| | 1. | | Call to order.
Minutes note: The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. | | | |
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| | 2. | | Roll call.
Minutes note: Present (10) - Henke, Richter, Zimmer, Klajbor, Meyer-Stearns, Owczarski, Jaeger, Klein, Siettmann, Larson
Excused (1) - Madison
Also present or in attendance:
Brad Houston, City Records Center
Atty. Peter Block, City Attorney's Office
Atty. Travis Gresham, City Attorney's Office
Megan Kemmerling, Dept. of Employee Relations
Dan Keeley, Milwaukee Public Library
Kate Pawasarat, Dept. of Administration
Alex Highley, Legislative Reference Bureau | | | |
Not available
| | 3. | | Review and approval of the previous meeting minutes from June 6, 2024.
Minutes note: The previous meeting minutes from June 6, 2024 were approved without objection. | | | |
Not available
| | 4. | | Records Retention.
Minutes note: A. Proposed departmental record schedules for review and/or approval
Mr. Houston gave an overview. There were 71 total schedules with 63 schedules being closed due to being superceded by a global schedule or being no longer created. 8 schedules were either new, being renewed or amended. The global schedule for certificate of records destruction and related records was updated in light of new MPD SOP for records retention. A new global schedule was created for FMLA chronological files at the request of DER. MPD schedules included those for MPD narcotics burn folder (property and non-property control), loud car stereo citizen complaint form, and OWI citation records. Other schedules included investment bond registers for ERS and tax deed foreclosure files (retention period of 15 years may be revised to 3 years).
Vice-chair Henke questioned the scope of impact Workday would have on records retention.
Mr. Houston replied. Only records dedicated by the restraints on media would be impacted. Most of the schedules not tied to their imaging processes were dictated by law. Change may occur more so for keeping local copies of records. Their operations in the City Records Center would be impacted. Workday would eliminate some of their imaging processes. He foresees his staff facilitating an electronic depository.
Member Klajbor moved approval of the retention schedules. There was no objection.
B. State Records Board approval of previous schedules update.
Mr. Houston said that all previous schedules were approved by the State Records Board with minimal changes made. The retention period of one schedule was changed from 4 years and 1 month to 4 years. Only eight schedules would be submitted to the board's next meeting. | | | |
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| | 5. | | Information and Technology Management Division.
Minutes note: A. Strategic Technology Plan for review and/or approval
Vice-chair Henke presented. The plan was introduced to the committee at the last meeting and would be for the 2024-2028 term. There were some minor changes to the Table of Contents and pictures being added. Core values, goals, guiding principals, and business environment sections remains the same or slightly modified. A project to review and refine data governance plan was added a data protection focus for goal 1. The suggestion to complete a IT survey was done, and results would be shared later in the meeting. The survey helped to add to the plan focus and projects to conduct employee technology training under goal 2. Goal 3 had some focus initiatives reorganized, including moving equity-focused initiatives to be under this goal. IT project management and tools was added as a new initiative. Once approved by the committee, he would submit the plan to the Common Council for their approval.
Member Klajbor moved approval. There was no objection.
Member Owczarski said that the plan should be presented to Common Council alders, especially Ald. Peter Burgelis, to garner their input, if any, prior to being scheduled for official review.
B. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy for review and/or approval
Member Siettmann presented. The policy was introduced at the last meeting. "City of City" was corrected to "City of Milwaukee" under the section "Purpose". Additional language under the section "Privacy" was added to reference opting out of data collection and being aware of AI service data collection settings. Additional language of "and ensure that AI outputs do not reinforce existing biases" was added under the section "Equity". A paragraph was added under "Introducing Generative AI to Your Work Environment". The paragraph regarding the Public Records Act was removed due to the uncertainty of what would be a record.
Ms. Kemmerling commented. Her office (DER) was very concerned (based on a HR perspective) on releasing the policy absent there being further detailed guidelines to go along with the policy. DER would like to partner with ITMD further on the policy and/or guidelines going forward. Preference was for both a policy and guidelines to be released at the same to employees.
Ms. Kemmerling presented on a number of items to be further clarified or defined. Topics included citing, accountability, preapproved AI tools, copyrights, accommodations, risk assessment, and ethical standards among other things.
Member Siettmann replied. The policy was very high level. A separate, more defined guidelines was in the works. Policies from peer cities were used as a template for the policy. She would welcome partnering with DER on developing further the AI guidelines and other policies and/or guidelines going forward.
Vice-chair Henke commented. The policy should move forward especially due to there being high risk presently with the absence of such a policy and the prevalence of AI. Many of the concerns were beyond the policy and would best be addressed in the development of the guidelines.
It was discussed that the policy needed additional language to reference to the forthcoming guidelines and the terminology changes of "discharge of employment' instead of "termination of employment" and "best practices" instead of "ethical standards".
Member Klajbor moved approval of an amended policy to include grammatical and corrections made, as discussed. There was no objection.
Members further discussed consideration of requiring use case for AI and the need to consult with Common Council members on the policy.
Mr. Highley said that his office was available to draft legislation on IT policies requiring Common Council approval.
C. Microsoft licensing for discussion
Vice-chair Henke commented. Current Microsoft Office 365 was expiring, and new licensing would be acquired based on a new licensing model. Currently, the City has G1 licenses for employees with the Office suite on web application. The goal was to obtain split level licensing with F3 and G3 level licenses. There was a G5 version, but it would not be financially viable to obtain. F3 would apply to field workers and resemble old, mobile kiosk accounts with limited storage at a reduced cost. G3 would be next level beyond G1 with the full Microsoft Office client version package. ITMD would be looking at storage space (Outlook and cloud) for employee accounts. Departments would not need to separately pay for their own client versions going forward.
Mr. Houston said that G3 would allow better functionality for data governance.
Members questioned the ability for F3 users to access G3 components and costs to departments.
Vice-chair Henke replied that supplemental storage and security would be purchased for F3 licenses, there would be no cost to general City users, and there may be cost to some DPW divisions.
D. IT survey results for discussion
Vice-chair Henke gave an overview. An citywide IT service delivery survey was conducted at the suggestion of Ms. Pawasarat. The survey had 6 questions. 477 responses were received anonymously. The first question asked for a respondent's department. Results showed that top departments represented were DPW, MPD, MPL, DNS, DOA, MHD followed by Water Works, DCD, and other departments. The second question asked a rating of overall satisfaction of IT service delivery relating to daily work performance. Results showed an overall 3.95 score out of 5. The third question asked whether departmental technology resources adequately supported an employee's job function. Results showed 71% answered yes, 19% answered no, and 9% other. The fourth question asked if an employee had received adequate training to best utilize available technology. Results showed 60% answered yes, 30% answered no, and 8% other. The fifth question asked an employee to provide suggestions on IT resources that would enhance job performance in the future. Various recommendations were provided such as having manuals, guides, videos, AI training, and full software versions. The sixth question asked for other input for improvement. Some responses included that employees were using outdated devices and software, better communication was needed on planned upgrades and updates, and that IT staff were doing an awesome job.
E. Cloud storage use for discussion
Member Owczarski said he had posed the issue of there being no regulation, training, and education for employees using cloud storage and that many were using third party cloud storage services.
Members discussed that employees should be using only the City cloud storage, personal devices could not be regulated, there was a policy on cloud services, Google Doc and Dropbox were for personal use, a zero trust environment could be possible but would cause issues, usage of other services was an issue, training on cloud storage should be done especially for Cyber Security month, the Strategic Technology Plan had online storage training an initiative, and certification could be offered to employees as an incentive to complete training.
Mr. Houston said that his guide that he had shared out to members was to show how he has been telling users to store their records. The general rule was to stay on City resources where storage was centralized and controlled. | | | |
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| | 6. | | Department updates and/or announcements.
Minutes note: Members gave updates. Water Works would have their version 6 billing system go live at the end of the month. The Library's broadband equity initiative was ongoing. Municipal Court had upgrades last year and now was replacing their case management system from their legacy system. They were also making court services virtually accessible in partnership with the Library and was participating on Doors Open day. The City Treasurer reported that the Munis Citizen Self-Service to Resident Access transition was ongoing, and the EFT plan will switch to Tyler Auto Pay for the 2024 tax bills payable in 2025. Information on the switch from EFT to Tyler Auto Pay will be on the City Treasurer’s website and in an insert with the tax bills going out in December. The information could also be included in Common Council member newsletters. City Records Center was waiting to see if the capital funding request for an e-vault/ERMS system would be included in the mayor's proposed 2025 budget, and they were working on historical data for the new ERP system. ITMD completed their phishing campaign. There was a 10% fail rate, which was greater than last year. They would do training monthly. The Comptroller's Office would conduct soon an internal IT risk assessment audit, would work with departments, and would bring results to the committee in closed session. There was also a recent BakerTilly audit of the City's financial statements for 2023. The Common Council-City Clerk was onboarding BOZA into the Legistar system. | | | |
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| | 7. | | Next steps.
Minutes note: A. Agenda items for the next meeting
To be determined.
B. Next meeting (Thursday, December 5, 2024) | | | |
Not available
| | 8. | | Adjournment.
Minutes note: Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.
Chris Lee, Staff Assistant
Council Records Section
City Clerk's Office | | | |
Not available
| | | | Meeting materials for this meeting can be found within the following file: | | | |
Not available
| 0 | | Communication | Communication relating to the matters to be considered by the City Information Management Committee at its September 5, 2024 meeting. | | | |
Action details
Not available