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Meeting Name: JUDICIARY & LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/1/2017 8:45 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Common Council Chambers, City Hall
SPECIAL - Amended on 2/23/17 - Item 2, File 161429 has been added.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     Meeting convenend at 9:05 AM     Roll call Not available
     If the following files are recommended for adoption, it will be referred to the full Common Council at its meeting of March 1, 2017, beginning at 9 a.m.    Not available
160063 01.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to legislative bills.SUBSTITUTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
160063 0 ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to legislative bills.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass4:0 Action details Not available
     LRB-1325/1 - Relating to: prohibiting certain schedule V controlled substances from being dispensed without a prescription. LRB-1328/1 - Relating to: Prevention and control of, emergency and involuntary commitment for, and treatment programs and services for drug dependence. LRB-1473/1 - Relating to: addiction medicine consultation program and making an appropriation. LRB-1498 - Relating to: treatment and diversion programs and making appropriations. LRB-1475/ - Relating to: position authorized for criminal investigation agents at the Department of Justice. LRB-1520/1 - Relating to: mental health training program and making an appropriation. LRB-1471/1 - Relating to: grants to establish and expand graduate training in an addiction specialty and making an appropriation. LRB-1026/1 - Relating to: emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils. LRB-1323/1 - Relating to: immunity from revocation of probation, parole, or extended supervision for certain     Not available
161429 12.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2833 W. State Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District to its former owner Tracy D. Phillips.RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass4:0 Action details Not available
     Meeting adjourned at 9:15 AM Joanna Polanco Staff Assistant     Not available
     In the event that Common Council members who are not members of this committee attend this meeting, this meeting may also simultaneously constitute a meeting of the Common Council or any of the following committees: Community and Economic Development, Finance and Personnel, Judiciary and Legislation, Licenses, Public Safety, Public Works, Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development, and/or Steering and Rules. Whether a simultaneous meeting is occurring depends on whether the presence of one or more of the Common Council member results in a quorum of the Common Council or any of the above committees, and, if there is a quorum of another committee, whether any agenda items listed above involve matters within that committee’s realm of authority. In the event that a simultaneous meeting is occurring, no action other than information gathering will be taken at the simultaneous meeting.     Not available
     Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For assistance contact the Legislative Services ADA Coordinator at 286-2998, (FAX)286-3456, (TDD)286-2025 or by writing to Room 205, City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202.    Not available
     Parking for persons attending City Hall meetings is available at reduced rates (5 hour limit) at the Milwaukee Center (southwest corner of E. Kilbourn Ave. and N. Water St.) Parking tickets must be validated in the first floor Information Booth in City Hall.    Not available
     Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code are required to register with the City Clerk's License Division. Lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at http://city.milwaukee.gov/Lobbying.    Not available