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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/14/2011 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers, 3rd Fl., City Hall
Amended 6/13/11
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Report of Matters Introduced (New Business)
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     The meeting was called to order at 9:11 a.m.    Not available
     The roll was called.    Roll call Not available
     The Pledge of Allegiance was said followed by a moment of silent mediatation.    Not available
     The question was put: Are there any corrections to the Common Council Journal of Proceedings for the regular meeting of May 24 2011? There being none, the minutes of that meeting were approved without objection.    Not available
     Ald. Bauman moved that the Common Council resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of receiving a presentation. There was no objection. County Executive Chris Abele appeared and addressed the Common Council. Ald. Bauman moved that the Committee of the Whole rise. There was no objection.    Not available
     Unfinished Business:    Not available
110066 01.AppointmentAppointment of Peter Tsounis to the Public Transportation Review Board by the Common Council President.HELD IN COUNCILPass15:0 Action details Not available
110069 02.AppointmentAppointment of Sandra Kellner to the Public Transportation Review Board by the Common Council President.HELD IN COUNCILPass15:0 Action details Not available
110070 03.AppointmentAppointment of Don Natzke to the Public Transportation Review Board by the Common Council President.HELD IN COUNCILPass15:0 Action details Not available
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
     Commendatory and condolatory resolutions were read and approved without objection.    Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110150 01.OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to certain food-related license provisions.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110114 02.Communication-ReportCommunication from the License Division relating to a list of all Class “B” special licenses issued by the City Clerk in 2010.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
101281 03.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110055 01.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Public Safety Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: Return the public passenger vehicle application of Eric Barksdale to the Public Safety Committee.
AMENDEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110055 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Public Safety Committee relative to licenses.APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110120 12.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110121 13.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110167 04.OrdinanceAn ordinance establishing a railroad quiet zone along the Canadian Pacific Railroad’s mainline track.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110206 15.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to residency requirements and naming of alternates for members of the public transportation review board.PASSEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110172 06.ResolutionResolution expressing appreciation for service to the City by members of the Taxicab Review Board.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101188 17.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending Common Council File #100154 relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Wisconsin Well Woman Program Grant from the State of Wisconsin-Department of Health Services.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110200 08.AppointmentAppointment of Alice Belcher to the Milwaukee Commission on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by the Mayor.CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
101185 09.ResolutionResolution amending Common Council File #100153 relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Wisconsin Well Woman Program Wise Woman Grant from the State of Wisconsin-Department of Health Services.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
101426 010.Communication-ReportCommunication from the taxicab review board relative to its 2011 activities.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110076 011.Communication-ReportCommunication relating to implementation of the recommendations of the Fireworks Task Force.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110171 013.Communication-ReportCommunication from the Fire and Police Commission relating to the 2010 Annual Report.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110124 012.Communication-ReportCommunication from the Milwaukee Police Department relating to its inspection of public passenger vehicles.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
101530 11.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2011 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.PASSEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
110146 12.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2011 offices and positions in the City Service.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110174 13.Charter OrdinanceA substitute charter ordinance relating to member pension contributions for certain city employes.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110201 14.Charter OrdinanceA substitute charter ordinance relating to pre-tax pension deductions for employes of city agencies.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
100514 05.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving the form of the Preliminary Official Statement used in connection with the sale of City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, debt. (Comptroller)ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
100977 16.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving the form of the Preliminary Official Statement used in connection with the sale of City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, debt. (Comptroller)ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101532 17.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing attendance at conventions, seminars and other travel.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110080 18.ResolutionA substitute resolution implementing an Interest Arbitration Award and authorizing payments to employees represented by Fire Equipment Dispatchers, Local 494, IBEW, AFL-CIO.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110140 19.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a commercial financing strategy for the Milwaukee Energy Efficiency Program, amending the cooperation agreement with the Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation to administer the Milwaukee Energy Efficiency program, and accepting a subgrant up to an additional $1,500,000 from the United States Department of Energy for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Better Buildings program.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110151 110.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Wisconsin Well Woman Program Grant from the State of Wisconsin - Department of Health Services.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110152 111.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Milwaukee Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness Grant from the State of Wisconsin - Department of Health Services.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110154 112.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Congenital Disorders Grant from the State of Wisconsin - Department of Health Services.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110155 113.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the 2011 Beach Monitoring Grant from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110156 114.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Healthy Homes and Lead Poisoning Prevention Grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110158 115.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Regional Coordinator Grant from the Joyce Foundation.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110160 116.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to the application, acceptance and funding of the Family Foundations Comprehensive Home Visiting Grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Children and Families.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110190 117.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the execution of a Cooperation and Grant Administration Agreement with the City, the Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation and the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership to promote sustainable manufacturing practices.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
101442 018.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to classification studies scheduled for Fire and Police Commission action.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110104 119.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to how parking garage management service contracts are awarded.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110105 020.CommunicationCommunication relating to the Unified Call Center.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110179 021.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Administration regarding environmental impacts of the 2011-2013 Proposed Biennial Budget.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110209 022.Communication-ReportCommunication from the City Comptroller relating to an Information Systems Security Policy Audit.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110210 023.OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the use of requests for proposals when competitive bidding is impracticable for restoration of foreclosed and abandoned homes in historic districts or other special circumstances.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ---The following item may be referred from the SPECIAL Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 8:30 A.M.    Not available
110084 124.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the City of Milwaukee to reinvest and transfer funds to facilitate a New Markets Tax Credit financing for the Century City Industrial Park Project and the Villard Square Grand Family Housing & Library Mixed Use Housing Community.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110107 11.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to an appeal from Walt Paget, agent for Triple Crown, Inc. for property damage. (4th Aldermanic District)ADOPTEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
110159 02.ResolutionResolution to cancel real estate taxes levied against certain parcels bearing various key numbers on the 2009 and 2010 tax rolls, plus interest applicable to date of repayment, if appropriate.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101480 03.AppointmentReappointment of Steven Volkman to the Board of Review by the Mayor. (13th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101481 04.AppointmentReappointment of Dorothy Helmenstine to the Board of Review by the Mayor. (11th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101482 05.AppointmentReappointment of Debroah Spannraft to the Board of Review by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110199 06.AppointmentReappointment of Dwight Ellis to the Ethics Board by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110030 07.Communication-ReportCommunication from the City Attorney relating to semiannual reports as to the determination and disposition of all claims pending and closed and litigation matters closed through December 31, 2010.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110116 08.CommunicationCommunication from the City Attorney relative to expenditures from the Outside Counsel/Expert Witness Fund Special Purpose Account.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110202 09.OrdinanceAn ordinance changing the number of aldermanic districts from 15 to 13.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110215 010.ResolutionResolution authorizing payment from the common council contingent fund of the judgment against the City for $61,175.08 in favor of Giuffre Bros. Inc. for refund of personal property taxes.PLACED ON FILE   Action details Not available
110216 011.CommunicationCommunication from the office of the Assessor relating to its reassessment notification policies.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
   12. Claims against the city:    Not available
110143 0a.ResolutionResolution relating to an appeal from Nidal Bibi for property damage. (13th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110191 0b.ResolutionResolution relating to the claim of the Time Warner Cable for a tax refund.DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110192 0c.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the claim of the Carlata Wesley for property damage. (5th Aldermanic District)ASSIGNED TOPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
101339 11.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Commercial Service to a Detailed Planned Development, for commercial development, on land located on the south side of West Main Street and west of South 70th Street, in the 10th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110037 12.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from a Detailed Planned Development known as St. Michael's Hospital to a Detailed Planned Development known as Wheaton Franciscan, to permit the construction of a new Family Care Center, on land located on the north side of West Villard Avenue, generally east of North 25th Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110088 13.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to zoning regulations for chicken coops.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110166 14.ResolutionSubstitute resolution declaring the Milwaukee Water Works property at 127 South 44th Street surplus to municipal needs and authorizing its conveyance to the State of Wisconsin, in exchange for the City’s receipt of certain State-owned land at 4400 West National Avenue, and authorizing the subsequent sale of the property at 110 South 44th Street to P&H Mining Equipment, Inc. for use in connection with its business operations, in the 8th and 10th Aldermanic Districts.

Minutes note: Marked as amendment 1. Ald. Murphy moved to amend the file as follows: By inserting the following after the sixth “whereas” clause: Whereas, the City, the Stadium District, and the Brewers are also actively working in good faith towards resolving several other outstanding issues pertaining to the Miller Park property, including the reworking of that certain "Reciprocal Operating and Easement Agreement" dated as of September 18, 1998 (the "1998 REO"), which provides for the access over and maintenance of the ring road system located at the Miller Park site; and Whereas, the 1998 REO will be reworked and resolved in the near future along with the other outstanding Miller Park related issues, with final terms reflecting the substance of this Resolution; and By inserting the following after the first “further resolved” clause: Further Resolved, That the City Attorney's office is directed to proceed with negotiations with the Stadium District and the Brewers to rework the 1998 REO with the understanding that public access to the ring road system will be preserved and the City's maintenance obligations with respect to the ring roads will be limited to performance of routine maintenance items such as sweeping, snowplowing, and crack filling.
AMENDEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110166 2 ResolutionSubstitute resolution declaring the Milwaukee Water Works property at 127 South 44th Street surplus to municipal needs and authorizing its conveyance to the State of Wisconsin, in exchange for the City’s receipt of certain State-owned land at 4400 West National Avenue, and authorizing the subsequent sale of the property at 110 South 44th Street to P&H Mining Equipment, Inc. for use in connection with its business operations, in the 8th and 10th Aldermanic Districts.ADOPTEDPass13:1 Action details Not available
110168 05.AppointmentAppointment of Jayme Montgomery-Baker to the Bronzeville Advisory Committee by Ald. Milele Coggs.CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110170 06.AppointmentAppointment of Fidel Verdin to the Bronzeville Advisory Committee by Ald. Milele Coggs.CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110195 07.AppointmentReappointment of Bruce Johnson to the Standards and Appeals Commission by the Mayor. (12th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110180 08.Communication-ReportCommunication from the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board transmitting its 2010 Annual Report.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110194 09.Communication-ReportCommunication relating to a report regarding emerging business enterprise participation on The Moderne Project.ASSIGNED TOPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ---The following items may be referred from the SPECIAL Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee meeting held on Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 8:00 A.M.    Not available
110082 110.ResolutionSubstitute resolution designating the Redevelopment Authority as the agency to undertake Urban Redevelopment and Renewal Actions and authorizing execution of a Cooperation Agreement to facilitate a New Markets Tax Credit financing for the Century City Industrial Park and Villard Square Projects.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110083 111.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a Development Plan for the Villard Square Grand Family Housing & Library Mixed Use Housing Community, in the 1st Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110085 112.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a Development Plan for the Century City Industrial Park Project, in the 7th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
101581 11.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to changes in the 2011 HUD funding for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA).

Minutes note: Amendment identified as 2.
AMENDEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101581 1 ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to changes in the 2011 HUD funding for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA).ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101496 02.AppointmentAppointment of Jeff James to the Business Improvement District Board No. 35 (Kinnickinnic River) by the Mayor. (14th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
091084 11.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending a special privilege for change of ownership to Glorioso Real Estate LLC for a non-code compliant marquee, for removal of various items from the public right-of-way, and for addition of a stationary planter for the premises at 1011 East Brady Street, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
100234 12.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending a special privilege for removal of raised planters and tree grates from the public right-of-way for the premises at 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
100448 13.ResolutionSubstitute resolution granting a special privilege to Downer Hardware Inc to keep and maintain merchandise racks and assorted seasonal merchandise in the public right-of-way for the premises at 2629 North Downer Avenue, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
100467 14.ResolutionSubstitute resolution granting a special privilege to Doris Vitucci Revocable Trust to construct and maintain a covered walk in the public right-of-way for the premises at 1832 East North Avenue, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
100995 15.ResolutionSubstitute resolution granting a special privilege to Comet Café Inc for a dumpster enclosure, cigarette butt disposal bins, moveable planters, storm enclosure, and various recycling carts in the public right-of-way for the premises at 1941-47 North Farwell Avenue, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
100996 16.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending a special privilege for change of ownership to Mental Health America of Wisconsin Inc for a building façade encroachment for the premises at 734 North 4th Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101041 17.ResolutionSubstitute resolution granting a special privilege to JBC LLC for a covered walk, raised planter, and entrance step in the public right-of-way for the premises at 1007 North Cass Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110089 18.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the placement of an information kiosk and other donated structures and equipment in Hartung Park.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110110 19.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to enter into an Out-of-Program Agreement with Westlawn Renaissance LLC for the reconstruction of city infrastructures within the Westlawn Subdivision.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110133 010.ResolutionResolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a document titled “State/Municipal Agreement for a Locally Let Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Project” with the Department of Transportation for the programming of a project known as Milwaukee Smart Trips, Pilot Target Marketing Program with total project costs of $341,559 with a Grantor share of $273,247 and a City share of $68,312.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110134 011.ResolutionResolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a document titled “State/Municipal Agreement for a Local Let Transportation Enhancements Project” with the Department of Transportation for the programming of a project known as Layton Boulevard Streetscaping Enhancement with preliminary engineering costs of $204,926 with a Grantor share of $163,941 and a City share of $40,985.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110135 012.ResolutionResolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a document titled “State/Municipal Agreement for a Local Let Transportation Enhancements Project” with the Department of Transportation for the programming of a project known as Beer Line Bicycle Trail Extension with preliminary engineering costs of $166,600 with a Grantor share of $133,280 and a City share of $33,320.ADOPTEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
110136 013.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller to execute five Project Agreements with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for traffic signal improvements using Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality funding for five projects in various Aldermanic Districts with a total estimated preliminary engineering cost of $609,000, with an estimated grantor share of $487,200, and an estimated City share of $121,800.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110161 114.ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various assessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $90,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $630,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110162 115.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving levying of assessments and construction of assessable public improvement projects at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City cost of these projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $1,025,100 for a total estimated cost of $1,118,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110163 116.ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $445,800 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $2,898,000; and rescinding authority for various nonassessable public improvements at various locations with appropriated funds remaining for these purposes estimated to be $155,980.11.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110164 017.ResolutionProposed substitute resolution approving construction of nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City construction cost estimated to be $1,600,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $1,700,000; and, rescinding authority for construction of nonassessable public improvements at various locations with appropriated funds remaining for these purposes estimated to be $1,528,128.95.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110183 018.ResolutionResolution to inform the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee of the City’s Compliance Maintenance Annual Report for the year 2010.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110203 019.ResolutionResolution accepting the donation of a foreclosed house at 3005 West Kilbourn Avenue in the Historic Concordia neighborhood from LNV Corporation for restoration using the Housing Infrastructure Preservation Fund, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110205 020.ResolutionResolution authorizing a sidewalk replacement in the Eighth (8th) and Eleventh (11th) Aldermanic Districts and at Scattered Sites.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     Communications from City officers were read and ordered on file without objection.    Not available
110234 01.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution approving final certified survey maps.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110259 02.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution suspending the activities of the African American Male Unemployment Task Force and extending its period of authority, responsibilities and activities.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     Announcements were made.    Not available
     There being no further business to come before the Common Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:51 a.m.    Not available
     -- Jim Owczarski, Deputy City Clerk    Not available