| 0 | 1. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for an elevator addition at 2232 S. 7th Street, St. Josaphat Basilica, an individually designated historic property, for the Franciscan Fathers Minor of Convention of St. Josaphat Church of Milwaukee.
Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said the applicant submitted it with the incorrect address. The correct application will be submitted for the October. | PLACED ON FILE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 2. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for removal of a fire escape at 1555 N. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, the Golda Meir School, an individually designated historic property, for Milwaukee Public Schools.
Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said this item was heard last month and the Wisconsin Historic Society responded that the eligible property would not be adversely affected if the fire escape were removed. Staff recommends removal of the fire escape based upon the state's finding. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 3. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a metal fence with brick pillars along the N. Summit Ave. and E. Kenilworth Pl. frontages and railing on upper front porch at 2107 E. Kenilworth, in the North Point South Historic District for Redentor and Gloria Galang.
Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said this is a prominent lot and the owner wants to enclose the front and side yards with a metal fence and concrete pillars. There would also be two metal sliding gates across the driveway, which would match the fence design. They are also proposing adding a railing across the second floor porch roof. The staff report details the few existing fences and the applicant does have a fairly large enclosed back yard. Staff recommends denial of the fence and also of the porch railing.
Ald. Bauman could support a 3 foot fence to serve more as a boundary than a barrier.
Gloria Galang - owner - she is surrounded by apartments and just a lot of folks hanging around and it doesn't feel so safe on that side. She also has low first-floor windows. The fence would make them feel safer. There were originally no doors to that porch. Staff would recommend 32" tempered glass to make it safe.
Held so the owner can work with staff on the possibility of glass on the porch and a lower railing. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 4. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for window replacement at 1119 E. Knapp St., in the First Ward Triangle Historic District for Daniel Slade.
Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said there was a complaint in May about the removal of both porches and more work has been done without permits or COAs. The windows were replaced without COAs and concrete work was done as well, as well as an air conditioner installed.
Ald. Bauman is concerned that the owner was aware of the need for HPC approval, but just didn't seek it and did the work. They replaced approximately 30 windows.
Staff recommends denial.
Previously, HPC reviewed a front porch. The partially removed porch is no great loss; the owner indicated they would be okay with going to a pre-1980 porch design.
Steven Brandenburg - contractor taking over from the prior contractors that did the majority of the damage. The house is in very rough shape.
| PLACED ON FILE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 5. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for front door replacement at 1119 E. Knapp St., in the First Ward Triangle Historic District for Daniel Slade.
Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said the applicant is proposing to replace the doors;
Steve Brandenburg - contractor - the owner will repair the existing doors. | PLACED ON FILE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 6. | Resolution | Substitute resolution denying the appeal of the Certificate of Appropriateness relating to full window replacement, at 3360 - 3370 N. Sherman Boulevard, Townsend Elementary School, in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District, for Milwaukee Public Schools.and affirming the Historic Preservation Commission’s decision.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said said the back and front are substantially the same. This is the third time MPS has come to HPC for windows on this building. MPS would like to replace every window as they all are in bad shape and the windows are non-operable (and the building does not have air conditioning). He would like more information on whether the larger windows could be repaired and covered with double-pane storms. A number of the doors are also in very bad shape.
Staff recommends approval with conditions detailed in the staff report.
Michelle Linski - MPS - they would like to use the Graham window which will reduce maintenance costs and will make the building shine. They are seeking approval so they can move quickly when they get a funding source.
Christopher Kidd - architect - they will do the additional investigation requested by staff; there are 2 concerns (energy savings and the existing windows may not even be able to be saved). The windows they want to use wouldn't need storms. The windows will match the profiles of the original 1928 windows, but will be aluminum.
Staff would support encapsulating some windows, but should investigate if some can be saved.
Hold to next month. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 7. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition of the Lorenz Paetzold Slate House, at 1942 S. Muskego Avenue, an individually-designated historic property, for Mandeep Dhawan.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the house was damaged by fire and the exterior was clad in slate tiles, similar to those in central Europe and England. The house was built in 1882 and was in the family until 1970. In 2017, the city acquired it through tax foreclosure and it was sold at a significant discount to Hector Sanchez for $6,700 and it has been sold several times for $6500-$7000. It has never been occupied since 2017 for the first 5 years, but the development agreement applies to all future owners. The city has the right to take this property back. DCD wants more information and time on how they want to handle this.
The fire was over a year ago and the building was not properly secured since then. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 8. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a limestone paver walkway and limestone garden wall at 2585 N. Summit Ave., in the North Point North Historic District for Nicholas Porter.
Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said the property currently has a concrete walkway and the applicant has proposed landscaping changes and changes to the concrete and to add a two-foot garden wall around the patio. Staff recommends approval of the limestone wall and landscaping. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 9. | Resolution | Substitute resolution granting permanent historic designation to the Geuder, Paeschke & Frey Company building at 324 N. 15th Street, in the 4th aldermanic district.
Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said this is a large building that stands out and there is about 100 years of commercial history to this building. The company was established in 1880 with 12 employees; Geuder was Paeschke's brother-in-law. The business was a jobber, which sold items to other retail businesses. In the 1880s they initiated liability insurance, which is the forerunner to worker's compensation. In 1890, they ended jobbing and built a factory for their firm and the 4-story building was constructed, with minimal ornamentation, but numerous windows. They formed a large part of the tin industry. By 1902, they added additional buildings. They constructed items for World War I and the new automobile industry and by 1920, the company occupied 17 acres. By the 1930s they were one of the 12 largest manufacturers in the city and were the largest manufacturer of household wares in the US. They also saw increased business during Word War 2. The company was sold in 1984 and was closed in 1985. By 2000 a number of the buildings had come down. The subject property was the first and most significant portion of their holdings. A facade was constructed following a fire that matches the historic facade. The building was designed by Ferry & Clas, who designed a number of major buildings in Milwaukee.
The building meets the f-1, f-5 and f-6.
Ald. Bauman moved, seconded by Mr. Jarosz, to open the public hearing. There were no objections.
Claude Krawczyk - nominator - he thinks the building should be saved.
Kendall Breuning - Franklin - couldn't nominate it as he's not a city resident; he has the building under contract now. He is trying to get it re-zoned residential and would like to prohibit its demolition as much as possible. He intends to use historic tax credits. He intends to repair, rather than replace, the windows. The land next to it was the location of the original cream city brick company.
Ald. Bauman moved, seconded by Mr. Jarosz, to close the public hearing. There were no objections. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | The following files represent staff approved Certificates of Appropriateness: | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 10. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for projecting signs at 901 W. Winnebago St., in the Pabst Brewery Historic District for Red Tail Residential. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 11. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for porch railings at 2140 N. Sherman Blvd., in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District for Benjamin L. Rogers. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 12. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a projecting sign at 1229 E. Brady St., in the Brady Street Historic District for Mary Jane Muth. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 13. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a wooden replacement fence at 2579-2581 N. Terrace Ave., in the North Point North Historic District for Leslie McCormick. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 14. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for relocation of HVAC equipment to the north wall of the building and masonry repairs to the rear wall at 2107 N. Terrace Avenue, in the North Point South Historic District for Blackwatch 68. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 15. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for fences at 2018 N. 2nd Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District for Joshua & Lindsey Birch. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 16. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for HVAC equipment at 2360 N. Terrace Ave., in the North Point North Historic District for Paul Burgess. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 17. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for HVAC equipment at 2951 N. Lake Drive, in the North Point North Historic District for William Boles. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 18. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for new gutters, tuck pointing, garage repairs and roof, and wooden fence repair/relocation at 2107 E. Kenilworth Pl., in the North Point South Historic District for Redentor and Gloria Galang. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 19. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a wood replacement fence at 1842 N. 2nd Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District for Clairissa & Alexander Edwards. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 20. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for reconstruction of the porch stairs, at 1105 N. Waverly Place, the James Peck House, an individually-designated historic property, for the Immanuel Presbyterian Society. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 21. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement gutters at 2949 N. Sherman Blvd., in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District for Lea Blumer. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 22. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for HVAC equipment replacement and storm windows at 2421 N. Terrace Ave., in the North Point North Historic District for Steven Wiesner and Paul Reidinger. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 23. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for repair to the retaining wall and fence at 2220 N. Terrace Avenue for Villa Terrace Decorative Art Museum. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 24. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of side walkway at 2118 E. Kenilworth Pl., in the North Point South Historic District for Amine & Noah Benbazza. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| | 25. | | Review and approval of the minutes from the August 5th and 26th meetings.
Minutes note: Ald. Bauman moved, seconded by Mr. Morales, for approval of both minutes. There were no objections. | | | |
| 0 | 26. | Resolution | Resolution amending the by-laws of the Historic Preservation Commission relating to roof material replacement.
Minutes note: This creates a section 6 relating to replacing terracotta and slate tile roofs. There also is a change to the plaque criteria. Mr. Morales suggested broadening it to any type of roof as the concept is the same relating to a financial burden faced by the homeowner. He did agree with staff.
As drafted.
| ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | 27. | | Updates and announcements.
Minutes note: Meeting adjourned: 4:51 PM
Linda M. Elmer
Staff Assistant
This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar. | | | |
Not available