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Meeting Name: FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/15/2024 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 301-B
Regular Session
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     Those wishing to view the proceedings virtually can do so at http://city.milwaukee.gov/citychannel and use Live Stream 1. Those wishing to view the proceedings in person can do so at City Hall, Room 301-B. Those wishing to speak in person during the Public Comment portion of the meeting may do so at City Hall. Those wishing to join virtually to speak during the Public Comment portion of the meeting should email brhughe@milwaukee.gov at least 24-hours in advance. In the subject line, please state your interest in speaking during Public Comment, emailing using the address to which you would like us to respond. You do not need to submit your question in advance. On the morning of the meeting, you will receive a TEAMS invitation to the supplied email account. Following Public Comment, you will be removed from the TEAMS meeting, but may continue viewing the proceedings on Live Stream 1. The Fire and Police Commission will meet on the following items:

Minutes note: The meeting commenced at 5:43 p.m.
    Roll call Not available
   1. Comment(s) by the Public.

Minutes note: There were no comments by the public.
    Not available
     Consent    Not available
FPC211505 02.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the February 1, 2024 Meeting MinutesADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211506 03.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the appointments to the Crime Scene Supervisor position (2)ADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211507 04.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the appointment to the Office Assistant II positionADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211508 05.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Accounting Coordinator 1 Eligible List for the Milwaukee Police DepartmentADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211509 06.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Emergency Vehicle Mechanic 1 Eligible List for the Milwaukee Police DepartmentADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211510 07.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Painter 1 Eligible List for the Milwaukee Police DepartmentADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211511 08.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Maintenance Assistant Job Announcement Bulletin for the Milwaukee Police DepartmentADOPTED   Action details Video Video
     New Business    Not available
FPC211512 09.Fire and Police CommunicationCommunication from the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) relating to recent changes to MPD Standard Operating Procedures and/or Standard Operating InstructionsPLACED ON FILE   Action details Video Video
FPC211513 010.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Classification Report for Citywide Paraprofessionals and Related Classifications within the Milwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee Fire Department and the Department of Emergency CommunicationsADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Not available
FPC211514 011.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Classification Report for Citywide Administrative Support and Related Classifications within the Milwaukee Police Department, Milwaukee Fire Department and the Department of Emergency CommunicationsADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Not available
FPC211516 012.Fire and Police CommunicationCommunication from the Executive Director relating to Fire and Police Commission Department staffing and operationsPLACED ON FILE   Action details Video Video
     Fire Department    Not available
FPC211517 013.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request to seek reclassification of the position of Fire Lieutenant (Community Relations Director) to Community Relations DirectorADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Not available
FPC211518 014.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request to seek reclassification of the position of Fire Lieutenant (Survive Alive House Director) to Survive Alive House DirectorADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211519 015.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request to seek re-titling of the position of Fire Lieutenant (MORI* Assistant) to MORI Assistant (*Milwaukee Overdose Response Initiative)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211520 016.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the appointments to the Firefighter position (45)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211521 017.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the reinstatements to the Firefighter position (3)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211522 018.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request for a probation extension for the Payroll Assistant I positionADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
     Police Department    Not available
FPC211523 019.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the promotions to the Police Lieutenant position (4)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211524 020.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the promotions to the Detective position (11)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211525 021.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the appointments to the Police Officer position (64)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211526 022.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the contingent appointments to the Police Officer position (3)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211527 023.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the promotions to the Crime Scene Supervisor position (2)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211528 024.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the promotion to the Crime Scene Investigator 1 positionADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211529 025.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the promotion to the Public Safety Systems Administrator positionADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211530 026.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request for a probation extension for the Police Officer position (6)ADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
     Motion to Adjourn

Minutes note: A motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Spence, seconded by Ramon Evans. None opposed. All in favor. The motion carried.
    Not available
     The Board may receive a motion to convene in closed session in City Hall, room 301-B, 200 East Wells Street, on the promotions or probation extensions in the Police Department pursuant to Section 19.85(1)(c) Wis. Stats. to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over whom the Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, or pursuant to Section 19.85 (1)(f) Wis. Stats. to consider financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or the investigation of charges against specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations. The Board may then reconvene in open session concerning any such item following the closed session. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or a

Minutes note: The meeting adjourned at 7:01 p.m.
    Not available