| | | | 1. Roll Call at 3:03 PM | | | |
Roll call
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| | | | 2. Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2024
Minutes note: After corrections were made, member Murphy moved to approve the minutes, seconded by member, Klose. There were no objections. | | | |
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| | | | 3. New Business
a. Public Art Conservation Fund - Application for the victory Over Violence mural,
artist Brad Anthony Bernard, attending
Minutes note: Representing Brad and in support of his application, Ms. Muller is a Public Art Consultant, Grant writer, and Development Consultant.
Mr. Bernard said that when he first had the panels dismounted, they had to be cut into pieces, the boards were severely weather damaged and had some mold concerns; some of the panels included work paintings from George Gist that, will be part of phase one of this project and it will be featured on one side of the panel and my work on the opposite side. The panels will be supported by cedar posts with the ceramic tiles embedded on the front and back of those cedar posts.
Ms. Morris said that although she likes the idea of remaking this into something else, It's a creative conservation project, and it's turned into lots of interesting things. One of her concerns is who will be responsible for this piece, going forward.
Mr. Bernard said, that right now he is responsible for whatever occurs with the restoration and reinstallation of the mural. Now, there have been some discussions with several schools and service learning students adopting the park for service learning initiatives during the academic year. But it wasn't until we met with the City last summer-late -spring that, we realized that the park needs the most attention. The idea is to get organizations and schools in the area, to commit to some sort of programming, to activate the space. But in terms of just the mural restoration installation that's on me, whatever happens with our future programming, that has nothing to do with me. I can help inspire it, help solicit people, but my main concern was the reinstallation and the restoration of the mural panels.
Ms. Morris is also concerned that, nobody is responsible for them once they're back out in public space.
Mr. Bernard said that something to keep in mind is that restoration efforts were put into play 28 years ago, and it was originally done, and due to the circumstances, it held up relatively well. So that being said, and re-inventing the presentation of those panels, they will stand, for another 30 years, without doubt.
Ms. Muller added that, the idea is to get organizations and schools in the area, to commit to some sort of programming, to activate the space.
Ms. Morris said that from the standpoint of the taxpayer's money, how is that investment going to be taken care of in the future; there are, obviously, a lot of players who could step-up and come up with a plan, so we would encourage anybody involved to come up with a plan for maintaining the park and the artwork within it; the other questions is about the Budget, on the application, Mr. Bernard's total expenses is almost $23,000 and then showed only $10,000 in income, from us and $5,000 from Joy Engine.
Mr. Bernard said that, a lot of it has had to do with what would go into restoring the panels and then the installation; for example, the cedar wood piece, that would suspend the panels, each of those are $65 to 470 bucks a/piece, then it costs about $150 to $200 per post, to be installed. Phase one would entail three panels that are double sided, single panels that are double sided, including the work of George Gist.
Ms. Morris said that, the Arts Board would only be able to offer financial support, once, whether it is in one phase or two. City money can't be matched with city money. Depending on who in the city contributes to this,
You would probably need to be looking at other parts of the city to get money, to continue the work on this project. She concluded by saying that the board will get back to him with a decision, and thank him for giving us all this extra information.
Ms. Klose moved to fund the victory Over Violence Park mural in the amount of $5,000.00, seconded by McSweeney,. There were no objections. | | | |
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| | | | 4. Old Business
Minutes note: The Art Car work continues to move forward. Sarah has been working with a subcontractor who is a welding expert. The Greater Milwaukee Foundation grant that is used for Angie's liaison role, substantial funds are still unused, since she has not been working consistently 10 hours. At this point, we're looking to make sure that those funds are fully spent. We're willing to be flexible with the contract and making sure that the work is getting done.
Ms. Svetic mentioned the interest of Ariel Pate, to participate as member of this subcommittee. Item that would have to be listed as an agenda item to be discuss at a future Arts Board meeting.
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| | | | 5. Adjournment at 3:57 PM
Joanna Polanco
Staff Assistant | | | |
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