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Meeting Name: JUDICIARY & LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/8/1997 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 301-B of City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     9:00 A.M.    Not available
971230 01)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing settlement of the lawsuit entitled Bernadette Enders v. City of Milwaukee, et al., Milwaukee County Circuit Court Case No. 94-CV-011347.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Not available
971232 02)CommunicationAppeal of Marilyn Cox relative to claim for property damage. (7th Aldermanic District)

Minutes note: ALD. PRATT moved to settle for $395. The motion failed by the following vote: Ayes: Ald. Pratt and Richards. Noes: Ald. Nardelli and Frank. (2-2)
971233 03)CommunicationAppeal of Francis Maio relative to claim for property damage. (13th Aldermanic District)HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass4:0 Action details Not available
970735 04)ResolutionAppeal of Larry Webb relative to claim for property damage. (1st Aldermanic District)RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass4:0 Action details Not available
971237 05)CommunicationAppeal of Isie Kilgore relative to claim for property damage. (10th Aldermanic District)RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass4:0 Action details Not available
971311 06)CommunicationAppeal of Thomas Dueppen relative to claim for property damage.RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass5:0 Action details Not available
970738 07)CommunicationAppeal of Lydia Karczewski relative to claim for property loss. (14th Aldermanic District)RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass5:0 Action details Not available
970739 08)CommunicationAppeal of Sean Hayes relative to claim for property loss. (17th Aldermanic District)

Minutes note: Attorney Stein appeared.
970718 09)CommunicationCommunication from the City Attorney's Office transmitting a communication from Bernice Zuern relative to claim for personal injuries.RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass4:1 Action details Not available
     9:30 A.M.    Not available
971267 010)CommunicationCommunication from the Ethics Board relative to effectuating various changes to the positions Ordinance.

Minutes note: Approve
ASSIGNED TOPass5:0 Action details Not available
971255 011)ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Treasurer to deposit up to $250,000 with the State of Wisconsin Department of Revenue while the City appeals a Sales Tax Levy. (Comptroller)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971031 012)ResolutionResolution authorizing the cancellation of Support Services Invoice No. 41963 billed to Darin Fisher and American Family Insurance in the amount of $5,833.39 for repair of City of Milwaukee police vehicle no. 66070. (Support Services)

Minutes note: City Attorney needed more information.
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Not available
971215 013)ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Jody Young, C.I. File No. 96-L-139. (City Attorney)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971219 014)ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Maria Benitez, C.I. File No. 96-L-139. (City Attorney)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971220 015)ResolutionResolution to cancel real estate taxes levied against certain parcels bearing various key numbers on the 1996 tax roll, plus interest applicable to date of repayment, if appropriate. (Assessor's Office)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971243 016)ResolutionResolution to settle claim of Attorney John F. Fuchs for defense of a Police Officer.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
     9:45 A.M.    Not available
971136 017)ResolutionResolution approving revised Municipal Court deposit schedule.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
971104 0 Charter OrdinanceA substitute charter ordinance creating the position of municipal court commissioner, amending the prohibition against municipal judges and the chief court administrator engaging in an outside business or profession, and creating an additional position of bailiff as part of the municipal court staff.

Minutes note: To add no outside activity while court is in session, by Ald. Richards. Prevailed
AMENDED   Action details Not available
971104 118)Charter OrdinanceA substitute charter ordinance creating the position of municipal court commissioner, amending the prohibition against municipal judges and the chief court administrator engaging in an outside business or profession, and creating an additional position of bailiff as part of the municipal court staff.

Minutes note: Add Ald. Richards and Gordon as co-sponsors.
RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
970669 019)Charter OrdinanceA charter ordinance relating to participation of municipal judges in certain outside employment.RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass5:0 Action details Not available
971324 120)ResolutionSubstitute resolution creating a special committee to study the judicial resources of the Municipal Court system.

Minutes note: Further Resolved, That the study committee be composed of 3 members and the President of the Common Council, the Chair of the Judiciary and Legislation Committee and the Mayor shall each appoint one member.
AMENDEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
971324 2 ResolutionSubstitute resolution creating a special committee to study the judicial resources of the Municipal Court system.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971206 021)ResolutionResolution providing for continuance of deferred payment of assessments for worthy indigent resident property owners. (Infrastructure Services Div.)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
     10:00 A.M.    Not available
971074 122)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2512 North 35th Street, in the 7th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee to its former owner upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:1 Action details Not available
971207 023)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2650 North 19th Street, in the 7th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee to its former owner upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.

Minutes note: Deny, by Ald. Nardelli; WITHDRAWN
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:1 Action details Not available
     10:15 A.M.    Not available
971238 124)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to various legislative bills.

Minutes note: A-614 Support, by Ald. Nardelli. Prevailed; A-448 Oppose, by Ald. Frank. Prevailed (4-1) (Ald. Nardelli opposed) A-470 Support, by Ald. Nardelli. Prevailed S-287 Oppose, by Ald. Nardelli. Prevailed A-405 Support, by Ald. Richards. Prevailed. Discussion on 1997 State Budget Bill - Wis. Act. 27
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Roll call Not available