| | | | Meeting convened at 9:31 a.m. | | | |
Roll call
| | | | Individuals also present:
Minutes note: Toni Biscobing, Special Deputy Comptroller
Mark Nicolini, Budget & Management Director
John Ledvina, Legislative Reference Bureau
Martin Matson, Comptroller
Special Deputy Comptroller Biscobing left the committee at 10:18 a.m.
Comptroller Martin Matson joined the committee at 10:18 a.m. | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 1. | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
James Owczarski, City Clerk
Introductory remarks were given on amendment procedures. Amendments to be considered in order by department then aldermanic seniority. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 1. Create 5 Inspector positions in DOA-Small Business Development Office to verify residence qualifications for RPP workers.
Individual appearing:
Ald. Russell Stamper, 15th Aldermanic District
Ald. Coggs moved to offer Amendment 1A, on behalf of Ald. Stamper.
Ald. Witkowski moved to substitute Amendment 1 with 1A. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 1A. Create a Special Purpose Account funded at $60,000 to pay five new transitional job placements that will function as Inspectors who will verify residence qualifications for Resident Preference Program (RPP) workers and other duties as assigned.
Individuals appearing:
Russell Stamper, 15th Aldermanic District
Rhonda Kelsey, Business Operations Division
Nikki Purvis, Office of Small Business Development
Dan Thomas, Department of Public Works
Ald. Joe Davis, 2nd Aldermanic District
Ald. Davis added as a cosponsor.
Ald. Witkowski moved to hold to the call of the chair.
Amendment was later withdrawn during consideration of Amendment 11A.
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 2. Move funding, position authority, FTEs and operating expenditures of the Document Services section from the DOA-Business Operations Division to the City Clerk’s Office.
Individuals appearing:
Rhonda Kelsey, Business Operations Division
James Owczarski, City Clerk | AMENDED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 4. Transfer the Small Business Development Program in DOA-Business Operations Div. and associated funding, FTEs, position authority and operating expenditures to the City Clerk's Office.
Individuals appearing:
Robert Bauman, 4th Aldermanic District
James Owczarski, City Clerk
Ald. Joe Davis, 2nd Aldermanic District
Ald. Willie Wade, 7th Aldermanic District
Martha Brown, Department of City Development
Rhonda Kelsey, Business Operations Division
Comptroller Martin Matson joined the committee at 10:18 a.m. Special Deputy Comptroller Biscobing left the committee at 10:18 a.m.
Related Amendments 6 and 8 were also discussed and considered. | AMENDED | Fail | 2:3 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 5. Create a $150,000 Special Purpose Account to fund the Safe Zone Initiative as part of the Promise Zone program.
Individual appearing:
Ald. James Bohl, 5th Aldermanic District | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 5A. Create a Safe Zone Initiative Special Purpose Account (SPA) with funding of $200,000. This SPA will fund community organizing and work in neighborhoods within the Promise Zone Initiative.
Ald. Perez added as a cosponsor.
Amendment was later withdrawn after consideration of Amendment 37. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 6. Transfer the Small Business Development Program in DOA-Business Operations Division and associated funding, position authority, FTEs and operating expenditures to the Mayor's Office.
Amendment 6 was discussed during consideration of Amendment 4. | AMENDED | Fail | 2:3 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 7. Create a Milwaukee Clean Summer Youth Jobs Program SPA in the amount of $200,000.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Russell Stamper, 15 Aldermanic District
Steve Mahan, Community Development Grant Administration | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 8. Add funding, position authority and FTE for a Community Economic Development Director in City Clerk's Office. Eliminate funding, position authority and FTEs for DCD Real Estate Coordinator and Administrative Assistant.
Amendment 8 was discussed during consideration of Amendment 4.
Individual appearing:
Ald. Russell Stamper, 15th Aldermanic District
Ald. Stamper, Perez, and Hamilton added as cosponsors.
Ald. Coggs amended Amendment 8 to not elminate funding, position authority and FTEs for DCD Real Estate Coordinator and Administrative Assistant.
| NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 8A. Add funding, position authority and FTE for a Community Economic Development Director in City Clerk's Office. Do not eliminate funding, position authority and FTEs for DCD Real Estate Coordinator and Administrative Assistant.
Ald. Stamper, Perez, and Hamilton added as cosponsors. | AMENDED | Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 9. Create a $100,000 Art & Resource Buildings capital account to fund a pilot loan program. City provides up to $25,000 with a 50% match from the purchaser to buy In Rem residential or commercial mixed use properties | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 9A. Create a new Art & Resource Buildings capital account, with an appropriation of $100,000, to fund a pilot loan program for the purchase of in rem properties to be used as artistic studios, live/work spaces and/or community resource centers. Offset through a $50,000 reduction in the Land Management SPA and a $50,000 increase in revenues.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Russell Stamper, 15th Aldermanic District
Ald. Michael Murphy, 10th Aldermanic District & Common Council President
Ald. Witkowski, Murphy, Kovac, Perez, and Hamilton added as a cosponsors. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 10. Create a $25,000 Youth In Action SPA for 10-13 year old youth workers. Fund with DCD rental proceeds.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Russell Stamper, 15th Aldermanic District
Steven Mahan, Community Development Grants Administration
Ald. Hamilton moved to hold to the call of the chair.
Amendment was later withdrawn after consideration of Amendment 37. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 11. Add funding to various departments for additional Compete Milwaukee job placements. Reduce funding for the Accelerated In Rem Foreclosure Filing program, including DPW Property Management Special Fund and the Land Management SPA. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 11A. Add funding to various departments for additional Compete Milwaukee job placements. Offset cost by reducing funding for the Accelerated In Rem Foreclosure Filing program, including reductions to the DPW Property Management Special Fund and the Land Management Special Purpose Account. The intent is to use up to five job placements to perform RPP verification and other related job duties.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Russell Stamper, 15th Aldermanic District
Earl Buford, Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board
Ald. Coggs added as a cosponsor. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 12. Add $150,000 to create a $1 lot program for police officers, firefighters and teachers to purchase City-owned lots. Provide $10,000 forgivable loans to build single- family residences. Owners must live at residence for 10 years.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Russell Stamper, 15th Aldermanic District
Rocky Marcoux, Department of City Development Commissioner
Dennis Yaccarino, Budget & Management Division
Ald. Hamilton moved to amend to expand to all City residents, owners must live at residence for 7 years, and funding source to not come from the tax levy but cash revenue line. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 12A. Add $150,000 to create a $1 lot program for all City residents to purchase City-owned lots. Provide $10,000 forgivable loans to build single- family residences. Owners must live at residence for 7 years. Funding source to not come from tax levy but from a cash revenue line. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 13. Create a Municipal Identification Card SPA with $150,000 in funding and assigned to the City Clerk's Office. Offset the cost by decreasing funding in DOA for ADA compliance and increasing the Tax Stabilization Withdrawal. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 13A. Create a Community Identification Card Special Purpose Account (SPA), fund the new SPA at $150,000 and assign expenditure authority to the City Clerk's Office. Offset the cost by decreasing funding in DOA for ADA compliance and using additional Computer Exemption Aid revenue which may be recognized by the Comptroller.
Ald. Coggs added as a cosponsor.
Meeting recessed at 12:16 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 1:50 p.m. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 14. Consolidate all positions and funding for violence prevention under the control of the Fire & Police Commission.
Individuals appearing:
Steven Mahan, Community Development Grants Administration
Bevan Baker, Health Department Commissioner
MaryNell Regan, Fire & Police Commission
Related Amendments 14D, 14B, 14E, 14C, and 14F were also discussed and considered. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 14D. Consolidate all violence and prevention funding under the control of the Fire & Police Commission.
Amendment 14D was discussed and considered during discussion of Amendment 14. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 14B. Consolidate all positions and funding for violence prevention under the control of the Health Department.
Amendment 14B was discussed and considered during discussion of Amendment 14. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 14E. Consolidate all violence and prevention funding under the control of the Health Department.
Amendment 14E was discussed and considered during discussion of Amendment 14. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 14C. Consolidate all positions and funding for violence prevention under the control of the Department of Administration.
Amendment 14C was discussed and considered during discussion of Amendment 14. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 14F. Consolidate all violence and prevention funding under the control of the Department of Administration.
Amendment 14F was discussed and considered during discussion of Amendment 14. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 15. Reduce the Crisis Response SPA by $50,000 and create a new SPA with $50,000 in funding for Trauma Informed Care Counseling Training for Fire Department staff with expenditure authority assigned to the Fire Department.
Individual appearing:
Mark Rohlfing, Fire Chief
Ald. Coggs moved to amend the amendment to not create a new SPA. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 15A. Add a footnote to the Crisis Response for Trauma-Informed Care Counseling Special Purpose Account providing that some of this funding shall be used to provide trauma-informed care counseling training to fire and paramedic staff in the Milwaukee Fire Department. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 16. Add funding, position authority and FTEs for 10 Community Service Officers to start training Nov. 21,2016. Create a Safe Zone Initiative SPA in the amount of $75,000. Re-open a firehouse that has been closed. Offset cost through a $25 private ambulance dispatch fee. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 17. Add funding, position authority and FTEs for 3 Public Health Nurses in the Office of Violence Prevention to augment the trauma informed care specialists.
Individual appearing:
Bevan Baker, Health Department Commissioner | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 18. Provide funding, position authority and for a Heroin and Opiate Victim Advocate in the Police Department and offset with grant funding and a PCA adjustment.
Ald. Coggs added as a cosponsor. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 18A. Provide funding, position and FTE authority for a Heroin and Opiate Victim Advocate in the Police Department-Office of Community Outreach and Education. The intent is to offset with grant funding and an increase to the Personnel Cost Adjustment. Also add a Safety Coordinator in the Crossing Guard Division and offset with an increase in the Parking Fund transfer to the General Fund. This amendment will require revenue recognition by the Comptroller. If revenue fails to be recognized, the tax levy effect of this amendment will be as stated. If revenue is recognized, the amendment will have no levy impact.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Michael Murphy, 10th Aldermanic District & Common Council President
Sarah Zarate, 10th Aldermanic District
Ald. Coggs and Hamilton added as cosponsors. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 19. Restore Friday and Saturday hours at branch libraries and offset by eliminating positions in the Police Department. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 19B. Restore Friday hours of operation to three library branches, Atkinson, Capitol and Forest Home. These branches will be open on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This amendment restores Saturday hours of operation to three library branches, Martin Luther King, Mill Road, and Tippecanoe. These branches will be open on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This amendment adds position authority, funding and FTEs for six Librarian III positions, to start pay period 5 of 2016, and funding for security services. This amendment eliminates position authority, funding and FTEs for a Police Lieutenant, Captain of Police, and Police Fleet Supervisor.
Individuals appearing:
Paula Kiely, Library Director
Edward Flynn, Police Chief
Joel Plant, Police Chief of Staff | AMENDED | Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 21. Restore Thursday evening hours at all branch libraries. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 23. Create a $500,000 Small Business Utilization SPA assigned to the Mayor's Office. Fund by increasing the Parking Fund transfer to the General Fund by $250,000 and the Tax Stabilization Fund Withdrawal by $250,000.
Individual appearing:
Ald. Joe Davis, 2nd Aldermanic District | AMENDED | Fail | 0:5 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 25. Create a $50,000 MPS Driver's Education SPA and assign expenditure authority to Municipal Court. Eliminate Municipal Court Administrative Services Supervisor and reduce General Office Expense.
Individuals appearing:
Sheldyn Himle, Municipal Court
Eric Pearson, Budget & Management Division
Ald. Michael Murphy, 10 Aldermanic District & Common Council President
Ald. Hamilton moved to amend by retaining Municipal Court Administrative Services Supervisor and eliminating funding for Accounting Assistant III, Court Services Assistant III, and reduce $6000 General Office Expense. Retain position authority for Accounting Assistant III and Court Services Assistant III. Excess funds to reduce the tax levy. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 25A. Create a MPS Driver's Education Special Purpose Account (SPA) with $50,000 in funding. Offset this cost by eliminating funding and FTE for two positions in the Municipal Court. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 28. Add $150,000 to the Crisis Response for Trauma-Informed Care Counseling SPA and $150,000 to the Summer Jobs for Adults Initiative SPA. Offset by reducing Police Operating Expenditures. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 28A. Add $150,000 to the Summer Jobs for Adults Initiative SPA. Offset these costs by reducing Police Operating Expenditures by $150,000. In addition, the intent is to allocate $50,000 in CDBG reprogramming for the Crisis Response for Trauma-Informed Care Counseling SPA. The amendment assumes the Common Council will enact legislation to allocate $50,000 in CDBG reprogramming for this purpose.
Individual appearing:
Bryan Rynders, Budget & Management Division | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 29. Add funding, position authority and FTEs for 20 additional Police Officer positions, with 7 officers (COPS grant- funded) to start with the Dec. 2015 recruit class and 8 grant-funded and 5 levy- funded officers to start with the PP25-2016 recruit class. Offset by eliminating funding, position authority and FTE for a Captain of Police and increasing the PCA.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Michael Murphy, 10th Aldermanic District & Common Council President
Bryan Rynders, Budget & Management Division
Joel Plant, Police Chief of Staff
Ald. Perez added as a cosponsor. | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 30. Add funding, position authority and FTEs for 25 additional police officers, starting November 21, 2016. Offset by eliminating funding, position authority and FTEs for various Police positions. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 31. Add Funding, position authority and FTEs for 50 additional police officers, with the recruit class to start Nov. 21, 2016 (start of PP, 2016). Eliminate funding, position authority and FTEs for a Police Captain and Lieutenant. Offset cost with private ambulance dispatch fee. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 32. Add funding, position authority and FTEs for 10 Community Service Officers to start training Nov. 21,2016. Create a Safe Zone Initiative SPA in the amount of $75,000. Offset by eliminating funding, position authority and FTEs for 2 Captain of Police positions. | NOT ACTED ON | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 32A. Add position authority and FTE's authority for 10 Community Service Officers to start training November 21, 2016. Create a Safe Zone Initiative Special Purpose Account (SPA) with funding of $75,000. Offset cost by eliminating funding, position authority and FTE for 1 Captain of Police position.
Individual appearing:
Ald. James Bohl, 5th Aldermanic District
| AMENDED | Fail | 2:3 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 33. Add funding, position authority and FTEs for 10 community Service Officers, with training to start Nov. 21,2016 (start of PP 25,2016). Offset cost with private ambulance dispatch fee.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. James Bohl, 5th Aldermanic District
Bryan Rynders, Budget & Management Division | AMENDED | Fail | 2:3 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 34. Add funding, position authority and FTEs for 50 additional police officers, starting July 5, 2016. Offset by eliminating funding, position authority and FTEs for positions listed and by delaying the class of 65 police recruits from Pay Period 19 to Pay Period 26. | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 34A. Provide funding, position authority and FTEs for 50 additional Police Officers, starting July 5, 2016. The cost would be offset by delaying the class of 65 recruits from pay period 19 to pay period 24-2016 and increasing the property tax levy.
Individuals appearing:
Ald. Mark Borkowski, 11th Aldermanic District
Bryan Rynders, Budget & Management Division | AMENDED | Fail | 0:5 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 35. Provide funding to plow all alleys using contract crews and equipment.
Individuals appearing:
Ghassan Korban, Department of Public Works Commissioner
Ald. James Bohl, 5th Aldermanic District | AMENDED (WITHDRAWN) | | |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 36. Transfer $500,000 from the Alley Reconstruction Program to the Street Reconstruction or Resurfacing Regular City Program to expand the High Impact Program to residential side streets.
Individuals appearing:
Ghassan Korban, Department of Public Works Commissioner
Ald. James Bohl, 5th Aldermanic District | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: 37. Update the BID list to reflect the dissolution of BID #29 (Teutonia, Capitol, Atkinson) and the combining of BID #36 (Riverworks II) with BID #25 (Riverworks). Also updates BID assessment amounts.
Individual appearing:
David Schroeder, Department of City Development | AMENDED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget. | HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIR | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget. | RECONSIDERED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | Budget | Communication from the Mayor relating to the proposed 2016 budget.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Dennis Yaccarino, Budget & Management Division
Mr. Yaccarino announced the following balances at the end of the meeting:
$167,937 for the budget
$415,272 for the tax levy without Comptroller recognition
-$24,728 for the tax levy with Comptroller recognition | REFERRED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION AND ASSIGNED TO | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 2. | Resolution | Resolution relating to the adoption of the proposed 2016 budget for the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee. | REFERRED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION AND ASSIGNED TO | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 3. | Communication | Communication from the Department of Employee Relations regarding preliminary review and recommendations for appropriate classifications and pay ranges for ten positions in the Redevelopment Authority for the City of Milwaukee. | RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 1 | 4. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2016 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.
Minutes note: Ald. Witkowski moved substition of the file with Proposed Substitute B. | SUBSTITUTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 2 | | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2016 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service. | RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | 5. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2016 offices and positions in the City Service.
Minutes note: Ald. Coggs moved substitution of the file with Proposed Substitute A. | SUBSTITUTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 2 | | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2016 offices and positions in the City Service. | RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 6. | Communication | Communication from the Milwaukee Public Schools relating to the tax levy for the City of Milwaukee. | REFERRED WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION AND ASSIGNED TO | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | PLEASE NOTE: If action is taken on the above files, they may be referred to the November 3, 2015, Common Council - Budget Adoption Meeting. | | | |
Not available
| | | | Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Chris Lee, Staff Assistant | | | |
Not available
| | | | This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar. | | | |
Not available