| | | | 1. Roll Call at 4:02 PM | | | |
Roll call
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| | | | DCD Staff also present - Sally Svetic & Luke Olson | | | |
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| | | | 2. Review and Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2024
Minutes note: Motion by member Flores, seconded by member Murphy, to approve the minutes of April 9, 2024 meeting. There were no objections. | | | |
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| | | | 3. Public Art Subcommittee Report
Minutes note: Vice Chair Morris, said that the subcommittee met with Brad Anthony Bernard, who submitted an application to restore the mural he had made at Victory Over Violence Park about 30 years ago. He reported that in the process of taking it down, he had to take it off the building because the building may be torn down. he's making it into separate two-sided panels. He is also dealing with the fact that some of panels had work by George Gist on the back of them. He is restoring George Gist's work as well.
Mr. Barnard will be working with Muneer Bauhauddeen to install these panels on Muneer's peace posts. So we had various questions about who would take care of this work and what other sources of funding they had available. They have a $5,000 grant from Joy Engine, which we can match. But the project is actually much bigger, including the condition of the park and who will be responsible for its maintenance, still in question. Brad said he is talking to the BIDs regarding what can go on in Victory Over Violence Park and whether they will look out for this piece. But after speaking with him today, he has involved quite a lot of people in this project. Brad and Muneer are going to be doing some community engagement with Clara Muhammad School where, as Brad reminded us, he started his teaching when he finished (MIAD) Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design many years ago.
The Public Arts Subcommittee has recommended that we allocate $5,000, from the Conservation Fund to the project to restore the mural in Victory Over Violence Park.
Chair Coggs asked where is the mural now. Mural is at MIAD, said vice Chair, Morris because it had to be taken down and cut into pieces to remove some of the areas that showed mold concern. Panels will be displayed separately throughout the park.
Chair Coggs said that it is her understanding that the building current owner is tax delinquent for several years; so the city is considering whether they take it back or not since it has been in the "DO NOT ACQUIRE LIST". The park is owned by the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee.
Member Flores asked, if there had been any other awards or applications for conservation funds this calendar year. Ms. Morris said no that, this is the first one we have received, basically from an artist; reason why we were particularly interested in funding the project.
$25,000 was allotted to the public art fund from the 2024 budget that has not been touched, and there are some rollover funds from past years, but only $10,000 is allocated for the Conservation Fund.
Motion made by Ms. Morris to allocate $5,000 to the restoration of Brad Bernard Mural and Victory Over Violence Park, seconded by Mr. Flores. There were no objections.
Relative to the PAIR program, Ms. Svetic said that the artist-in-residence continues to move forward towards getting the car finished and everything set up with VISION Zero.
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| | | | 4. New Business
a. Recommendations from Sustaining Grant Review Panel
Minutes note: Ms. Svetic said that this was the second year that the grant was administered, essentially the same as last year; there were sixty-five complete applications received by the March 11th deadline. Sixty-four of those applications were deemed eligible for review panel consideration. There were three first-time applicants in the pool; those eligible applications were passed on to the grant review panel, who was asked to review and score all of those applications and provide comments. There were eight panel members, a list of those are on the panel memo;
Motion by Ms. Morris, seconded by Mr. Flores, to fund the 2024 Milwaukee Arts Board Sustaining Grant to the following organizations.
Girls Rock MKE
Latino Arts, Inc.
Arts @ Large
Ko-Thi. Inc.
Black Arts MKE, Inc
Ex Fabula
ArtWorks for Milwaukee
Radio Milwaukee, Inc
Danceworks, Inc.
Milwaukee Chamber Theatre
Bembé Drum & Dance
Milwaukee Repertory Theater
Jewish Museum Milwaukee
Woodland Pattern
Optimist Theatre
Next Act Theatre
Walker's Point Center for the Arts
Art Start, Inc.
Milwaukee Youth Theatre, Inc.
LocoMotion Dance Co
mitchell street arts
Wild Space Dance Company
Washington Park Neighbors
The Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
The Wisconsin Conservatory of Music
First Stage
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, Inc.
Studio K Flamenco, Inc.
Florentine Opera Company
Milwaukee Art Museum
TRUE Skool
Present Music
Artists Working in Education, Inc.
Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Art Museums
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra
Pink Umbrella Theater Company
Marcus Performing Arts Center
Historic Milwaukee, Inc.
Milwaukee Ballet Company, Inc
Milwaukee Opera Theatre
Renaissance Theaterworks (RTW)
West Side Arts Un Limited
Signature Dance Company
Kids From Wisconsin Ltd.
Haggerty Museum of Art
Motion prevailed by the majority with the following abstentions:
Brown abstained from Charles Allis and Villa Terrace Art Museum, Haggerty Museum of the Art, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design and Woodland Pattern
Heding abstained from Girls Rock MKE & Radio Milwaukee, Inc
Pate abstained from Milwaukee Art Museum
Souffrant abstained from Milwaukee Art Museum
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| | | | 5. Old Business
a. Awards nominations process feedback
b. Reminder - Arts Celebration - June 11th - 4:30 PM in the City Hall Rotunda
The 2024 awards are as follows:
Artist of the Year:
Fuzzpop Workshop
Nicole Acosta
Symphony Swan
Amal Azzam
Anwar Floyd-Pruitt
Carmen A Murguia
Celeste Contreras
Judith Hooks
Heidi Parkes
La Familia de Arte, Inc.
LaKetta Caldwell
Milwaukee Makers Market
Fatima Laster
Justin Goodrum
Friend of the Arts:
Tia Richardson
Milwaukee Makers Space
Amal Azzam
Milwaukee Parkside School of the Arts
Melissa Casper
Keith Nelson
Story Hill FireHouse
Jessica Meunick-Ganger
Jacobo Lovo
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| | | | 6. Announcements
Minutes note: Member Flores shared with members his participation with Next Act Theater-
participating in "The Treasurer" | | | |
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| | | | 7. Adjournment at 4:43 PM
Joanna Polanco
Staff Assistant | | | |
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| | | | City Hall and the Zeidler Municipal Building are accessible by "The Hop" City Hall Stations, the MCTS Green Line, Connect 1, 14, 15, 18, 19, 30, 33, and 57 bus routes. Visit https://www.ridemcts.com/ for more information.
Bike racks are available on Water Street, Market Street, and Broadway, and a Bublr Bike Share station is located on the northeast corner of Kilbourn Avenue and Water Street.
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| | | | Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances are required to register with the City Clerk's Office License Division. Registered lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at http://city.milwaukee.gov/Lobbying. | | | |
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