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| | 1. | | Call to order.
Minutes note: Meeting convened: 9:04 A.M. | | | |
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| | 2. | | Roll call.
Minutes note: Members present: Johonna Duckworth, Neva Hill, Natasha Dotson, Terri Brookshire and Robert Dodds
Members excused: George Hinton and Cyndee Chatham
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| | 3. | | Review and approval of the minutes of the Dec. 6th meeting.
Minutes note: Ms. Duckworth moved, seconded by Mr. Dodds, for approval of the minutes. There were no objections. | | | |
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| | 4. | | Discussion and possible vote on CH Petro Mart, LLC at 6829 N. 76th St.
Minutes note: Mr. Shabbir Qadir present on this item. This is the 3rd one he is leasing in the same neighborhood. He will keep things clean and a fair price. This one will be 24-hour; the other one is 24-hour and the other one closes at midnight. Ms. Hill asked if there is a particular reason he wants this operation open 24-hours (it is currently 24-hours and he is taking over for someone else). Mr. Dodds asked if there will be any alcohol sales - there will not be. He will be selling gasoline, tobacco products and pre-packaged items. The gas brand will be Clark and the signage will reflect that.
The Committee voted unanimously to support.
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| | 5. | | Discussion and possible vote on Jimmy's Liquor at 6412 N 76th Street (located inside the Mill Rd Shopping Center).
Minutes note: Mr. Rupinder present for Jimmy's Liquor. He and his family have been operating this establishment close to 20 years and it has a Class A malt license, focusing on liquor, beer and wine. No minors are allowed in the store. They are a staple of that corner and he grew up working in the store and has personal ties to the community. Liquor is a part of the culture and every-day life. He updated his security system in July 2023 to add more cameras and better-quality cameras, with cameras in every aisle. Mr. Dodds asked about hours of operation, which are 9-9, 7 days a week and open 365 days a year. Ald. Taylor asked if the establishment is cooperative with the police and they are. There were two police reports on the establishment. This is his only location. They do hire local residents and charitable contributions are through Hunger Task Force and others. He is looking to give more. The applicant assured the Committee that the cameras are all in working condition and he will soon have 2 recording DVRs. Ald. Taylor noted that he also has a noisemaker when items are removed from the shelves. She is pleased that Mr. Rupinder has made it very clear he does not sell to minors and he does not even sell items that might lure minors in. Ald. Taylor also noted that he reorganized and restructured the store to prevent future thefts. Mr. Rupinder said they added a vestibule and moved the product back further in the store to prevent future thefts. He also set up the store layout with the elderly and less mobile in mind, so it is navigable by wheelchair. Ms. Dotson asked what anti-loitering efforts have been undertaken. Mr. Rupinder said the security company is only there until 8:30 p.m. and employees do tell loiterers to move, but it is a constant battle. He doesn't want to keep calling the police for loiterers as it's not the same individuals always loitering. If staff has time, they will also help customers with large purchases to load items into their vehicles. Ms. Duckworth asked if they could employ their own security guards to make customers feel more secure, as well as deter loitering and other unwanted behaviors. Those other businesses with security guards are larger establishments. Ms. Duckworth thinks there is a different level of responsibility that comes with a liquor store than a Walgreens just because of the products sold. She would like more security inside and outside, rather than just cameras. Ald. Taylor feels Mr. Rupinder has done a lot to address security concerns. Mr. Rupinder said one staff member is always standing at the door to greet customers, and keep an eye on what is happening inside and outside.
Mr. Dodds moved, seconded by Ms. Hill, for support. There were no objections.
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| | 6. | | Discussion and possible vote on Elba's City Tacos at 8103 W. Tower Ave.
Minutes note: Adeyemi Adesoji, but he goes by Ahmad, present on this matter. Elba's City Tacos is completely new as of January and they have all needed licenses and permits. They provide Hispanic food sold through a food truck and prep at a shared kitchen. They clean up around the truck so it's all maintained.
Ald. Taylor said he'll be operating out of the Neighborhood Kitchen and Susan does a very good review of those using her kitchen area. Ald. Taylor wanted the GAC to know that it's not a stand-alone establishment. The Neighborhood Kitchen is open 24 hours, but no sales are done at its location at 8301 W. Tower.
The Committee felt no motion was needed on this matter as the operation is mobile. The Committee wished him well.
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| | 7. | | Discussion and possible vote on Smokin Jack's BBQ at 6807 W. Brown Deer Rd.
Minutes note: No representative available. | | | |
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| | 8. | | Comments from the public.
Minutes note: Anthony, a member of the public, asked if comments/concerns are city-wide or limited to the Granville area?
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| | 9. | | Establishments or issues of concern for the next agenda.
Minutes note: Mr. Dodds asked about a liquor store on 76th and Good Hope that was going to do with something with youth. GAC denied their request, but there is currently a liquor store operating there. Ms. Duckworth thought the one that came before them was on Brown Deer Rd. Ald. Taylor said the one on 76th and Good Hope was in operation before she came into office. Mr. Dodds would like to see good security, good layout and a good plan.
Ald. Taylor does visit many of these establishments. One is a Sentry store that has outdated items on the shelves, which she is addressing. They will also be re-discussing the Burger King, so those will need to be on the March agenda. | | | |
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| | 10. | | Updates and announcements.
Minutes note: Ms. Hill said the Granville business district is hosting a housing fair on Feb. 17th from 12-2.
Meeting adjourned: 10:18 A.M.
Linda M. Elmer
Staff Assistant | | | |
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| 0 | | Communication | Communication relating to the 2024 activities of the Granville Advisory Committee. | | | |
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