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Meeting Name: FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/18/2023 5:45 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 301-B
Regular Session
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     This is a hybrid meeting that will be conducted via Microsoft Teams and In-Person. Those wishing to view the proceedings virtually can do so at http://city.milwaukee.gov/citychannel and use Live Stream 1. Those wishing to view the proceedings in person can do so at City Hall, Room 301-B. Those wishing to join the meeting virtually for public comment can do so at: https://bit.ly/3NXrN3P Or call in (audio only) 414-251-0392 United States, Milwaukee Phone Conference ID: 579 067 647# The Fire and Police Commission will meet on the following items:

Minutes note: The meeting commenced at 6:33 p.m.
    Roll call Not available
FPC211131 02.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to temporarily suspend Milwaukee Police Department Standard Operating Procedure 575-Video Release Policy, during the 2024 Republican National Convention (RNC) and related, adjacent time periodsADOPTEDPass6:3 Action details Video Video
   1. Comment(s) by the Public.

Minutes note: Following the vote on FPC211131, Commissioners Ruben Burgos and Miriam Horwitz were excused. 1. Omar Flores 2. Kian D. Lewis 3. Janice Crump 4. Brian Verdin 5. Alan Chavoya
    Video Video
     Consent Agenda    Not available
FPC211115 03.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the May 4, 2023 Meeting MinutesADOPTED   Action details Video Video
FPC211116 04.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request for Crime Scene Investigator I Recruitment and Eligibility ListADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211117 05.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request for Public Health and Cyber Security Analyst Recruitment and Eligibility ListADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211118 06.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request for Public Safety Systems Administrator Recruitment and Eligibility ListADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211119 07.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the request for Video Electronic Technician Recruitment and Eligibility ListADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211120 08.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Facilities Maintenance Mechanic Job Announcement BulletinADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211121 09.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Police Risk Manager Job Announcement BulletinADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211122 010.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Programmer Analyst Job Announcement BulletinADOPTED   Action details Not available
FPC211123 011.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Custodial Worker II - C L MPD Eligible ListADOPTED   Action details Video Video
     Examinations    Not available
FPC211124 012.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Police Officer Job Announcement BulletinADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211125 013.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Police Officer Eligible ListADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211126 014.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Police Aide Eligible ListADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211127 015.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to amend the Police Officer Eligible ListADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211128 016.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the 911 Telecommunicator Eligible ListADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211129 017.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Emergency Communications Supervisor Eligible ListADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211130 018.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Emergency Communications Manager Eligible ListADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
     New Business    Not available
FPC211132 019.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to amend Milwaukee Police Department Standard Operating Procedure 080-Family Medical Leave Act and Other LeavesADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211133 020.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to amend Milwaukee Police Department Standard Operating Procedure 211-Face CoveringsADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211134 021.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to amend Milwaukee Police Department Standard Operating Procedure 263-Records ManagementADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211135 022.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to amend Milwaukee Police Department Standard Operating Procedure 466-Patrol RifleADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211136 023.Fire and Police CommunicationCommunication from the FPC Audit Manager relating to police overtime audit.PLACED ON FILE   Action details Video Video
FPC211137 024.Fire and Police CommunicationCommunication from the Executive Director relating to FPC department staffing and operations.PLACED ON FILE   Action details Video Video
     Fire Department    Not available
FPC211138 025.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the reappointment of 911 TelecommunicatorADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Not available
     Police Department    Not available
FPC211139 026.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the appointment to Forensic Identification ProcessorADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
FPC211140 027.Fire and Police ResolutionResolution to approve the Voluntary Demotion to Office Assistant IIIADOPTEDPass7:0 Action details Video Video
     Motion to Adjourn

Minutes note: A motion to adjourn was made by LaNelle Ramey, seconded by Dana World-Patterson. None opposed. All in favor. The motion carried.
    Video Video
     The Board may receive a motion to convene in closed session in City Hall, room 301-B, 200 East Wells Street, on Item 2 and items in the Fire and Police Department pursuant to Section 19.85 (1)(c) Wis. Stats. to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over whom the Board has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, or pursuant to Section 19.85 (1)(d) Wis. Stats. to consider strategy for crime detection or prevention. The Board may then reconvene in open session concerning any such item following the closed session. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Fire and Police Commission ADA Coordinator at 414-286-5072, 414-286-5050 (fax), 414-286-2960 (TDD), or by writing to the Coordinator at Fire and Police Commission, Milwaukee City Hall, Room 706A, 200 East Wells Street, Milwaukee WI 53202. This notice is being made pursuant to Section 19.84 (

Minutes note: The meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
    Not available