| | | | Meeting called to order at 1:36 P.M. | | | |
Roll call
Not available
| | | | The Judiciary and Legislation Committee may convene into closed session at 1:30 P.M. on Monday, June 4, 2012 in Room 301-B, City Hall, 200 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pursuant to s. 19.85(1)(g), Wis. Stats., for the purpose of conferring with the City Attorney who will render oral or written advice with respect to litigation in which the city is or is likely to become involved and then will go into open session for the regular agenda.
Minutes note: Ald. Witkowski moved the Judiciary and Legislation Committee convene into closed session, pursuant to s. 19.85(1)(g), Wis. Stats., for the purpose of conferring with the City Attorney who will render oral or written advice with respect to litigation in which the city is or is likely to become involved and then will go into open session for the regular agenda.
Roll Call at 1:36 P.M.
Ald. Hamilton, Davis, Witkowski and Puente
Ald. Donovan excused
Individuals present:
Linda Burke - Deputy City Atty
Tom Miller - Asst City Atty.
Ald. Davis moved the Judiciary and Legislation Committee convene into open session.
Roll call
Ald. Hamilton, Witkowski, Puente and Davis
Ald. Donovan excused
| | | |
Not available
| 0 | 1. | Resolution | Resolution to authorize the City Attorney to represent Willie Hines, Robert Bauman, and Ashanti Hamilton in Milwaukee et al. v. Stepp & Huebsch, in their capacity as individuals, and to indemnify them from any liability, including costs or fees, resulting therefrom. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 2. | Appointment | Appointment of Carrie Davis to the Ethics Board by the Mayor. (13th Aldermanic District) | RECOMMENDED FOR CONFIRMATION | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 3. | Appointment | Appointment of Chez Ordonez to the Equal Rights Commission by the Mayor. (15th Aldermanic District) | RECOMMENDED FOR CONFIRMATION | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 4. | Resolution | Resolution supporting passage of the federal Visa Waiver Program Enhanced Security and Reform Act.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Ald. Dudzik - sponsor
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 5. | Resolution | Resolution to cancel real estate taxes levied against certain parcels bearing various key numbers on the 2009 and 2010 tax rolls, plus interest applicable to date of repayment, if appropriate. | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 6. | Resolution | Resolution relating to the claim of Atty. Carlos Palmer on behalf of Beatrice Smith for personal injuries.
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Atty. Carlos Palmer
Jeff Dellemann - Infrastructure Services Division
Jan Smokowicz - Asst City Attorney
Motion by Ald. Witkowski for claim to be denied based on non appearance. | RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENT | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 7. | Resolution | Substitute resolution relating to an appeal from Janis Cottrell for property damage. (9th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Jeff Dellemann - Infrastructure Services Division
Jan Smokowicz - Asst City Attorney
Janis Cottrell - claimant
Claim granted in the amount of $517.62
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | Resolution | Substitute resolution relating to an appeal from Janis Cottrell for property damage. (9th Aldermanic District) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 8. | Resolution | Resolution relating to an appeal from Jeff Wilhelm for property damage. (10th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Srgt. Pagan - Police Department
Jan Smokowicz - Asst City Attorney
Jeff Wilhelm - Claimant
Motion by Ald. Witkwoski to deny this claim based on testimonies of the police department and city attorney.
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 9. | Resolution | Resolution relating to an appeal from Clarence Kailin, Jr. for property damage. (6th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Dave Lawrence - Tow Lot
Jan Smokowicz - Asst City Attorney
Clarence Kailin Jr., - Claimant | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 10. | Ordinance | An ordinance authorizing return of real estate located at 3870 N. 24th Street to its former owner, Funta Watson.
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Funta Watson -
Ted Medhin - LRB
Rich Scmidt - Treasurer Office
Ald. Coggs - District property is in
Ald. Puente moved to accept propsosed Sub A for discussion. There were no objections
3870 N 24th St.,
Delinquent 2008 - 2011 Taxes due
If pay in June $12,022.52
If paid by July 12, 2012 $12,157.70
The applicant also lists ownership interest in the following properties:
5414 N 52nd St, delinquent 2011 taxes $1,527.77
2713 - 2715 N 39th St., delinquent taxes 2008-2011 $16,826.25 (this property is scheduled for the 2012-3 in rem foreclosure file)
Mr. Watson was under chapter 128 for this property, however the case has been dismissed from court.
City Treasurer'f office suggested that 2008-2009 taxes for property located at 2713-2715 N 39th Street be paid prior to June 12, 2012
Ald. Davis moved to hold to the call of the chair.
| HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 11. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1012 W. Hadley Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Theresa and Michael Perkins)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Karen Taylor - DCD
Lynne Steffen - DNS
Rich Schmitt - Treasurer
Theresa & Michael Perkins - prior owner
1012 W Hadley St.,
Taxes due if paid in June $15,871.78
If paid by July 12, 2012 $16,048.27
Applicant also has ownership interest in the following property:
1008 W Hadley St - delinquent 2011 taxes of $2,397.99
Applicant was directed to set up a payment plan for the 2011 taxes for property located at 1008 W Hadley prior to June 12, 2012
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 12. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4529 W. Hadley Street, in the 7th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Clifton Pope, Jr.)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Karen Taylor - DCD
Lynne Steffen - DNS
Rich Schmitt - Treasurer
Clifton Hope - owner
The department of Neighborhood $1,050.00 pending reinspection fees
also 1740 N 20th St., special charges $475.00
DNS total charges need to be taken care of by June 11th (prior to the June 12th Common Council).
4529 W Hadley Street
Taxes due if paid in June $19,049.90
If paid by July 12, 2012 $19,265.72
Applicant also has ownership interest in the following property:
3355 N 14th St - delinquent 2011 taxes of $2,520.14
Paid in full as of June 4, 2012 per Mr. Schmitt
1740 N 20th St - delinquent 2010 & 2011 taxes $3,213.65
The 2010 taxes are at the Kohn Law Firm for collection
Paid in full as of June 4, 2012 per Mr. Schmitt
Assessor's Office reflects:
2659-2661 N 17th St - delinquent taxes $25,850.55
The 2009 & 2010 taxes are at the Kohn Law Firm for collection
Mr. Hope stated that he was informed that he is no longer at the Kohn Law Firm for collection.
Committee asked Mr. Pope to provide the Treasurer's Office with verification of this statement.
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 13. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2323-2323A S. 17th Street, in the 13th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Helen Galaszewski)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Lynn Steffen - DNS
Karen Taylor - DCD
Rich Schmitt - Treasurer
Mr. Tedy Galaszewski, son of Mrs. Helen Galaszewski
2008-2011 delinquent taxes due
if paid in June $17,172.35
if paid by July 12, 2012 $17,363.11
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 14. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4640 N. 18th Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Nathaniel Cade, Agent for JP Morgan Chase Bank)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Lynn Steffen - DNS
Karen Taylor - DCD
Rich Schmitt - Treasurer
Atty. Nathaniel Cade - Counsel for JP Morgan Chase Bank
2008-2011 taxes due if paid in June $16,032.40
If paid by July 12, 2012 $16,218.93 | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 15. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4606 N. 24th Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Nathaniel Cade, Agent for JP Morgan Chase Bank)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Lynn Steffen - DNS
Karen Taylor - DCD
Rich Schmitt - Treasurer
Atty. Nathaniel Cade - Counsel lfor JP Morgan Chase Bank
2008-2011 taxes due if paid in June $15,013.81
If paid by July 12, 2012 $15,186.14 | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 16. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2315 W. Brown Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Patricia Ross) | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 17. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4010 S. 5th Street, in the 13th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Joel Maillet, Agent for HSBC Beneficial)
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Lynn Steffen - DNS
Karen Taylor - DCD
Rich Schmitt - Treasurer
Mr. Jack Kovoleski - Counsel for HSBC Beneficial
2008-2011 taxes due if paid in June $23,794.04
If paid by July 12, 2012 $24,057.99 | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 18. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 7910B W. Leon Terrace, in the 2nd Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Crystal Hannan) | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 19. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 4320 N. 42nd Place, in the 7th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Reginald Wheeler)
Minutes note:
| HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 20. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1934 W. North Ave, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Greater Faith Outreach Ministries) | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 21. | Communication | Communication relating to state and municipal licensing and regulation of retail tobacco sales.
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Ald. Davis - sponsor
Adam Stephens - Asst City Atty
Rebecca Grill - License Division Manager & Deputy City Clerk
Roy Jackson - Youth Leader at Pathfinder Youth Organization
Dick Withers - LRB
Ald. Coggs -
Robert Sheridan - Community Advocates -Tabacco Prevention Project
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 22. | Resolution | Resolution relating to legislative bills.
Minutes note: Individuals present:
Jennifer Gonda - IRD
Jo Mar Hooper - IRD - Legislative Fiscal Manager
Brenda Wood - Legislative Coordinator Common Council
Action details
Not available
| | | | Meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M.
Joanna Polanco
Staff Assistant
Minutes note: This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar. | | | |
Not available