historic Third Ward) by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131083 072.AppointmentReappointment of Fletcher Crawford, Jr. to the Business Improvement District #8 (Historic King Drive) by the Mayor. (6th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131390 073.AppointmentReappointment of Sam Denny to the Business Improvement District #8 (Historic King Drive) by the Mayor. (6th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131391 074.AppointmentReappointment of Sam Denny to the Business Improvement District #15 (Downtown Riverwalk) by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131392 075.AppointmentReappointment of Sam Denny to the Business Improvement District #42 (Schlitz Park) by the Mayor. (6th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131487 076.AppointmentReappointment of Michael Lee to the Business Improvement District #11 (Brady Street) by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131488 077.AppointmentReappointment of Patricia Suminski to the Business Improvement District #11 (Brady Street) by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131491 078.AppointmentReappointment of Alaa Musa to the Business Improvement District #11 (Brady Street) by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131493 079.AppointmentReappointment of J. Michael Bartels to the Business Improvement District #15 (Downtown Riverwalk) by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131503 080.AppointmentAppointment of Sam Ali to the Business Improvement District #39 (Center Street) by the Mayor. (15th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131504 081.AppointmentAppointment of Candace Richards to the Business Improvement District #39 (Center Street) by the Mayor. (15th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass14:0 Action details Video Video
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
120294 082.ResolutionResolution relating to the use and allocation of Community Development Block Grant 2012 reprogramming funds to the Department of Public Works.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
120451 083.CommunicationCommunication related to the potential economic impact of development of a major entertainment facility at the Dairyland Greyhound Park site in Kenosha.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
120468 084.CommunicationCommunication recognizing Deborah Usinger, a member of the Milwaukee Downtown Business Improvement District #21.PLACED ON FILEPass14:0 Action details Video Video
131602 085.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution approving final certified survey maps.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
     Interview with Alderman Nik Kovac Meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM. Staff Assistant Jessica Celella    Video Video