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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: BOARD OF HEALTH Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/5/2024 5:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall, 200 E Wells St, Rm 303
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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   1. Call to Order    Not available Not available
     Chair Caroline Gomez-Tom called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm.    Not available Not available
   2. Roll Call    Not available Not available
   3. Approval of Meeting Minutes from May 2, 2024    Not available Not available
     Board Member Ald. JoCasta Zamarripa motioned to approve, Board Member Dr. Wujie Zhang seconded, and the motion passed with all in favor and none opposed.     Not available Not available
   4. Election of Board Officers    Not available Not available
     Chair: Board Member Ruthie Burich-Weatherly nominated Board Member Dr. Wujie Zhang for Chair and Board Member Dr. Ian Martin seconded the motion. Board Member Dr. Wujie Zhang accepted the nomination, and the vote passed with all in favor and none opposed. Vice Chair: Board Member Caroline Gomez-Tom nominated Board Member Tahira Malik for Vice Chair. Board Member Ald. JoCasta Zamarripa seconded the motion. Board Member Tahira Malik accepted the nomination, and the vote passed with all in favor and none opposed.     Not available Not available
   5. Branch Collaboration Assignments    Not available Not available
     Board Member Caroline Gomez-Tom explained the purpose of the branch collaboration roles was to support the four major branches of MHD. This update allows for the new board members to select a branch and allow current board members to move, if desired. Brach Collaboration assignments are as follows: Commissioner – Dr. Wujie Zhang and Tahira Malik PIE – Caroline Gomez-Tom and Penelope Stewart FCH – Tahira Malik and Ald. JoCasta Zamarripa Clinical Services – Dr. Ian Martin, Ruthie Burich-Weatherly/Ericka Sinclair? Environmental Health – Dr. Wujie Zhang, Ruthie Burich-Weatherly/Ericka Sinclair? The Clinical Services and Environmental Health assignments will be determined after Board Member Ruthie Burich-Weatherly connects with Board Member Ericka Sinclair.     Not available Not available
   6. Presentation on Ethics and Public Records Law by Assistant City Attorney Peter Block    Not available Not available
     Assistant City Attorney Peter Block presented on Public Records Law (including redactions/exceptional cases, the definition of a record, time to respond, enforcement of records law, and criminal penalties for violations) and the Milwaukee Ethics Board (including board makeup, advisory opinions, statements of economic interests, ethics complaints and investigations, overview of hearings for alleged ethics code violations, and elements of the ethics code such as applicability, prohibited conduct, conflicts of interest, and private interest in public contracts). Board Member Caroline Gomez-Tom asked about the length of time to keep a record. In response, ACA Peter Block referred to the record retention schedule.     Not available Not available
   7. Communication from Health Commissioner Dr. Mike Totoraitis    Not available Not available
     Commissioner Totoraitis provided an update on the 2025 budget (including the upcoming hearing, staffing requests, funding sources, and MHD’s mandated and strategic/equity-based functions). Commissioner Totoraitis also presented on the Electronic Health Record transition to EPIC-OCHIN, for which a new contract has been signed and implementation is underway with a tentative April schedule for going live. Lastly, Commissioner Totoraitis gave a Communicable Disease Transmission update (including COVID, flu (H5N1), Parvovirus B19, West Nile, MPOX, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis) that contained data on COVID hospitalizations and Wisconsin Lab surveillance results for respiratory viruses. Board Member Ald. JoCasta Zamarripa asked if the 2025 budget featured any major cuts. Commissioner Totoraitis responded in the negative.     Not available Not available
   8. Home Environmental Health (Lead Program) Update    Not available Not available
     Commissioner Totoraitis presented the Lead Program update on behalf of Deputy Commissioner Weber. Commissioner Totoraitis provided an update on two RFPS out for ARPA and HUD contracts, consultation with the Milwaukee Healthcare Partnership to increase lead screening, and hiring for new lead program staff (including a Housing Compliance Officer and Lead Project Inspectors to bring enforcement and scope writing (scope of abatement needs) competencies to MHD). Board Member Caroline Gomez-Tom asked for an update on the original SDC contract. Commissioner Totoraitis said that MHD is finalizing the process of paying out contracts for contractors who were working for SDC. Outreach has been conducted to active cases formerly under SDC, ensuring clients working with the state Lead Safe Homes Program know their status. Commissioner Totoraitis said MHD may investigate becoming a Lead Safe Homes Program in the future. Board Member Caroline Gomez-Tom asked for an update in November on enforcement strategy.     Not available Not available
   9. Future agenda items [Next board meeting: Thursday, November 7, 2024 @ 5:30pm]    Not available Not available
     Chair Dr. Wujie Zhang encouraged in person board attendance, if possible. Commissioner Totoraitis will send out the finalized branch collaboration assignments via email. •State Legislative Package •Update on the budget     Not available Not available
   10. Adjournment    Not available Not available
     Board Member Ruthie Burich-Weatherly motioned to adjourn, Board Member Dr. Ian Martin seconded, and the motion passed with all in favor and none opposed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 pm.     Not available Not available
231422 0 CommunicationCommunication relating to those documents submitted to the Board of Health for its meetings in 2024.    Not available Not available