| 0 | 1. | Communication | Communication relating to the reporting and retention policies for vehicles salvaged by licensed salvage operators.
Minutes note: Ald. Perez said that he wanted to bring out an issue that prosecutors have come across with illegal vehicles taken to a savage yard and being scrapped. That there is a case where the owner of the vehicle found out that his car was at the yard and that it was scrapped already. He wants to see what we can do to avoid situations like this in the future.
Individuals also present:
Police Officer Carlos Felix and Inspector Shannon Seymer-Tabaska were present along with Sgt. Velasquez.
Sgt. Velazquez said that they have talked to Ald. Perez and they are talking with the Legislative Reference Bureau to come up with a draft.
Sgt. Velasquez said that the problem is that they found out that those cars have been stolen (but not reported) after being scrapped.
Ald. Coggs said that she wants to help as well.
Ald. Perez said that he wants to make sure that the rest of members are aware of this problem including the public because it is a problem that we are facing right now.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the file to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
Roll call
Not available
| 0 | 2. | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 10 MACK, Eric T, Agent for "Switching Lanes, LLC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "Switching Lanes" at 5700 W Center St.
The applicant was not present.
Individuals also present:
Jennifer Byrne said that Ald. Murphy has no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
The applicant was present at 10:00 am
Ald. Dodd moved to reconsider the application hearing no objection.
The applicant had no comments about the items on the police report.
Ms. Byrne said that Ald. Murphy has no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 11 CARDENAS HERNANDEZ, Eristeo, Agent for "Cardenas Enterprises LLC", Class B Tavern License Application for "Taqueria & Chimichangas Ashley" at 3161 S 92nd St.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski said that he is very happy that this vacancy has been taken and invited the applicant to do some outdoor dining.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 11 HALLIDAY, Susan M, Agent for "WALGREEN CO", Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Renewal Applications for "WALGREENS #04350" at 3233 S 27TH St. (Expires 5/9/2022)
Atty. David J Hanus and Atty. Sara Butler appeared on behalf of the applicant along with Kimberly Walz from Walgreens.
Ms. Walz (state local government relations with Walgreens) said that they have submitted a plan to Ald. Borkowski and that the staff has been trained on why and when to call the police, how to report incidents and how to handle the surveillance system. Added that the security guards will ensure a safe and cordial environment at the store and that their goal is to be a community partner.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski said that he received the plan of operations and made a motion to include it on the record.
Ald. Borkowski said that Walgreens is a critical player on S 27th Street and that they need to succeed. Added that he held a difficult meeting with the people from Walgreens, the police department and the business improvement district and that he knows he challenged Walgreens but that he is happy and optimistic with the plan.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 3-1)
| AMENDED | Pass | 3:1 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 02 ANTZOULATOS, George D, Agent for "Badger Auto Sales Company", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "Badger Auto Sales Co" at 4800 N 76th St.
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
The applicant was called again after receiving a notification from the City Clerk's that he was on the call but he did not respond. | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 02 EVANS, Tyreese D, Agent for "Inexpensive Autos LLC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "Inexpensive Autos LLC" at 4212 N 76th St.
The applicant was present who said that back on 2019 he was going through a divorce, that it was a bad year but that he has sorted everything out and that he has put his life back together.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Dodd moved approval (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 02 RYDZ, Raymond J Your Food Dealer License Renewal Application for "Kitts Frozen Custard" at 7000 W Capitol DR. (Expires 6/30/2021)
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Dodd moved to hold the application to the call of the chair upon first nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0) | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 02 ADAMS, Rickey L, Agent for "ADAMS & CLAYBROOKS INVESTMENTS LLC", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License Application Requesting Removing and/or Recycling Waste Tires for "ADAMS & CLAYBROOKS" at 8822 W APPLETON Av.
The applicant was present but experiencing technical difficulties.
Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
The meeting reconvened at 10:26 am
Ald. Borkowski moved for reconsideration at 10:27 am
The applicant was present and said that the item on the police report was a misunderstanding between him and the mother of his children.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 02 MOORE, Ronnisha S, Agent for "EVERYTHING'S DONE RIGHT INCORPORATED", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "Trust Us Motors" at 6027 W VILLARD Av.
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
The meeting paused at 10:15 am
Ald. Kovac moved to reconsider the application at 10:30 am
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 02 SINGH, Jatinder, Agent for "ELITE BAR AND GRILL INC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Applications for "ELITE BAR AND GRILL" at 6305 W FOND DU LAC Av.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) | AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 08 MIRAMONTES, Pascual Your Recycling, Salvaging or Towing Vehicle License Renewal Application for "PASCUAL'S RECYCLING METAL" at 1938 W BURNHAM St. (Expires 4/30/2022)
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
| HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 08 CAXNAJOY VIGIL, Rigoberto C, Agent for "RIGO'S CARS LLC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "RIGO'S CARS LLC" at 1643B S 38TH St.
The applicant was present along with the interpreter Nasim Claros.
Individuals in support:
Alex Kostner - 1579 S 30th St – said that he supports the application because they have not experienced issues in the neighborhood.
Individuals also present:
Ms. Doherty said that Ald. Zamarripa supports the application but she wants to make clear that no cars are allowed to park on the street.
Ald. Dodd moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 08 ANGELES RAMOS, Victor M, Agent for "TAQUERIA MILAGROS LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Closing at 11:59PM Mon - Thu To Closing at 2AM Mon - Thu and Adding Public Entertainment Premises Requesting Instrumental Musicians, Disc Jockey, Jukebox, Bands, Karaoke, 4 Amusement Machines, Comedy Acts, Patrons Dancing and 20 Concerts per Year for "El Patio Pub and Grill" at 2501 W GREENFIELD Av. (Expired 3/22/2022)
The applicant was present and said that he wants to implement full entertainment and that he has talked to the neighbors.
Individuals also present:
Ms. Doherty said that they need to make sure that the application reflects what was discussed with the applicant.
The applicant agreed on making the amendements to the application.
Mr. Cooney said that an amendment is needed to record the changes on the types of entertainment.
Ald. Kovac moved to amend types of entertainment of the Public Entertainment Premises license application as follows: Instrumental Musicians, Disc Jockey, Jukebox, Bands, Karaoke, 4 Amusement Machines, Patrons Dancing, Dancing by Performers and Patrons Contests. There were no objections.
Ald. Kovac moved approval as amended. (Prevailed 4-0)
The meeting paused at 10:47 am
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 15 JACKSON, Kelly J, Agent for "GALENA STREET FOOD & LIQUOR LLC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Applications for "Galena Street Foods" at 1556 N 33RD St.
The meeting reconvened at 10:54 am
The applicant was present and said that he is trying to reopen a convenience store with alcohol, food and tobacco products.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Stamper asked for the business plan.
The applicant said that he will continue with the current operations but that he will improve the store in order to bring it alive.
Ald. Stamper said that the previous owner said that he was going to make exterior improvements which did not happen and that he wants to see the applicant get involved with the community.
The applicant said that he belongs to the Black Business Association but he has not been at the meeting yet and that he does not have a plan for the exterior yet.
Ald. Stamper asked the applicant to present a plan of how the store will look from the exterior and for the street clean ups before May 10th, 2022 and welcomed him in the district.
Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 15 GILL, Harbhajan S, Agent for "Gill's Gas & Food, Inc", Extended Hours Establishments, Filling Station, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Renewal Applications for "24/7 Gas & Food Mart" at 1319 W North Av. (Expires 5/30/2022)
Att. Michael Maistelman appeared with the applicant and said that he counts 9 incidences and that only one incident involved his client and that the owner and employee have been cooperative with the police. Also said that there will be a security guard in place and that the lighting in the area will be improved.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Stamper asked how the nine incidents did not involve the location.
Atty. Maistelman said that the incidents involved the location but that his client was not responsible.
Ald. Stamper asked to add to the plan of operation to clean up and to make sure to contact him when incidences occur and recommended a warning letter.
Ald. Borkowski moved to amend the plan operation with additional lighting, clean up twice or 3 times a day and to hire a security guard from 11 am to 5 pm. There were no objections.
Ald. Stamper recommended a warning letter.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval as amended with a warning letter. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 07 MOHAMMAD, Younas I, Agent for "CHICAGO SUB INC", Extended Hours Establishments and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "CHICAGO SUB" at 4231 W CAPITOL DR. (Expires 4/30/2022)
The applicant was present along with Atty. Michael Maistelman who said that it is only one incident on the police report and that his client was cooperative as the police report says.
Individuals also present:
Mr. Cooney said that he had some correspondence with Ald. Rainey who said that he recommends renewal with a warning letter.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval with a warning letter. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 07 PYLES, Robert B Your Extended Hours Establishments and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "MC DONALD'S" at 4925 W HAMPTON Av. (Expires 4/30/2022)
The applicant was present and said that he does not know why the surveillance system was not available if it was working and that this is the only incident on the police report and that what they are doing is working and that they have changed what was discussed with the alderman.
Individuals in opposition:
William J Sikes – 4762 N 49th St - said that he opposes to the license because there is loud noise during the nights, lots of litter blows into his property and that the snow is plowed right in front of his house. He does not like that the applicant is making money while he is living with all those issues.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs asked if Mr. Sikes has contacted the applicant for these issues.
Mr. Sikes said that he has and that it does not matter if the applicant has put signs on, the loud music and mufflers tremble his house and issues still happening.
The applicant said that he has shared his personal contact information with Mr. Sikes and that he has not received a call.
Ald. Borkowski asked Mr. Pyles if he has gotten a chance to see where this house is in relation to his property to understand the neighbor’s testimony.
The applicant said that he has and that he has sit there for hours with the previous alderman.
Ald. Borkowski said that Ald. Rainey has been representing the district since 2016 and that he can see the neighbor’s reactions in disagreement with what the applicant says.
Ald. Coggs said to the neighbor that Mr. Pyles seems willing to try to address the issues and that she hopes that both and Ald. Rainey come to an agreement.
Ald. Kovac moved approval with a warning letter based on neighborhood testimony. (Prevailed 3-1)
| AMENDED | Pass | 3:1 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 07 MOORE, Otis D, Agent for "5700 Court LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications for "Court MVP Sports Bar + Grill" at 5700 W FOND DU LAC Av. (Expires 5/8/2022)
The applicant was present along with Atty. Obviagele who said that this place has an excellent record and that this item was an effort with his neighboring businesses kicking out a guy that was banned from other businesses. Added that his client has implemented security routines after that incident.
Individuals in opposition:
Michael Smith – said that the applicant is doing ok after the incident but there has been car break-ins and have asked the applicant to collaborate.
Individuals also present:
Atty. Obviagele said that his client is working on addressing the issues.
Mr. Moore said that he understands that the neighbor's house was caught in the middle of the incident from the police report but that the incident had nothing to do with Court MVP and that as for the cars being damaged, they have done an effort to curve it and that he will work with the police to come up with a plan (the police contacted him).
Ald. Coggs recommended the applicant to have a meeting with Ald. Rainey to address the issues around the neighborhood and his business.
Mr. Cooney said that Ald. Rainey recommended approval with a warning letter.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval with a warning letter. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 09 DHILLON, Gurmeet K, Agent for "Royal Plaza Liquor Inc", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor License Renewal Application for "Royal Plaza Liquor Inc" at 8700 W BROWN DEER Rd. (Expired 4/10/2022)
The applicant was present and explained that she wants to renew the licenses.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs asked the applicant if she has changed the floor plan.
The applicant said that she is going to keep it as it is.
Ald. Coggs asked Mr. Cooney if there is a request to change the floor plan.
Mr. Cooney said that there are some walls that have been removed and that the application was scheduled for that reason.
Ald. Coggs asked if removing the walls is a violation of the license.
Mr. Cooney said that it is violation and that a new floor plan must be submitted along with permanent extension of premises application.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
| HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: KILCOYNE, Nina Class D Operator’s License
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair upon first nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0) | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: KRAUSE, Caleb Class D Operator’s License
The applicant was present and said that he still uses what he learned during the period cited on the police report items.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: MARTIN, David Class D Operator’s License
The applicant was present and said that he has served his time behind the bars and that he has paid fines for everything else.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski asked him about the jury trial incident coming up.
The applicant said that he is trying to dispute some charges in order to reincorporate back to society.
Ald. Borkowski asked how is it going on 2022.
The applicant said that he has started a car sales business and trying to do the right thing.
Ald. Borkowski asked if he is part of any program.
The applicant said that he and his attorney are working on it.
Ald. Borkowski said that he wants to believe in him and moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0) | AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: PIRLOT, Tanya Lee Class D Operator’s License
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Dodd moved denial upon second nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0) | AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: ROMASHKO, Brian Class D Operator’s License
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved denial upon second nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0) | AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: TYARS, Jevonie Dan’Tonyio Class D Operator’s License
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Borkowski moved denial upon second nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0) | AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: VOGT, Connor Class D Operator’s License
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair upon first nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0) | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 12 PENA DELGADO, Platon, Agent for "Restaurant Jerez, LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Instrumental Musicians and Disc Jockey for "Restaurant Jerez" at 828 S 1st St.
The applicant was present along with Atty. Michael Maistelman who said that he wants to open a restaurant with a bar and a hall for private events and that he has invested $120,000 and that the DJ will be only for private events and that he has opened the windows to clear the view for the police.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said that there is no police report for the new applicant but there is an extensive one from the previous owner and that the neighbors are concerned.
Atty. Maistelman acknowledged what Ald. Perez said.
The applicant said that he talked to few neighbors and that they agree on.
Ald. Coggs asked if the applicant was connected to the previous owner.
Atty. Maistelman said that his client is not related or connected with the previous owner and that himself has no contact with the previous owner or applicant either.
Ald. Perez said that the hours are the way to do it considering the previous issues and suggested to approve the alcohol and food licenses but to hold the public entertainment premises and work with special permits meanwhile.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair while the applicant discusses the options with his attorney. There were no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved to reconsider the application at 1:56 pm
Atty. Maistelman said that his client is willing to withdrawn the public entertainment premises license application.
Mr. Cooney said that withdrawing the application will impede the applicant to reapply within six months.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the public entertainment premises application. There were no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval of the alcohol and food licenses. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 12 SALAS MACIAS, Agustin, Agent for "Salas' Bar LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Instrumental Musicians, Disc Jockey, Jukebox, Bands, Karaoke, 5 Amusement Machines, Patrons Dancing and 1 Pool Table for "Sala's Bar and Beer Garden" at 2078 S 8th St.
The applicant was present along with an interpreter (wife) Emily Rivera.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said that he has no objection but wanted to hear from the applicant how is he going to control the volume for the types of entertainment that he is applying for.
The applicant said that he will turn the volume down after 1:00 am
Ald. Perez said to the applicant that he must make sure to control the volume after 1:00 am to avoid issues with the neighbors.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval with a special note to turn the volume down after 1:00 am. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 12 HUGHES, JR, James C, Agent for "Promises Milwaukee LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Disc Jockey, Bands, Karaoke, 3 Amusement Machines and 1 Pool Table for "Promises" at 538 W NATIONAL Av.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said that he has no objections.
Ald. Dodd moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 12 HALL, Jerel W, Agent for "Thelma Carol Wine Merchants LLC", Class B Tavern License Application as agent for "Thelma Carol Wine Merchants" at 605 W Virginia St.
The applicant was present and said that the item on the police report was a one-time thing and that he has moved on.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said that he has no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 12 GUTIERREZ GARNICA, Everardo, Agent for "EL ATORON LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Jukebox and Karaoke for "EL ATORON" at 1428 W LINCOLN Av.
The applicant was present
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said that he has no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 12 WOLF, Curtis A Your Public Entertainment Premises License Application Requesting Disc Jockey, Jukebox and 3 Amusement Machines for "Smokeys Lounge" at 2179 S 16TH St.
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Perez said that he has no objections.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 03 KAUFMANN, Julianne M, Agent for "Riverbee, LLC", Rooming House License Application for "Riverbee" at 2649 N BREMEN St.
The applicant was present and said that they are trying to reapply for occupancy and for the license.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs asked when the previous license expired.
The applicant said that the license did not expire.
Mr. Cooney said that the previous license expired on 2018.
Ald. Coggs said that she did not receive complaints about this location and that she supports the application but recommended to be on top of the renewal dates.
Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 06 BOYD, Lola ANN AND BOYD, Thomas, Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing License Premises Application Requesting Dealing, Storing and/or Transporting; Removing and/or Recycling Waste Tires partnership for "T&N Tire Service" at 2923 N Teutonia Av.
The applicant Thomas Boyd was present and said that he wants to do tire recycling and that he has hired a contractor to remove the tires.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs asked for a clarification of the type of license.
Mr. Cooney said that they held the old type of license which merged into this new application that it required for the type of activity.
Ald. Coggs said that she has no objection.
Ald. Dodd moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 06 LOPEZ, Kevin I, Agent for "Legends Towing, LLC", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License Application Requesting Non-Consensual Towing for "Legends Towing" at 3950 N HOLTON St.
The applicant was present who said that he paid the fines for the building code violations.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs asked about the conversation they held and if he has towing experience.
The applicant said that it was a productive conversation and that he has experience towing and that the hours of operation would be from 9am to 5pm.
Ald. Coggs said that she has some concerns but there are no neighbors present.
Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 06 ELLIS, Lacheryl R, Agent for "House of Soul Lounge LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Disc Jockey, Jukebox, Karaoke, Patrons Dancing and 1 Pool Table for "House of Soul Lounge" at 3501 N 6th St.
The applicant was present and said that she wants to continue the same type of environment and that she is getting involved with the community like sponsoring a basketball team.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Coggs asked to hold the Disc Jockey and Patrons Dancing for the PUblic Entertainment Premises and to work with special permits first and that she is in support the rest of the applications.
The applicant agreed and also acknowledged the comments from Ald. Coggs regarding the parking issues held in the past.
Ald. Dodd moved approval and to hold the Disc Jockey and Patrons Dancing as types of entertainment from the Public Entertainment Premises license application. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 06 CHIN, Michael D, Agent for "C&C E Capitol LLC", Food Dealer License Renewal Application for "Wong's Wok" at 242 E Capitol DR. (Expired 3/17/2022)
The applicants was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
| HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 03 NEMBHARDT, Hyacinth E, Agent for "CONCOCTIONS LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Applications for "CONCOCTIONS" at 1316 E BRADY St.
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
Ald. Kovac moved to reconsider the application at 2:32 pm.
The applicant is now present and said that she is looking to have the same business model (drinks to go) and flavored popcorn at the bar.
Ald. Kovac said that neighbors are in opposition of the drinks to go.
The applicant said that she does not mix the drinks and that people do not drink it on the go.
Ald. Kovac asked the applicant if she is willing to amend the application.
The applicant said that she would.
Individuals in opposition:
Rachel Taylor – Executive Director of Bid 11 – said that the main concern are the 20 alcohol licenses in the area besides the fact that the business plan does not offer food only popcorn.
Individuals in support:
Aimee Bauman – JWK Management (building owner) – said that they support the application and that they have a pretty strict lease that do not anticipate a problem and that the applicant is offering something unique.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Kovac moved to amend the plan of operation by removing the drinks to go. There were no objections.
Ald. Kovac moved approval as amended. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 03 SANDINO-BADILLO, JR, Francisco, Agent for "Colglasand Investments LLC", Loading Zone License Application for "Mangos Cafe East" at 1682 N Van Buren St.
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Kovac moved denial for nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: f04 PATEL, Jagdish kumar G, Agent for "BUCKS GROCERY LLC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Applications for "Milwaukee Food Market" at 2903 W CLYBOURN St.
The applicant was present.
Individuals in opposition:
Sherrie Tussler – 3402 W St. Paul - said that this establishment sales singled beer cans causing a lot of trouble in the neighborhood and that the city has invested a lot of money in the area to have this kind of issues and that they are close from a school.
Bobby McQuay Jr – 624 N 24th St – said that he represents the Near West Side Partners and that he has been working with this store and that they agreed on not to sale single beer cans and that he just visited the store this week and saw the single beer cans being sold. He added that agrees with Ms. Tussler that there is a lot of loitering and that it is a hot area.
The applicant asked Mr. McQuay how they can do better.
Mr. McQuay said that the trash can at the front is so small and that the streets must be cleaned up.
Ald. Bauman asked Mr. McQuay if the loitering is related to the food or alcohol sales.
Mr. McQuay said that is mostly for the alcohol.
Atty. Maistelman asked Mr. McQuay asked how he determinates that the loitering comes from the alcohol and not from the food sales.
Mr. McQuay said that it is because he sees the people standing with beer in hand.
Ald. Bauman asked if the Near West Side Partners are willing to live with the food license only.
Mr. McQuay answered yes.
Amelia Mitchman - 404 N 31st St - said that she also owns several properties and that there is constant traffic in the area with a school very close and that children gather at the playground finding lots of alcohol and food garbage on it and that they pick up bags of empty beer cans and bottles and garbage at their door step.
Asia Carter – XXX - said that she has major concerns about the single cans of beer being sold and that just this past weekend found a lot of empty cans and bottles and that they are not comfortable going to the store because the people loitering are drunk and harassing people.
Ald. Bauman asked Ms. Carter if she is comfortable with this establishment selling food items only.
Ms. Carter said that the measure would definitely decrease the loitering and trash issues.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Bauman said that neighbors believe that a new alcohol license at this location would be a mistake given the investment the city has made on the playground and the concurrence of the issues.
The applicant said that his application is only for malt and beer and that no entertainment has been requested and asked Ald. Bauman to use the word beer instead of alcohol.
Atty. Maistelman said that his client is intending to invest $150,000 dollars in a deli counter and wonders if the Near West Side Partners are willing to work with his client as they have done in the past and read a list of things that they are willing to address with the neighbors and Near West Side Partners.
Ald. Borkowski asked what kind of park is there.
Ald. Bauman said that it is a park for children and families with a replica of pirate ship and that the store is just across the street and that he has no objections for the food license and even better if the applicant is willing to update the food part.
The applicant said that he was shot inside the store and that stores get robbed all the time and that he is applying for a beer license not for a liquor license. That he agrees on the cleaning part but that he is not responsible for what people is dumping on the street and that he wishes Ald. Bauman visits the store to see the deli counter updated and that he is willing to work with the neighbors.
Ald. Bauman made a reference of section 6 which says that the applicant checked no for changes or updates on the kitchen.
Ald. Dodd said that based on what she is hearing from Ald. Bauman and neighbors that there’s need to be a conversation because she is not comfortable with moving forward.
Ald. Borkowski said that he is troubled by the park across the street and that he does not know how they can keep the people away and that he needs to know where the schools are in relation to the store.
Ald. Bauman said that the grade school is 300 feet from the store.
Ald. Dodd asked if there are other stores or bars in the area.
Ald. Bauman said that the only retail beer location in the area is this one.
Ald. Dodd said that this fact gives more clarification and that the application must be amended because it is confusing.
Atty. Maistelman said that this is a current license and that the park was built knowing that there is an alcohol license across the street and that he wants to have some kind of restrictions and that he would not object to hold the application.
Ald. Coggs said that if we denied the license today it does not mean that the establishment will stop selling beer there because there it is an existing license.
Ald. Bauman said that the current license if renewed, it will have the double of objections from neighbors and that it has been a constant problem during 18 years and that all the owners are related and somehow play a different standard every time that they apply for a new license but the problems are the same still.
Ald. Dodd moved approval of the food dealer and weights & measures licenses and denial of the class a fermented malt beverage application. (Prevailed 3-1)
| AMENDED | Pass | 3:1 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 04 STOKES, Ron A, Agent for "ROARING FORK LLC", Extended Hours Establishments and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "QDOBA MEXICAN GRILL" at 1150 N WATER St. (Expires 4/30/2022)
The applicant was present and said that it should be noted that the person cited on the police report is no longer employed.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Bauman said that this location is having problem maintaining order and recommended a 10 day suspension.
The second person who appeared with the applicant said that they are trying to be a good neighbor by monitoring the sidewalks and requested a warning letter instead.
Ald. Borkowski moved renewal with a warning letter based on the police report. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 05 MORRIS, Debra M, Agent for "Jamaican Season Island, LLC", Class B Beer and Class C Wine License Renewal Applications Adding Public Entertainment Premises Requesting Disc Jockey, Bands, Poetry Readings and Comedy Acts for "Picasso" at 9207 W Capitol DR. (Expires 5/3/2022)
The applicant was not present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Dodd moved renewal of the Class B and Class C and to hold the Public Entertainment Premises license application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 01 SINGH, Amritpal, Agent for "Heer, Corp", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Applications for "Burbach's" at 5308 W Hampton Av.
The applicant was not present.
Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
| HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 01 ERLICH, Lawrence A, Agent for "Milwaukee Iron & Metal LLC", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License Renewal Application for "Milwaukee Iron & Metal LLC" at 4485 N Green Bay Av. (Expires 5/26/2022)
Atty. Michael Maistelman was present along with the applicant and said that they are not required to obtain an identification form from a towing company unless they buy the vehicle directly.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Borkowski said that the police report reflects a lot of issues and that he would like the applicant to address the issue.
The applicant said that the company has made 37,600 transactions in 16 months at one location and that the inquiries are to facilitate the law enforcement and that not necessarily mean a problem. He explained that when buying a vehicle they are not required to get a title but to follow all the laws from the DOT. He said that the Junk Vehicle Bill Deal is an affidavit of the person who brings the vehicle stating that is the actual owner. Added that the VIN is checked and that after 24-48 hours the VIN is with the DMV so the police can have a record of where the vehicle was junked. Cited an example that happened today who inquired about his car being stolen back in January and who got upset when he was asked why he did not reported a day or two after the car was stolen.
Ald. Hamilton said that the reason why this application was brought to committee was to have the explanation that the applicant gave in order to have a discussion about what has to be done in order to avoid these situations.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 01 TATE, Daymon D, Agent for "No Limit Auto Sales, LLC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Renewal Application for "No Limit Auto Sales" at 3841 W Villard Av. (Expires 5/26/2022)
The applicant was present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Hamilton asked if this application was scheduled for BOZA.
Mr. Cooney said that he does not know if the application is scheduled for BOZA but the applicant’s requirement for three more parking spots needs to go through BOZA per the Department of Neighborhood Services.
Ald. Hamilton said that he would like to renew the license with the current spaces.
Ald. Kovac moved approval with the current licensed spaces. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 14 PATEL, Dixitkumar C, Agent for "SHREE VERAI LLC", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor and Food Dealer License Applications for "Franks Food & Liquor" at 2500 S 9TH St.
The applicant was present along with Atty. Vincent Bobot who said that the current owner wants to retire and that the new applicant has experience running this type of business.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Kovac read the statement from Ald. Dimitrijevic supporting the license.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: 14 HALLIDAY, Susan M, Agent for "WALGREEN CO", Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Renewal Applications for "WALGREENS #3509" at 620 W OKLAHOMA Av. (Expired 3/23/2022)
Atty. David J. Hanus and Atty. Sara Butler and Kimberly Walz from Walgreens were present.
Individuals also present:
Ald. Kovac read the statement from Ald. Dimitrijevic.
Ald. Dodd moved to hold the application to the call of the chair until the abatement plan is accepted (including security guard). Prevailed 4-0
| HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: Agenda Only
01 KIENBAUM, Bentley S, Agent for "AUTO & SCRAP RECYCLERS, INC", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises License Renewal Application with Transfer of Stock for "AUTO & SCRAP RECYCLERS INC" at 3800 W MILL Rd.
03 FORTNEY, Marc R, Agent for "1209 WATER ST, INC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Transfer Applications with Change of Agent for "BROTHERS BAR & GRILL" at 1209-13 N WATER St.
04 NIKETH, Melinda K, Agent for "JSWD Wisconsin Venture I LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer, Public Entertainment Premises, Hotel/Motel, Parking Lot and Loading Zone License Transfer Applications with Change of Agent for "The Westin Milwaukee" at 550 N Van Buren St.
10 ZIERATH, Mark A, Agent for "MAGOOS ON THE MOUND LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications with Transfer of Stock for "MAGOO'S ON THE MOUND" at 5841 W BLUE MOUND Rd.
11 SINGH, Jatinder P, Agent for "A-1 LIQUOR INC", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor License Renewal Application with Removing/Adding Stockholder for "A-1 LIQUOR" at 3107 S 92ND St.
12 RUDOLPH, Stuart E, Agent for "RCW LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Sidewalk Dining License Renewal Applications with Transfer of Stock for "Lost Valley Cider Co" at 408 W FLORIDA St #102.
Ald. Dodd moved approval of the "Agenda Only' items. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: Warning Letter
03 HAMDAN, Murad J, Agent for "CHUBBY'S CHEESESTEAKS, LLC", Extended Hours Establishments and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "CHUBBY'S CHEESESTEAKS" at 2232 N OAKLAND Av.
14 LUCAS, Terry D, Agent for "VALUE MANAGEMENT CORP", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications for "BACKDRAUGHT" at 3631 S CLEMENT Av.
Ald. Borkowski moved approval of the "warning letter" items. (Prevailed 4-0)
| AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Motion | Motion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.
Minutes note: Ald. Coggs moved approval of the file #211918 as amended. | RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available