| | | | Call to Order
Minutes note: Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. | | | |
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| 0 | 1. | Motion | Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 16, 2022 | APPROVED | Pass | 7:0 |
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| 0 | 2. | Travaux Resolution | Report from the President
Minutes note: Willie Hines, Jr. made opening remarks and instructed Mr. Anderson to give some updates on the activities for Travaux’s Property Management Division. Greg Anderson, Travaux’s Vice President of Asset Management, reported on HACM’s Recovery Plan, explaining that HACM’s properties include over 5,000 units consisting of market rate, tax credit/affordable housing, and low-income public housing. Mr. Anderson stated that HACM has been in a recovery plan under the direction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in order to decrease vacancies and streamline the turn-around time on vacant units. HUD’s targeted goal is 30 days, HACM is currently at 37 days turn-around time. HUD set an occupancy rate goal of 96%, while HACM set its own goal of 98%. HACM is currently averaging a 95% occupancy rate throughout its portfolios. Mr. Anderson also gave a brief summary of this year’s Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) scores completed to date, alongside those development’s previous scores. Inspections to date were conducted at Arlington Court, score up 21%, Lincoln Court, score up 4% and Riverview, score down 6%. HACM’s staff will keep striving for continued improvement. Directors discussed the annual inspections of units and how frequently they are conducted.
Warren Jones, Travaux’s Vice President of Construction, commented on the HVAC system at Victory Manor based on a question from the Directors. Mr. Jones reported that the system had malfunctioned, however, it is now up and running, with the exception of one component with a software malfunction that will be repaired on Monday. The Directors discussed the warranties on the system and asked if the malfunction had been properly documented to legally ensure future parts replacement or corrections. Director McCarthy strongly recommended that these types of incidents be brought before the Board earlier.
Mr. Jones presented a brief overview, provided with the agenda, of the Westlawn Gardens Phase 2, Phase 4A Townhomes, Buildings 3.1 and 3.4, and Carver Park. He stated that Travaux anticipates the present phases will be completed by late summer of 2023.
Mr. Jones gave a status report on the elevators for Locust Court and Becher Court, stating, because of significant delays in parts, one of the two elevators at each site had not been working for some time. However, they are now functioning properly. Mr. Jones stated talks with contractors are underway for modernization on the elevators and assessing which ones need to be prioritized.
Amy Hall, HACM’s Communication Coordinator, shared HACM’s responses, provided with the agenda, to recent news coverage about HACM properties. Directors discussed the dollar amounts involved to fix any discrepancies reported. Mr. Hines stated that staff will be more intentional with the communication to the Board. Director Manzanet requested a quarterly report on the status and a strategy to resolve the deferred maintenance issue.
Mr. Hines asked Paul Williams, HACM’s Choice Neighborhood Initiative Coordinator, to talk about recent recognitions for Westlawn. The Daily Reporter’s Top Projects of 2022 Awards, being presented on May 18th, will honor Westlawn Renaissance IV’s Beech and Chestnut buildings and Westlawn Renaissance VI’s Townhomes. The Milwaukee Business Journal’s 2023 Real Estate Awards, being presented on May 17th, will honor the same projects in a joint award. Mr. Hines added that HACM received the 2023 Honor Roll award from the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading in public housing.
Mr. Hines also congratulated Commissioner Joan Zepecki, Hunzinger Construction Company’s Diversity and Community Outreach Coordinator, on receiving the Diversity in Business Award from the Milwaukee Business Journal. Director Zepecki thanked Mr. Hines and Travaux for the acknowledgement.
Mr. Hines informed the Board of an incident at the Rent Assistance building involving a vehicle that struck the side of the building, entering the office spaces. No one was there or injured. Jim Wellman, HACM’s Maintenance Supervisor, and his team have secured the site and cleaned up the debris.
Fernando Aniban, HACM’s Assistant Secretary announced Dennis Yaccarino, who held the position of Chief Financial Officer, has retired.
Mr. Hines thanked the Directors for their time and concluded his report.
Director Wagner thanked the Directors and closed the meeting.
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| | | | Adjournment
Minutes note: There being no further business, Director McCarthy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:29 p.m. Director Manzanet seconded the motion. There being no objections, he motion carried. | | | |
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| | | | Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Housing Authority ADA Coordinator, Marquetta Treadway at 286-5100, (FAX) 286-3456, (TDD) 286-3504 or by writing to the Coordinator at 650 West Reservoir, Milwaukee, WI 53212. | | | |
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| | | | Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances are required to register with the City Clerk's Office License Division. Registered lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at http://city.milwaukee.gov/Lobbying. | | | |
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