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Meeting date/time: 11/2/1999 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 301-B, City Hall
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     9:00 A.M., 9:05 A.M.    Not available
991060 01)ResolutionA substitute resolution relating to an appeal of the Historic Preservation Commission's denial of a certificate of appropriateness for the installation of a chain-link fence on the property at 3401 West Kilbourn Avenue.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:1 Action details Not available
991073 12)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the proper City officials to enter into a Streetscape Agreement with The Partnership to Develop Westown, Inc.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
991029 03)ResolutionResolution authorizing the Department of City Development to implement a special real estate development marketing program for commercial property along North Avenue in the 6th, 7th and 17th Aldermanic Districts. (DCD)HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Not available
990968 04)ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending the design guidelines for the Site Plan Review Overlay District as established by Section 295-91.0021 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances for the portions of the Riverwalk located within the Historic Third Ward.HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Not available
991043 05)ResolutionResolution approving the Land Disposition Report for the properties at 1128-44 North Water Street and 209-19 East Juneau Avenue for sale to Market Street Partners II for commercial development, in the 4th Aldermanic District (Redevelopment Authority).RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
991028 16)ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the North 26th Street - West North Avenue Redevelopment Plan to allow retail use in the entire project area and approving the Land Disposition Report for the properties at 2459 to 2485 West North Avenue for sale to AutoZone, Inc., for retail development, in the 7th Aldermanic District (Redevelopment Authority).HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:2 Action details Not available
991042 07)ResolutionResolution approving the Land Disposition Report for the property at 1205 West Mt. Vernon Avenue for sale to Santoro Corporation for development of an office/warehouse for its landscaping business, in the 12th Aldermanic District (Redevelopment Authority).RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
991044 08)ResolutionResolution approving the Land Disposition Report for the property at 1718 North 22nd Street for sale to Florine D. Ingram for use as open space for her adjacent property in the 17th Aldermanic District (Redevelopment Authority).RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
991045 09)ResolutionResolution authorizing the Department of City Development to transfer various City-owned and/or tax deed parcels of land to the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee, in the 15th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Roll call Not available
991040 010)ResolutionResolution amending the sales price and disposition of the surplus, vacant, tax deed lots located at 6735, 6762, and 6754 North 53rd Street and 6755 North 55th Street, in the 9th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
991033 011)ResolutionResolution declaring as surplus the vacant, tax deed lots located at 6751 North 57th Street (part) and 6762-R North 58th Street and accepting an Offer to Purchase from the adjoining owners, Timothy P. Piontek and Norine L. Wilson, for use as green space, in the 9th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
990972 012)ResolutionResolution declaring as surplus the vacant, tax deed lot located at 3476-78 South 14th Street and accepting an Offer to Purchase from Donald Adrian Stewart, Jr., and Jodi Lynne Stewart for construction of a single-family, owner-occupied home, in the 14th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
990974 013)ResolutionResolution declaring as surplus the vacant, tax deed lot located at 3477-79 South 14th Street and accepting an Offer to Purchase from T.R. Martin Builders, LLC, for construction of a single-family, owner-occupied home, in the 14th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
990975 013a)ResolutionResolution declaring as surplus and authorizing the sale of improved, City-owned/tax deed properties located in various aldermanic districts. (DCD-Real Estate)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION   Action details Not available
991034 014)ResolutionResolution declaring as surplus vacant, tax deed and City-owned lots and authorizing the sale of them to Milwaukee Habitat For Humanity, Inc., for new residential construction, in the 17th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
991062 015)ResolutionSubstitute resolution declaring the City-owned parking lot at 2235 North 48th Street surplus and accepting an Offer to Purchase from Schnell Price, owner of Jo's Playpen Daycare Center, for use as outdoor play space, in the 17th Aldermanic District.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
990366 116)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance establishing zoning regulations for title loan agencies.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
990818 017)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the zoning classification of health clinics in regional shopping zoning districts. (Department of City Development)RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
991063 018)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to permits for the installation and alteration of elevators.RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass4:0 Action details Not available
991064 019)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the razing of structures.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
991065 020)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the building code requirements for abandoned sewer and water plumbing connections.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
991066 021)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to building code requirements for roof drainage conductors and water leaders.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
990934 022)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking in various residential districts.HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Not available
     10:00 A.M.    Not available
990520 223)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to the approval of Phase 2 of a Detailed Planned Development (DPD) known as Southgate Marketplace, on land located West of South 27th Street and North of West Morgan Avenue, in the 11th Aldermanic District.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
990734 024)OrdinanceOrdinance relating to the approval of a Second Amendment to the Detailed Planned Development (DPD) known as Airport Business Center, on land located on the East Side of South 6th Street and South of West Layton Avenue, in the 13th Aldermanic District. (Department of City Development)RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
990519 125)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to the approval of a detailed plan for Phase 3 of a General Planned Development known as Honey Creek Corporate Center and to change the zoning from General Planned Development (GPD) to Detailed Planned Development (DPD), on land located on the North Side of the East-West Freeway (I-94) and West of South 84th Street, in the 16th Aldermanic District.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass4:0 Action details Not available
   26) Report of Certified Survey Maps.

Minutes note: Ald. Richards moved to approve the CSM for the following: 2032 City of Milwaukee 2033 City of Milwaukee 2034 City of Milwaukee 2036 JDN Development 2037 Allen Bradley 2038 DCD
    Not available
     Meeting Adjourned: 11:40 A.M.    Not available
     Robert L. Harvey, Staff Assistant    Not available