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Meeting Name: REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/16/2023 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 809 N Broadway, First Floor Boardroom
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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   1. Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes note: The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
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   2. Roll Call    Roll call Not available
   3. Approval of Minutes of the February 16, 2023 regular meeting

Minutes note: After the Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call, the Chair asked for a motion to adopt the February 16, 2023 Meeting Minutes. Hearing no corrections or objection, the minutes were adopted by consensus.
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   4. Resolution authorizing a new tax exempt land use (thereby waiving the prohibition thereof) for that certain property located in the Park East Redevelopment Plan, as amended from time to time (the “Plan”), having an address at 310 East Knapp Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53202; such resolution also authorizing, as applicable, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) to approve and/or issue a building permit(s) or occupancy permit(s) pursuant to the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances (“MCO”).

Minutes note: Lori Lutzka of Economic Development provided background on the creation of the Park East TID in 2002. The TID prohibited tax-exempt uses to ensure the TID debt service was paid down. The TID has performed very well over the past 10 years. MSOE recently purchased the property at 310 East Knapp Street and is requesting tax exemption for the property since MSOE will be using the site for education purposes. MSOE is willing to pay a $100K PILOT that will be heard at the Common Council in the next cycle. Paul Matson, CFO of MSOE, provided additional background on the university which includes spending over $100 million in the past 6 years in building development. This specific building will be reused for the school’s Civil and Architectural Engineering Progrmas and the Construction Management Program. The estimated costs to renovate is $14 million that will be funded by donors. Commissioner Smith moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 5 ayes - 0 nays (Schwartz had connection problems and left the meeting). Adopted resolution is No. 10952.
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230232 05.ResolutionResolution authorizing a new tax exempt land use (thereby waiving the prohibition thereof) for that certain property located in the Park East Redevelopment Plan, as amended from time to time (the “Plan”), having an address at 310 East Knapp Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53202; such resolution also authorizing, as applicable, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) to approve and/or issue a building permit(s) or occupancy permit(s) pursuant to the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances (“MCO”).    Action details Not available
   6. Resolution approving Amendment No. 5 to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental Financing District No. 48 (Park East), in the 3rd, 4th and 6th Aldermanic Districts.

Minutes note: Dan Casanova of Economic Development shared that TID-48 was created in 2002. The amendment would provide $15.75M for the Vel R. Phillips Plaza, $4.35M for public infrastructure, $500K for the Commercial Corridor Team, and $150K for administration for a total of $20.75M ($60.5M for the entire TID). The TID will still have additional increment available next year for housing initiatives. Mr. Casanova described the historical signficance of Ms. Phillips in the City and State, and this Plaza will rightfully recognize her significance. He further described the site plan which would accommodate a Bus Rapid Transit stop, a food and beverage building with restrooms, a grove of trees, a raised intersection, a future street car rail, and a memorial/signature piece (funded by the Fiserv TID). The overall site would have 55K square feet of land area available for development after the Plaza is constructed. Commissioner West moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 5 ayes - 0 nays. Adopted resolution is No. 10953.
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230233 07.ResolutionResolution approving Amendment No. 5 to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental Financing District No. 48 (Park East), in the 3rd, 4th and 6th Aldermanic Districts.    Action details Not available
   8. Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental Financing District No. 57 (Menomonee Valley-East Project), in the 4th Aldermanic District.

Minutes note: Alyssa Remington of Economic Development introduced TID 57 that was created for the Harley Davidson Museum in 2004. The TID has performed well and will be amended to assist in preparing the Kneeland Properties for redevelopment. Corey Zetts, Executive Director of the Menomonee Valley Partners, provided background with the planning work done over the past 20 years including the 2014 Valley 2.0 Plan and the 2017 Design Charette. This site is projected to be for a light industrial development with family-supporting jobs and incorporates the riverwalk. Ms Remington stated the TID amendment would provide the 20% match needed for a $3.2M EDA grant received late last year. Specifically, the amendment will provide $800K for road and utility infrastructure, $200K for a land swap, and $200K for administration. The district will amoritize costs by year 24 or 2028. Chair Hardrick asked if the land swap discussions have occurred with the adjacent owner to which Ms. Remington stated yes there have ben positive discussions. Commissioner Smith moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 5 ayes - 0 nays. Adopted resolution is No. 10954.
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230234 09.ResolutionResolution approving First Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental Financing District No. 57 (Menomonee Valley - East Project), in the 4th Aldermanic District.    Action details Not available
   10. Resolution approving the signing of a License Agreement for a Fresh Coast Protection Partnership project funded by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (“MMSD”) on the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) properties at 3010 West North Avenue, 3014 West North Avenue, and 3001 West Meinecke Avenue (“Project Site”).

Minutes note: Tory Kress of the Environmental Team reminded the Board of their previous action by the MMSD’s Fresh Coast Protection Program. The property is good for green infrastructure due to the narrow dimensions of the site. The FCPP covers the first 5 years of maintenance with the Authority managing the following 6 years for an 11-year conservation easement. Authority staff have been working with Greg Brees and Black & Veatch on the green infrastructure plan that will fit nicely with the following resolution involving lineworker training. Commissioner West moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 4 ayes - 0 nays (Galvan abstained). Adopted resolution is No. 10955.
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230235 011.ResolutionResolution approving the signing of a License Agreement for a Fresh Coast Protection Partnership project funded by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (“MMSD”) on the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”) properties at 3010 West North Avenue, 3014 West North Avenue, and 3001 West Meinecke Avenue (“Project Site”).    Action details Not available
   12. Resolution approving a Cooperation Agreement and a License Agreement among the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”), Milwaukee Area Technical College (“MATC”), and Milwaukee Area Technical College Foundation (“MATC Foundation”) for development and operation of an Electrical Power Distribution / Line Mechanic Training Program on a portion of the RACM-owned properties located at 3010 West North Avenue, 3014 West North Avenue, and 3001 West Meinecke Avenue (“Project Site”).

Minutes note: Ms. Kress continued the discussion regarding the site where the Authority would prepare the site by removing two hot spots of contamination and sign a Cooperation Agreement and License to allow MATC to create an Electrical Power Distribution (EPD) Program at the site. Laura Bray of MATC spoke to the EPD Program that currently exists at the Mequon Campus. An advisory group, including We Energies, identified a need to have a second campus but MATC cannot buy land to expand the program and so a license is the most appropriate mechanism for 30th and North. The MATC-led program will install 11 electrical poles alongside an access drive on the site to train lineworkers. Ms. Kress spoke to a future greenspace area along North Avenue where Authority staff have been working with Metcalfe Park Community Bridges (MPCB) in preparing the site and beginning the fund raising for the greenspace. Ms. Melody McCurtis of MPCB presented the partnership with the Authority, understanding there are environmental challenges but the opportunity for workforce development and a yearlong use is critical to the area’s success. The site is also appealing to small businesses such as an open market and food trucks. Ms. Kress described the funding for the overall project where the Authority will spend $324K on environmental with grants, in-kind, and donations making up the rest of the $828K project. The timeline has the first cohort beginning in August 2023. Vice-Chair Smith recognized the cooperation between the parties and Chair Hardrick discussed her personal experience with the linesworker program. Commissioner Galvan moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 4 ayes - 0 nays (Chair Hardrick abstained). Adopted resolution is No. 10956.
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230236 013.ResolutionResolution approving a Cooperation Agreement and a License Agreement among the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“RACM”), Milwaukee Area Technical College (“MATC”), and Milwaukee Area Technical College Foundation (“MATC Foundation”) for development and operation of an Electrical Power Distribution / Line Mechanic Training Program on a portion of the RACM-owned properties located at 3010 West North Avenue, 3014 West North Avenue, and 3001 West Meinecke Avenue (“Project Site”).    Action details Not available
   14. Resolution relative to application, acceptance, and funding of a brownfield grant application to the USEPA for Supplemental Brownfields Revolving Loan Funds for cleanup and redevelopment of various brownfields throughout the City of Milwaukee.

Minutes note: Ms. Kress presented the item where the Authority has been granted $10.2M over the past 20 years. The Program has provided Brownfield loan funds for 18 borrowers, cleaned 279 acres, leveraged $596M in private investment, and created/retained over 4,400 jobs. This resolution is to submit an application to the USEPA for an additional $3M. Commissoner Galvan congratulated the team for this program since it has really benefited developments, including affordable housing projects, in the community. Commissioner Galvan moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 5 ayes - 0 nays. Adopted resolution is No. 10957.
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230237 015.ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance, and funding of a brownfield grant application to the USEPA for Supplemental Brownfields Revolving Loan Funds for cleanup and redevelopment of various brownfields throughout the City of Milwaukee.    Action details Not available
   16. Resolution authorizing certain commitments of program income from the RACM Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Program to subgrants and direct cleanups.

Minutes note: Ms. Kress stated the Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund is still overseen by the USEPA through a Close-Out Agreement. The Authority has an income balance of $5.92M which covers all the approved and executed loans. We also use the income balance for a Site Assessment Grant (SAG) program where applicants can use up to $15K for site assessments. This resolution is to request that we continue to fund the SAG program over the next 5 years for a total of $150K. This resolution also requests use of $280K of income funds for direct cleanups such as the previous item. Commissioner Smith moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 4 ayes - 0 nays (Galvan left meeting). Adopted resolution is No. 10958.
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230238 017.ResolutionResolution authorizing certain commitments of program income from the RACM Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Program to subgrants and direct cleanups.    Action details Not available
   18. Resolution authorizing the Executive Director to enter into a contract for Native Landscape Restoration Services in the Menomonee Valley Community Park.

Minutes note: Mat Reimer provided an overview of the community park and the role of the vegetation in stormwater management. To deal with the invasive species in the park, the Authority issued an RFP in February 2023 and received 4 responsive bids. A review team interviewed two firms and is recommending Walnut Way Conservation Corporation for the one-year, $28K contract with 2 one-year extensions. The firm has agreed to a 20% SBE participation. The work includes hand-pulling of weeds, herbicides, and prescribed burns. Mr. Misky added the Authority continues to collect funds from the property owners to maintain the entire park including this contract. Commissioner Charlier moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 4 ayes - 0 nays. Adopted resolution is No. 10959.
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230239 019.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Executive Director to enter into a contract for Native Landscape Restoration Services in the Menomonee Valley Community Park.    Action details Not available
   20. Resolution authorizing a 1-Year License Agreement with Liga Premiere, LLC for the property at 212 South 36th Street.

Minutes note: Mr. Misky provided a brief overview of the use of the Menomonee Valley Industrial Center and Community Park soccer fields over the past few years. Ruben Roman of Liga Premeire, LLC used the fields in 2021 for his club activities and coordinated the use of the fields by other soccer groups in the City of Milwaukee. This license would allow Liga Premeire use of the fields throughout 2023. The license would require a Certificate of Insurance naming the Authority as an additional insured and require Liga Premiere to maintain the fields. Mr. Ramon is part of a landscape company and has been helpful in maintaining the fields outside the mowing performed by a RACM contractor. Commissioner West moved for adoption of the resolution and it carried by a vote of 4 ayes - 0 nays. Adopted resolution is No. 10960.
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230240 021.ResolutionResolution authorizing a 1-Year License Agreement with Liga Premiere, LLC for the property at 212 South 36th Street.    Action details Not available
   22. Adjournment

Minutes note: The meeting was adjourned at 3:32 p.m. Minutes prepared by Dave Misky.
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