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Meeting date/time: 9/7/2023 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 303, Third Floor, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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   1. Call to order.

Minutes note: Meeting called to order at 10 a.m.
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   2. Roll call.

Minutes note: Present 12 - Borkowski, Henke, Richter, Jaeger, Klajbor, Meyer-Stearns, Owczarski, Madison, Zimmer, Klein, Siettmann, Larson
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     Also present:

Minutes note: Atty. Peter Block, City Attorney's Office Brad Houston, City Records Center Kathleen Brengosz, Legislative Reference Bureau Rhonda Kelsey, City Purchasing Sang Han, ITMD Adriana Molina, Comptroller Audit Division Bob Surita, ITMD
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   3. Introduction of new membership.

Minutes note: Member Siettmann was welcomed as a new member designated by the Department of Administration director and gave brief remarks.
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   4. Review and approval of the previous meeting minutes from June 1, 2023.

Minutes note: Meeting minutes from June 1, 2023 were approved without objection.
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   5. Records retention.

Minutes note: A. Proposed departmental records schedules for review and/or approval Mr. Houston gave an overview. The report was in a new and better format. There were 163 total schedules. All but 13 were closes. There were 2 new schedules with longer retention periods for the Dept. of Emergency Communications relating to complaint files and recordings of emergency services. There were new schedules for the Police Dept. relating to body/dashboard cam recordings (4-month retention period) and old surveillance recordings with no incidents (reduced to 10 days from 4-month retention period). There was a new schedule (no. 23-0033) for the Dept. of Public Works consolidating special assessments to tax roll information with a retention period of 2 years (instead of permanent) after the tax roll or resolution of a case. Member Klajbor said for the special assessments consolidation schedule be reconsidered to have a retention period of 10 years to support tax rolls up to 10 years. Mr. Houston said he would need to confer with DPW. Atty. Block said he would confer with his colleagues dealing with assessments. Ms. Molina said the risk would be a legal one. Member Klajbor moved approval, seconded by member Meyer-Stearns, of the proposed departmental record schedules, as presented, with the exception of schedule no. 23-0033 pending further investigation. There was no objection. B. State Records Board approval of previous schedules update Mr. Houston gave an update. The State Records Board requested a number of functional and/or retention changes to several schedules approved by the committee from the last meeting for those schedules to be in line with state practice and administrative rules. Most changes pertained to Police Dept. schedules' trigger events, clarifications in retention definition, and retention periods. Argument was made for retention periods of 75 years for fingerprint reference files and creation plus 100 years for all fingerprint and homicide files. Other schedule changes were clarifications and clerical corrections. C. Enterprise Records Management System update Mr. Houston commented. Since the last meeting he had obtained a few vendor estimates on an ERMS system ranging between $250k to $600k, which was within expectations of the capital request that was made. The City was not in the position to implement a full system but rather work to identify data storage systems, which were not adequate presently. Physical media used for worker's compensation purposes was an example. He was advocating for there to be a scalable storage solution to manage the City's records. D. Data Governance Analyst/Consultant position for review and/or approval Mr. Houston presented. A job description was before the committee to consider supporting. Being proposed was the creation of a data government analyst or consultant position to figure out the City's data and storage systems. The position would have an end goal of recommending effective and long-term solutions, including a ERMS system, on the management of City records. This position would chair the Data Governance Committee. He had consulted with member Siettmann and Health Commissioner Totoraitis on the position's job duties. The ask was for the committee to support the City Records Center in taking this new position to the Dept. of Employee Relations for 2024. The City's new ERP system initiative would be a challenge, but there was opportunity to have both initiatives happen together. This new position would create and manage an ERMS system. Members and participants discussed the appropriateness of supporting a new position, whether to support an ERMS system first, whether the new position called for two different positions with an initial consultant to scope out an ERMS system and then a long-term position to manage a system, and whether to look at existing IT service contracts. Member Owczarski said that the City's data governance was foundational broken, data was unsecured, there had not been a unified authority to address this issue, the desire was not for a consultant who would walk away but rather for an invested permanent position to own a ERMS system, and the goal was for the committee to endorse this new position. Member Larson proposed that a 1-page problem statement be developed to identify the City's data governance problem, risks, facts, and recommended solutions in order for policymakers to understand and support. Member Siettman, Atty. Block, Mr. Houston, and a Comptroller representative were identified to develop the problem statement for the committee's review at a subsequent special meeting in 2-3 weeks. Member Klajbor moved that the identified subgroup develop and submit a problem statement, as discussed, for review by the committee at a special meeting yet to be determined. There was no objection. Chair Borkowski said that it was important for experts to offer the needed expertise to policymakers, proposals should not be flawed, and that policymakers were most cognizant of not making errors.
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   6. Information and Technology Management Division.

Minutes note: A. IT policy relative to the removal of prohibited foreign products standard for review and/or approval. Vice-chair Henke presented. Before the committee was a new policy and a better approach after feedback from council members and the committee. The policy now had a procurement and purchase perspective on risky products rather than from a user and application perspective. City purchasing authorities would be prohibited from the purchase of products from prohibited foreign countries as defined by the FCC "Covered List". The policy did not list any particular app, such as TikTok, to be prohibited. Any requests for banned products would require his review and permission. There was an important Georgetown University study done on this issue. Member Owczarski said there was no concern with the policy since the policy was not based on apps such as TikTok. Member Owczarski moved approval, seconded by member Klajbor, of the Prohibited Foreign Products Policy. There was no objection. Ms. Molina questioned policy implementation, training, and system controls in place. Vice-Chair Henke and Ms. Kelsey replied that they would work together to update the City's purchasing manual, terms and conditions, and process with City Attorney review. B. IT policy revisions regarding use of social media for review and/or approval. Mr. Henke presented. The policy was an overall new update to the Social Media Policy unrelated to the prohibited foreign products. The policy was developed in consultation with departments. The policy could be reviewed further by the City Attorney and other subject matter experts. Members discussed that the policy should be held for further review, be reconsidered at a special meeting, and to include review by the Dept. of Employee Relations. Member Meyer-Stearns moved to hold review of the Social Media Policy. There was no objection. Atty. Block said that the policy dealt with work and not personal social media. Mr. Houston was supportive of the new policy language and ITMD providing guidance on the issue.
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   7. Department updates.

Minutes note: Members and guests were invited and gave updates on various personal achievements, announcements, or activities. Members and guests gave departmental updates and announcements of note as follows: The City Treasurer's Office was hoping to get Resident Access regarding tax information and Tyler Payments regarding ePay soon. The Library was on schedule to hopefully open the new MLK Library next year and was participating in Doors Open. The Comptroller's Office received a clean assessment report (2nd in a row) on the City's IT financial statements by BakerTilly. Police Department was converting their evidence management processes to become digital. The City Clerk's Office was working to make Legistar to be used enterprise-wide, including BOZA. Municipal Court would be converting from use of Oracle to Sequel next Thursday. City Purchasing would be relaying early requisition deadlines soon to departments, was preparing for the RNC, and was continuing to deal with ARPA deadlines. Ms. Molina was the new audit manager for the Comptroller's Office. Water Works has implemented a successful wireless device concept to deal with the management of their water purification system given their staffing challenges. City Records Center had upcoming training workshops with a general introduction course on Sept. 20th and management of electronic records on Oct. 4th. Mr. Houston was appointed to the program committee for the National Association of Government Archives and Record Administrators (NAGARA) Atlanta conference in July 2024. The Fire Department was now fully staffed in its IT division. Atty. Block was a co-chair to the Wisconsin State Bar meetings on open records and meetings laws. ITMD has now over 5,300 MFA users, was close to request funding for the 2025 budget for cyber security liability insurance, and has ongoing phishing training. The ERP project was ongoing with 10 responses being reviewed.
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   8. Next steps.

Minutes note: A. Agenda items for the next meeting To be determined. Items for a special meeting to include review of a problem statement on City data governance and an updated Social Media Policy. B. Next meeting date and time (Thrs., Dec. 7, 2023 at 10 a.m.) A special meeting to be established in 2-3 weeks time.
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   9. Adjournment.

Minutes note: Meeting adjourned at 11:39 a.m. Chris Lee, Staff Assistant Council Records Section City Clerk's Office
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     Meeting materials for this meeting can be found within the following file:    Not available
230629 0 CommunicationCommunication relating to the matters to be considered by the City Information Management Committee at its September 7, 2023 meeting.    Action details Not available