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| | 1. | | Roll call.
Minutes note: Meeting convened: 5:01 P.M.
Members present: Kevin Ingram, Dr. Desiree Pointer-Mace, Aycha Sawa and Cynthia Gonzalez
Members excused: Joyce Mallory and Raynetta Hill
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Not available
| | 2. | | Review and approval of the minutes of the February 22nd meeting.
Minutes note: Ms. Sawa moved, seconded by Ms. Gonzalez, for approval of the minutes. There were no objections. | | | |
| 0 | 3. | Communication | Communication relating to administrative matters of the Charter School Review Committee for the 2021-23 school years.
Minutes note: Dr. Aza Baylor, Evident Change, said schools are required to have an early literacy requirement which involves testing K4, K5, 1st and 2nd grade students. PALS assessment has been discontinued and Evident Change recommends using the Star Early Literacy Assessment, which is completely online, after looking at 4 early literacy assessment programs. It offers many options and a whole suite schools can use for their local measures. Stars is accepted by DPI. Dr. Pointer-Mace noted that this is consistent with what is happening with a lot of school systems. Downtown Montessori was the only school that wasn't fully on-board as devices are needed and that school doesn't tend to use devices until their students are older. They will load the software onto the computers and use Stars.
Dr. Pointer-Mace moved, seconded by Ms. Sawa, to replace PALS with Stars Early Literacy Assessment.
Dr. Baylor said schools have a lower return rate because retired teachers are included. Evident Change would like the roster that schools provide to include all certified staff, including counselors and other professional staff. They also would like to not count teachers that are retiring, either from the profession or completely. The age of 62 would be used as the retirement year when calculating this. The report will note if a teacher retired. Teachers are required to live in the City of Milwaukee or within 25 miles of any Milwaukee County border. Teachers who stay in the area, but choose to teach at a different school, would count against the return rate.
Ms. Sawa moved, seconded by Dr. Pointer-Mace, to accept the change in definitions for retention and return rates.
Dr. Baylor said that students are doing other things, rather than going to college, so there is a need to create a common definition for "career and college readiness" for students who go onto apprenticeships or something that isn't purely college. Evident Change will still collect data for those 12th graders who do take the ACT, but that score won't be on the scorecard and the 15 points in the scorecard will now include not only students accepted into college, but also those in certification programs, apprenticeships, military service or dual-enrollment programs. Mr. Ingram noted that the DPI had been tracking students who joined the work force rather than going into college.
Dr. Pointer-Mace stated that CSRC is really trying to track what students are doing after high-school and she thinks that dual-enrollment programs are very good. Dr. Pointer-Mace noted it might be good to note post-high school achievements and if the students have completed any college credits who are enrolled in dual-enrollment programs. Ms. Gonzalez would like to indicate the number of students who completed dual-enrollment courses. Mr. Ingram said a lot of students enroll in apprenticeships to work at a company while in high school.
Dr. Pointer-Mace moved, seconded by Ms. Gonzalez, to clarify the definition of post-secondary readiness as recommended by Evident Change. There were no objections.
Meeting adjourned: 5:41P.M.
Linda M. Elmer
Staff Assistant
This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar.
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