| | | | This will be a virtual meeting conducted via GoToMeeting. Should you wish to join this meeting from your phone, tablet, or computer you may go to https://meet.goto.com/177985509. You can also dial in using your phone United States: +1 (872) 240-3212 and Access Code: 177-985-509. | | | |
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| | 1. | | Call to order.
Minutes note: Meeting called to order at 10:01 a.m. | | | |
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| | 2. | | Roll call.
Minutes note: Present (10) - Henke, Richter, Zimmer, Klajbor, Meyer-Stearns, Owczarski, Madison, Riesing, Siettmann, Larson
Excused (2) - Borkowski, Jaeger
Vice-chair Henke chairing the meeting. Max Riesing serving as member in place of David Klein. | | | |
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| | | | Also present:
Minutes note: Brad Houston, City Records Center
Atty. Peter Block, City Attorney's Office
Kathleen Brengosz, Legislative Reference Bureau
Sang Han, ITMD
Adriana Molina, Comptroller's Office Audit Division
Karen McElwee-Lloyd, ERS | | | |
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| | 3. | | Review and approval of the previous meeting minutes from September 7, 2023.
Minutes note: Meeting minutes from September 7, 2023 were approved without objection. | | | |
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| | 4. | | Records Retention.
Minutes note: A. Review and/or approval of a problem statement relative to data management, governance, Enterprise Records Management System, dedicated position, and related recommendations.
Mr. Houston presented. A problem statement draft was before the committee citing the City's potential administrative and legal programs related to the absence of citywide controls on data and records. The problems included the improper destruction of data/records, incorrect or inefficient file organization, incorrect labeling/classification of data, insufficient control of asset security, data theft and leakage, and insufficient awareness of policy/procedure. The problem statement also includes the proposed data governance solutions of creating authority for a Data Governance Analyst position and procurement of an Electronic Records Management System/Content Services Platform. Considerations, such as privacy concerns and administrative costs, could be considered. The system could be for auto-retention on shared cloud storage. There was no mention of a dollar amount for a ERMS/CSP system. Also stated were the risk and damaged caused by data breaches in other peer cities in an attempt to advocate for prevention rather than reaction to data breaches.
Members and participants discussed desktop files not being records, shared folders being records, the new position to train the system intelligence to make good decisions, city systems having explicit connectors to closed systems, data governance to look at shadow systems and city sanctioned alternatives, for an ERMS system to not duplicate existing Microsoft efforts but rather fill in gaps, the job description to include required certification and training desired, Las Vegas having an ERMS system, cities starting to buy-in on an ERMS system, members wanting to see the industry standard, further exploration of options to replace the existing archival program (Document Management), options should have capturing ability and be enterprise wide, current archival program showing its age, the committee raising the issue to the Common Council and asking for funding, and the committee presenting the problem statement via a communication file to the Finance and Personnel Committee as a next step.
Member Klajbor moved approval, seconded by member Owczarski, of the problem statement and to present the statement to the Common Council via a communication file. There was no objection. | | | |
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| | 5. | | Information and Technology Management Division.
Minutes note: A. Review and/or approval of an updated Social Media Policy.
Vice-chair Henke presented. The policy was revised from the last time with input from the Dept. of Employee Relations and review by the City Attorney's Office. Revisions pertained to the user responsibility section and official and acceptable use section. Language was added that the city employees posting in official capacity must have the responsibility listed in their job description. Language was added stating that the link to this policy be included in the general account information of the social media account so that the audience may easily find the City policy governing use of the account. Language regarding support or nonsupport to a political campaign or local ballot measure was removed. Also the policy was changed to make key word filter a manual process in addition to an automated filter. If approved the policy would be submitted to the Common Council for their approval.
Member Siettmann said the policy needed a grammatical correction to delete "at" prior to the actual link listed in the policy.
Member Klajbor moved approval, seconded by member Siettmann, of the Social Media Policy. There was no objection. | | | |
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| | 6. | | Department updates.
Minutes note: Vice-chair Henke announced Cyber Security Month and trainings to occur in October.
Member Siettmann added that there would be citywide 4-minute video annual mandatory training for all employees. | | | |
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| | 7. | | Next steps.
Minutes note: A. Agenda items for the next meeting.
To be determined.
B. Next meeting (Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 10 a.m.). | | | |
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| | 8. | | Adjournment.
Minutes note: Meeting adjourned at 10:39 a.m.
Chris Lee, Staff Assistant
Council Records Section
City Clerk's Office | | | |
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| | | | Meeting materials from this meeting can be found within the following file: | | | |
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| 0 | | Communication | Communication relating to the matters to be considered by the City Information Management Committee at its September 28, 2023 meeting. | | | |
Action details
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